What Are the Best Books to Learn Portuguese? Try These 14 on for Size! | FluentU Portuguese


Some Portuguese students try to get around learning grammar by memorizing common phrases and sentence constructions.

It’s time to bite the bullet and find the best book to learn Portuguese.

You are reading: Best books to learn portuguese

In this publication, you will find an incredible number of 14 options for all levels of learners and covering many types of language acquisition.


  • learn portuguese with books: why, oh why?
  • how to choose the best book to learn portuguese
  • the 14 best books to learn portuguese in any level
    • Books in Portuguese for beginners: how to start
      • “ponto de encontro” (“meeting point”)
      • “beginner-intermediate definitive Portuguese”
      • “Portuguese: an essential grammar”
      • “basic Portuguese: a grammar and an exercise book”
      • “applied grammar” (“applied grammar”)
      • “brazilian portuguese living language”
      • “Complete Portuguese: learn by yourself”
      • “European Portuguese grammar”
      • “falar… ler… escrever… português” (“speak… read… write… portuguese )
      • “modern grammar of brazilian portuguese: a practical guide”
      • “Português outra vez” (“Portuguese again”)
      • “Português via Brazil: an advanced course for foreigners” (“Português via Brazil: an advanced course for foreigners”)
      • “comédias para se ler na escola” (“comedies to read at school”)
      • “crônicas brasileiras” (“Brazilian chronicles”)

      download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable pdf that you can take anywhere. click here for a copy. (download)

      See Also: 37 Social Media Marketing Books to Read in 2022 | Planable

      learn portuguese with books: why, oh, why?

      Since I am a polyglot, I have a series of techniques and recommendations when it comes to learning a new language.

      I try to attack the language on every available front: listening to podcasts, writing, reading bilingual books, watching children’s shows, making flashcards, and of course studying grammar!

      Grammar is one of the main ingredients in the recipe for success in language learning. If you really want to learn a language for more than just saying good morning and ordering a beer, then you should accept the fact that you will have to deal with its grammar.

      When you learn grammar, you learn the rules that bring a language to life. you take a look at the very skeleton of that language and you get to know every aspect (or almost all) of it.

      But just as you may never learn a language by studying single, isolated words, learning the rules alone will never lead to fluency. you need to have the full package and use all available ingredients.

      When it comes to learning Portuguese seriously, grammar books and textbooks are the way to go.

      If you’re a book lover, it won’t be hard to get used to them, but if you have a grammar phobia, it might take a while to get comfortable.

      Whatever your case, the fact is that having a good book to learn Portuguese is still one of the best ways to boost your knowledge and help you progress through the different levels of the language until you reach fluency.

      But why are books so good for learning Portuguese?

      I could name a million reasons, but I’ll keep it simple:

      • Grammar books allow you to learn the language from the inside. Actually, it’s like a Trojan horse: if you come to know the language from the inside and attack it from the inside (it’s say, learn its grammar rules), you will always win the battle.
      • textbooks enrich your vocabulary. to acquire vocabulary and see examples, a good textbook can do everything the difference.

      If you hear a sentence during a conversation class, you can memorize it and finish the day. With a good instructional book, you’ll learn the rules behind that sentence, so you can create your own and progress in your studies.

      • textbooks help train the brain. The human brain loves to see things, and words are things that can be seen. when you learn a new language with the help of a grammar book, you are actually seeing, mentally reading, possibly even mentally listening to yourself. several entry levels are much better than just one!
      • grammar books will always be there for you. even if your memory is not the best, as in my case, you can always go back to your grammar book and review the topic at hand, something you definitely can’t do with a speech class (unless you’re recording it).

      so there you go! Portuguese textbooks and grammar books are great! period.

      how to choose the best book to learn Portuguese

      Now that you know that Portuguese textbooks and grammar guides are amazing, how can you choose the right one for you among the countless options available?

      The final decision is obviously up to you, and this post will help you decide, but there are a couple of factors you should always keep in mind:

      • Keep your level in mind. This one may seem like a no-brainer, but many people just look for the first colorful book they come across and don’t even take their language level into account. choose a resource compatible with your knowledge of the language.
      • consider your goal. if you just want to have a general knowledge of Portuguese, opt for complete stand-alone resources that condense everything into a few hundred of pages. if you really want to know everything about the language, choose books that come in a series of two or three, progressing in difficulty level.
      • money matters. hardly anything is really free in this world, and grammar books are definitely not on the budget end of the price spectrum. if money matters to you, go for used and second-hand books. you can even opt for back editions of the book you want to get or borrow it from your local library if they have it available.

      The important thing here is to get hold of the book without breaking the bank.

      Ultimately, remember one thing: you choose the book. don’t let the book choose you. you’re the main character on this journey, and at the end of the day, you’re the one who should feel comfortable learning from that book.

      This post will provide you with excellent options for the best book to learn Portuguese, whether it is Continental or Brazilian Portuguese.

      I have divided the options into three groups by learning level (beginner, intermediate and advanced). feel free to explore each section and make the most of each one as you go.

      the 14 best books to learn Portuguese at any level

      He has really decided to learn Portuguese. Congratulations!

      Now all that’s missing is your book, that magical device that will teach you everything you need to know to speak fluently. but you’re lost, right?

      don’t worry anymore. I’ve made a list of the best resources available so you just have to take a look at some links and make your final choice.

      Get ready to conquer that dreaded grammar monster!

      and don’t forget you don’t have to stick to a single resource. Pick a good textbook to study in, but don’t give up on your other learning methods. Combining your book learning with resources that test your visual, listening, and speaking skills is a great way to get a complete language learning experience.

      You can practice new language skills in a more natural environment using an immersion program. fluentu, for example, uses authentic Portuguese videos along with custom quizzes that let you choose, type, or speak responses to multimedia questions.

      Videos in fluentu are short for quick learning moments, like movie trailers, TV show clips, music videos, and more. these give you the opportunity to see features of the language you are learning in use by native Portuguese speakers.

      However you do it, it’s a great idea to use additional resources to put your textbook studies in context.

      Portuguese books for beginners: how to start

      Are you new to the world of Portuguese? here are some books that can help you start like a boss!

      “ponto de encontro” (“meeting point”)

      Ponto de Encontro: Portuguese as a World Language

      This book among books, this fantastic monster of a book, is over 500 pages long and has literally everything you need to get started with Portuguese.

      In addition to excellent explanations of grammar, vocabulary, and notes on the culture and use of the language, this book does something that very few others do: it allows you to choose the variety of Portuguese you want to learn, presenting the differences between Peninsular Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese in parallel when necessary.

      I’d say it couldn’t be better, but then you realize there’s also an 400+ page activity book (there are actually two activity books, one for each dialect!) !).

      Now I can say that there is nothing better. Investing in this grammar book is definitely a wise choice as you will be able to come back to it even years after finishing it to hone your skills.

      “beginner-intermediate definitive Portuguese”

      Ultimate Portuguese Beginner-Intermediate (Book and CD Set): Includes Comprehensive Coursebook and 8 Audio CDs (Ultimate Beginner-Intermediate) by Living Language (2004-09-21)

      “Ultimate Portuguese” is another excellent stand-alone Portuguese course that will take you from zero to intermediate in just a few hundred pages.

      Like the previous book in this entry, “Definitive Portuguese”shows the two main varieties of Portuguese and explains their differences, although I must admit that the Brazilian variety has a bit of preference over the continental. one.

      With this book, you will learn pronunciation, grammar rules and vocabulary, all in the typical way of a language course. if this makes you say “meh”, then let me tell you that there is also an option to purchase an eight cd set as a companion to the book.

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      CDs are divided into two groups: “listen at home” and “listen on the go”. use the “listen at home” cds when you are at home and can work on your “ultimate portuguese” book. use the “listen on the go” when you go to work, during a break, on the beach… or when you don’t feel like having a book in your hands.

      “Portuguese: an essential grammar”

      Portuguese: An Essential Grammar (Routledge Essential Grammars)

      If you’re an experienced language learner, you already know that routledge is one of the best editors out there, especially when it comes to its essential language grammars.

      This book focuses on varieties of continental and African Portuguese, but is so in-depth in its grammatical explanations that even a person trying to learn the Brazilian variety can benefit from accompanying it with some Brazilian speaking and listening. resources.

      This essential grammar focuses on grammar and usage above all else. offers thousands of examples with translations that can be used as a basis for creating new examples, and focuses on the language actually used by native speakers.

      it is worth mentioning that it includes a section on verbs and pronouns and another on Portuguese syntax for those nerds who want to know even more.

      Overall, this is a great choice if you want real examples that show grammar in context, love short, easy-to-understand grammar explanations, and don’t mind the European flavor of the book.

      “Basic Portuguese: A Grammar and Workbook”

      Basic Portuguese (Grammar Workbooks)

      This book is another routledge masterpiece with a continental Portuguese flavor, only this time it includes hundreds of exercises along with its fantastic grammar explanations and thousands of real-life examples.

      Although the design of the book is quite similar to the book “Portuguese: An Essential Grammar”, “Basic Portuguese” has been specifically designed to be learned alone at home.

      includes 20 units explaining all the main grammatical topics of the language, with a special emphasis on tenses and how to use them, a disturbing nightmare if you’ve never tried to learn a Romance language. before.

      each unit introduces a grammar topic and explains it with the help of examples and precise translations that sound really natural (the author has a doctorate in literary translation, so that is expected).

      at the end of each unit you have a series of exercises to practice what you have learned and a vocabulary list with the main words to learn. I recommend creating flashcards with them so you never forget them.

      “applied grammar”

      Gramatica Aplicada - Portugues lingua estrangeira: Nivels A1/A2/B1 (Portuguese Edition)

      If you are officially moving to Europe or want to have a good time in Portugal, this rather unknown Portuguese grammar book is your best option.

      perfect for levels a1 to b1 of the common european framework of reference for languages ​​(or cefrl for short), this book is great if you plan to stay in europe because it contains material that is included in the official language exams in europe (yes, those exams that allow you to work out there and even get a second nationality).

      The book is very communication oriented and opts for relevant topics showing everyday situations you are likely to come across rather than just regurgitating endless grammatical concepts. Topics introduce the grammar and vocabulary needed for the unit, and exercises along the way make sure you’ve got it all figured out before starting a new topic.

      the attached cd was recorded by native portuguese speakers to make your accent the best it can be, and there is even a website where you can see all the books in the different series, check the solutions to the exercises and even download the audios free!

      “brazilian portuguese living language”

      Living Language Brazilian Portuguese, Complete Edition: Beginner through advanced course, including 3 coursebooks, 9 audio CDs, and free online learning

      Are you learning Brazilian Portuguese? Do you want to have it all, and I really mean everything, in one package?

      Then the Living Language Book is all you need!

      For starters, you get three textbooks (beginner, intermediate, and advanced), nine hour-long CDs, free online learning resources, and even downloadable audio.

      Secondly, and even more importantly, the living language book will take you from knowing nothing to speaking Brazilian Portuguese fluently without having to buy any other material if you don’t want to.

      and finally, the price is great for everything you get!

      This course is based on four approaches that have been refined over the past 65 years to help students get the most out of their learning experience:

      First, it teaches you the basic vocabulary that native speakers actually use. basic words soon become phrases and then sentences, allowing you to adapt and progress as you absorb more new words.

      Second, use the “baby steps” approach so you don’t get overwhelmed. you’ll slowly but steadily get closer to fluency without even realizing it!

      Third, it teaches you the language through different channels, making sure you don’t get bored, but also that you can read, listen, learn grammar and vocabulary, and practice speaking, all in one.

      Finally, pay special attention to grammar explanations, so you really understand what you’re learning instead of learning by heart and repeating like a parrot.

      Portuguese books for intermediate learners: breaking the plateau

      It is very common when you are learning a new language to find many resources for beginners and many other resources for advanced learners. intermediate learners tend to be sloppy, or perhaps editors are overconfident and think we can all go from beginner to advanced in a few weeks.

      The reality is sadly less beautiful and it pays to have a good intermediate resource to bridge the gap between the beginner and advanced stages of language learning.

      then if you already know the basics of Portuguese but still need a little push before going to advanced books, these are the best options for you.

      “Complete Portuguese: learn by yourself”

      Complete Portuguese Beginner to Intermediate Course: Learn to read, write, speak and understand a new language (Teach Yourself)

      Although this book starts teaching you Continental and Brazilian Portuguese from the ground up, you’ll soon understand why you’re in the middle stack.

      With over 500 pages, this comprehensive course will take you to the b2 level in just a few months if you put in the necessary effort.

      Each unit begins with a dialogue on an everyday topic and develops by adding grammar explanations, vocabulary, sample sentences and exercises to test your knowledge. The two enclosed CDs will allow you to practice your listening and pronunciation skills and will give you additional exercises to practice even more.

      The book is very easy to use and includes everything you need to learn Portuguese, but the pace can get too fast at times. You’ll need to make sure you understand and memorize everything before moving on to the next page, as the entire book uses the grammar and vocabulary you’ve already learned.

      Some users have also left comments complaining about confusing or inaccurate exercises and answers. Taking all of this into consideration, I recommend this book for people who have learned (or started learning) Portuguese in the past who want to refresh their memories, or as a companion book to another resource such as a course.

      “European Portuguese grammar”

      European Portuguese Grammar

      If you like to experiment and don’t mind spending a few bucks on a book that is completely different from what you’d expect from a language textbook, you should try “European Portuguese Grammar”.

      This book is specifically designed for people who have never studied languages ​​before or who have limited knowledge of grammar and grammatical concepts. The author of this approach creates his own categories and ways of introducing terms and vocabulary in a simple, sometimes even fun way.

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      As a grammar nerd, I would never lay my hands on this book for the mere fact that it ignores grammar to explain the grammar of a language, but if you want to forget about terms like “noun”, “pronoun”, “ tense” and “infinitive” and are willing to connect a few dots to make sense of what you are learning, give this book a try.

      “falar… ler… escrever… português” (“speak… read… write… Portuguese”)

      Falar...Ler...Escrever...Portugues: Student Book with CD S

      This student book with accompanying cd is perfect if you already know another Romance language because it includes information you might not be able to understand if you don’t have a little knowledge of Spanish or Italian, for example .

      That’s exactly why I’ve added it to the middle stack of books. even though it starts from scratch, it assumes that you know some things about the language that you don’t actually know. it also sometimes shows, rather than explains, grammatical concepts or verb tenses that a native English speaker can only dream of understanding in five minutes.

      The book includes texts and hundreds of exercises that focus on three main aspects of the language, as the title suggests: speaking, reading and writing. explanations of grammar, vocabulary and cultural notes about Brazil they are a good addition to a book that would be best used in a class with a teacher or private tutor, but can also be used for self-study if this is not your first exposure to a Romance language.

      “Modern Brazilian Portuguese grammar: a practical guide”

      Modern Brazilian Portuguese Grammar: A Practical Guide (Modern Grammars)

      routledge does it again with a 500-page textbook that haseverything, with a capital e, that you need to know about Brazilian Portuguese from a practical standpoint.

      this means that you can learn not only pure grammar and vocabulary with thousands of examples, but also the functions of the language, how to talk about likes and dislikes, express regret, give information or indicate cause, effect and purpose. just to name a few.

      The grammatical and linguistic features together make this one of the best books available for learning Brazilian Portuguese right now. if you buy the exercise book, you will not need anything else to speak fluently from the comfort of your home.

      What I like best about this book is that it points out the differences between written and spoken language and formal and informal registers, so that at the end of it all you know what to say to whom without having to embarrass you.

      Portuguese books for advanced learners: fluency, is that you?

      Now you are ready to take the last step and become the Portuguese teacher you always wanted to be.

      you can easily have a conversation with a native speaker, you understand most things you read, and your listening skills are perfect.

      Use these books to get closer to fluency and learn to use the language like a native!

      “português outra vez” (“Portuguese again”)

      Portugues outra Vez (C1-C2) (Portuguese Edition)

      “português outra vez” is a exercise book recommended for learners of European Portuguese who need that final push to fully master it.

      This textbook is intended for c1-c2 level students and focuses on three main aspects of the Portuguese language: idioms and expressions, verbal regency and contextualization of grammatical structures.

      The idioms and expressions part of the book will show students how to speak naturally and allow them to better understand the Portuguese language and culture.

      verb regency is about verbs and their regency, i.e. their need for a complement, a preposition, nothing at all, etc.

      The contextualization of grammatical structures will teach students the subtleties of the Portuguese language and culture and how to make good use of them.

      In short, when you finish this book, you will be able to express yourself as a true native speaker would, both orally and in writing.

      “Português via Brazil: an advanced course for foreigners” (“Português via Brazil: an advanced course for foreigners”)

      Portugues Via Brasil: Um Curso Avancado Para Estrangeiros Livro Aluno (Portuguese Edition)

      This grammar book with exercises is perfect for advanced learners who need to review key grammar concepts and learn new oneswhile acquiring the necessary vocabulary to master Brazilian Portuguese.

      The 10 units included in the book present different texts and reading passages on various topics in an attempt to teach grammar and vocabulary and offer a glimpse into the culture and history of Brazil.

      Portugues Via Brasil Manual Professor Caderno De Respostas (Portuguese Brazilian Edition)

      The textbook is well structured and allows the student to practice different aspects of the language thanks to the numerous exercises included. however, there is no answer key, something that has been highly criticized by many. if you want the key to the exercises, unfortunately you’ll have to check out the teacher’s edition.

      Upon completion of this course, you will reach a c2 level of linguistic proficiency, both oral and written, and will be able to understand Brazilian Portuguese as well (or almost as well) as you understand your mother tongue.

      “comédias para se ler na escola” (“comedies to read at school”)

      Comedias Para Se Ler Na Escola (Em Portugues do Brasil)

      There isn’t much to say about this book other than the fact that it contains numerous short stories that are comedies. I haven’t personally read it, but based on the reviews, it’s a great book if you want to practice your reading comprehension skills in a fun and easy way.

      The fact that it is divided into stories makes the book more accessible if you are not a real fan of reading. but remember that practice makes perfect, and using all skills is equally important when learning a new language.

      “crônicas brasileiras” (“Brazilian chronicles”)

      Crônicas Brasileiras (University of Florida Center for Latin American Studies)

      If you ask me, this is a masterpiece: perfect for advanced students of Brazilian Portuguese who want to achieve perfection while learning a lot about the culture and history of Brazil, especially that of Rio. de janeiro, during the 60s and 70s.

      This resource contains a compilation of news clips, magazine articles, newspaper columns and other primary sources written by exceptional contemporary authors in what looks like a messy old typed book (which I personally love).


      This book will allow you to take a look at different aspects of urban life in Brazil while practicing your writing, speaking and reading skills. Includes notes explaining the meaning of obscure terms and expressions , exercises and a vocabulary list.

      is a great way to master fluency and learn about the history and culture of the country where the language you’ve been learning is used. there’s no better way to finish your way to the competition.

      So there you have it: the definitive list of the best books to learn Portuguese at any level. These grammar books and textbooks will take you from zero to hero in no time without even having to leave your house.

      Whether you are a beginner or an advanced student of Portuguese, you will definitely find something for you in this list.

      You can even save this post and review the list as you learn more Portuguese. the choice is yours.

      There is no reason to fear grammar and grammar books, and these titles are proof of the fact that if you choose the right book, it can help you achieve fluency even if you never visit Portugal or Brazil.

      so choose yours now and start your new great adventure.

      stay curious my friends and as always, happy learning!

      download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable pdf that you can take anywhere. click here for a copy. (download)

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