Political Philosophy Reading List – The Best 14 Books to Read | Philosophy Break

What does a fair society look like? What gives states legitimacy and what level of authority should sovereign powers exercise? what is the best way to organize people? What purpose should society serve, if any? Where does tyranny or evil come from, and how can its rise be stopped? Are we born with inherent human rights? if so, what are they? if not, what rights should be enshrined in the law and why?

These are just some of the questions addressed by political philosophy, a branch of philosophy related to ethics and morality, but which focuses more specifically on questions of justice, property, authority, freedom and rights at the structural and systemic level.

You are reading: Best political philosophy books

From introductions and anthologies to great political treatises by individual thinkers, this reading list is designed to give you a comprehensive view of the most important political contributions of philosophers throughout the centuries. while there are many more books that could appear on this list, those that are featured should serve as representatives of particular lines of political thought and gateways to further exploration.

1. an introduction to political philosophy, by jonathan wolff

First published in 1996 and now in its third edition, An Introduction to the Political Philosophy of Jonathan Wolff is a fantastic starting point for anyone curious about political philosophy. Wolff explores all the central positions in political philosophy in conversational yet wonderfully illuminating prose, searching for answers to questions about power, freedom, and justice. At 250 accessible pages, this is a very good entry point into political philosophy.

2. justice: what is right? by Michael J. sandal

based on his legendary harvard course, michael j. Sandel’s justice of 2008: what is the right thing to do? introduces readers to the philosophical concepts that lurk beneath contemporary conflicts in politics and beyond. As Sandel discusses central approaches to ethics and morality, he structures the conversation around contemporary political and social concerns, addressing topics such as affirmative action, same-sex marriage, physician-assisted suicide, abortion , national service, the moral limits of markets, and more. For anyone interested in the ideologies and thinking behind many of today’s most contentious issues, this is a highly informative and entertaining read.

3. discussing political philosophy, by matt zwolinski

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If you’re looking for a one-stop shop for all things political philosophy, look no further than Matt Zwolinkski’s epic 2009 discussion of political philosophy. Its 740 pages contain excerpts from the most important political contributions of philosophers past and present, from classical thinkers like Hobbes and Rousseau, to more contemporary figures like Robert Nozick and G.A. cohen. arguing about political philosophy, brilliantly organized and with helpful contextual commentary, it is an essential addition to any serious student of political philosophy.

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4. republic, by plato

Going from introductions and anthologies to major texts, what better place to start than with a discussion of political philosophy which, though over two thousand years old, is one of the best works on the subject and continues to drive the current debate? In his Republic, the ancient Greek philosopher Plato sets out to answer the question “what is justice?”, and in doing so not only provides a wonderful commentary on the meaning of justice itself, but also shares his view of how an ideal society could achieve that. And he guess what? Plato’s ideal society is not governed by popularly democratic means, but by authoritarian philosopher kings. Enlightening and controversial to this day, Plato’s Republic is an essential text for anyone interested in the foundations and development of political thought in Western society.

5. The Prince, by Niccolò Machiavelli

It’s all very well to talk about justice and building ideal societies, but how do you actually get power? Niccolò Machiavelli’s The Prince shocked Europe with its publication in 1532. Conceived as a ruthless handbook for would-be rulers, The Prince abandons conventional notions of morality and justice but remains packed with incredible insights into human psychology. For those who want a peek behind all the lofty, bombastic language of political philosophy, Machiavelli’s short, sharp work provides a penetrating commentary on how the show really plays out, and it’s as relevant today as it was five centuries ago. /p>

6. leviathan, by thomas hobbes

“The life of man is solitary, poor, disagreeable, brutal and short”, so writes the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes in his monumental 1651 epic, Leviathan. Hobbes, one of the earliest and most influential examples of social contract theory, seeks to legitimize sovereign power by showing that conflict between individuals is inevitable and that peace can only be achieved if individuals cede certain freedoms to a central power ( in Hobbes’s case). , the monarchy) in exchange for certain benefits, such as protection. A difficult, challenging, but masterful work, Leviathan’s endurance over centuries of intense criticism indicates the power of it as a political work and makes it essential reading for committed students of political philosophy.

7. second treatise on government, by john locke

The influence of John Locke’s Second Treatise on Government of 1689 can be seen simply by examining the constitutions of any democratically elected government today. Widely regarded as the founding text of modern liberalism, in this brief work Locke asserts that we are all born equal and endowed with natural rights and freedoms, and that governments can never be considered legitimate unless they have the consent of people. This particular edition also features Locke’s letter on toleration, published the same year, which aimed to end Christianity’s wars of religion and called for the separation of church and state.

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8. narration of the life of frederick douglass, by frederick douglass

frederick douglass’s 1845 autobiographical narrative of the life of frederick douglass differs from the other books on this list in that it does not necessarily present or criticize a general or abstract political system, but instead uses first-person narration to focus like a laser on a particular political issue: slavery. A former slave himself, in this vivid memoir, Frederick Douglas recalls his experiences and advocates for civil rights with dazzling intensity. Highly influential in the eventual abolition of slavery in the united states, frederick douglass’s life narrative brings to life key tenets of liberal political philosophy, and belongs on the bookshelf of anyone interested in how passionate writing has the power to transform the political landscape.

9. das capital, by karl marx

Would a list of the most important works of political philosophy be complete without featuring the creator of one of the most influential political theories of all time? the model for marxist thought, das kapital is karl marx’s 1867 magnum opus, in which he builds his sustained critique of capitalism and private property, and affirms his vision of a system of common ownership of the means of production: a communist society built around the maxim, “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” love him or hate him, understanding the development of global political philosophy would not be possible without studying karl marx.

10. the open society and its enemies, by karl popper

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The Open Society and Its Enemies by Austrian-British philosopher Karl Popper, first published in 1945, is famous for criticizing the politics of two highly respected philosophers who also appear on this list, Plato and Marx. After reading Popper’s devastating critiques of each thinker, it’s hard to return to his politics with confidence. However, The Open Society and Its Enemies should not only be regarded as a successful negative play: Popper also posits one of the most profound conceptions and defenses of democracy ever written, arguing that only if criticism is allowed to flourish in society, progress can be made. done. Popper’s entertaining and accessible style, as well as his insightful consideration of other leading political thinkers, make this a highly recommended read.

11. the second sex, by simone de beauvoir

all the works listed so far have been written by, and mostly for, men. In the development of modern Western societies, women were largely excluded from the political arena, both literally and theoretically, until great thinkers like the English philosopher Mary Wollstonecraft began making waves with powerful works like her 1792 A Vindication of women’s rights, in which she challenged the dominant narrative that women should not receive a rational education. While Wollstonecraft and others sowed the seeds of “first wave” feminist philosophy and activism, French existentialist Simone de Beauvoir’s 1949 The Second Sex marks the starting point of second wave feminism, whose goal is to achieve gender equality. gender beyond the right to vote. beauvoir explores how “one is not born, but becomes a woman”, shedding light on the negative consequences and injustices of stereotypical gender expectations. A must read for anyone who believes in the equality of the sexes, the core messages of the second sex are as important today as they were to housewives in the 1940s and 1950s.

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12. the origins of totalitarianism, by hannah arendt

After the disastrous ideological experiments of the 20th century, German-born American political philosopher Hannah Arendt diagnoses where it all went wrong. Exploring the institutions, operations, and techniques of totalitarian movements, Arendt’s 1951 The Origins of Totalitarianism focuses on two genuine forms of totalitarian rule in our recent history: Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia, which she astutely establishes as two faces. of the same coin, rather than the opposing philosophies of right and left. covering the role of propaganda, the use of fear, and the nature of isolation and loneliness as preconditions for totalitarian rule: the ideas in arendt’s tour de force are as pervasive and relevant today as ever before, making the origins of totalitarianism are absolutely essential for anyone. interested in political philosophy and its application in the real world.

13. a theory of justice, by john rawls

Since its publication in 1971, John Rawls’ Theory of Justice has quickly established itself as a classic of political philosophy. rawls takes as his starting point the idea of ​​the “veil of ignorance”. essentially, he imagines that you had no idea where you would end up in society. you could be rich or poor, healthy or sick. Now, what rules or laws would you agree to before entering society in this random place? Rawls argues that most people would agree with basic health care, fairness, etc., and uses this as the basis for his “justice as fairness” social contract whereby the state has an integral role to play in the lives of his citizens, which he builds. in detail throughout this brilliant and significant work. In the curriculum of most, if not all, contemporary political philosophy courses, Rawls’s Theory of Justice is essential reading.

14. anarchy, state and utopia, by robert nozick

Published just three years after Rawls’s Theory of Justice, Robert Nozick presents a substantially different political vision in his electrifying 1974 Anarchy, State, and Utopia. Now regarded as a seminal text in classical libertarian thought, Nozick provokes the reader with a series of mind-bending, powerful, and often hilarious thought experiments on seemingly everyday assumptions we make about political philosophy. In contrast to Rawls, Nozick advocates an extremely minimal state, arguing that anything beyond the “narrow functions of protection against force, theft, fraud, contract enforcement” violates individual human rights. Anarchy, State, and Utopia is a brilliant discussion of some of the most contentious issues in contemporary political theory that anyone interested in political philosophy would benefit from reading.

further reading

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