Best Star Wars Legends Books & Series Of All Time 2022

every franchise has its ups and downs. In general, good franchises have few major downturns, but some people swear by their favorite installments in a franchise no matter how many disappointments they have.

After the prequel movies came out, fans of the franchise were left wanting more to redeem themselves for their past mistakes. then these books came out that were characterized as star wars legends apart from what it means for something to be canon or not.

You are reading: Best star wars legends books

star wars legends is an expansive and diverse world filled with characters and stories. There are thousands of ways to get lost in this world, so we have selected the best collection of star wars legends books for you.

what are star wars legends?

best books aout star wars

in 2012, disney bought lucasfilm. They decided to clarify the Star Wars timeline. in addition, they wanted to better define the content that was aligned with the movies.

Books published before April 2014 are now legends. this means that they do not follow the same continuity as the movies. these stories can be considered as myths and fables, and legends about your favorite characters.

however, all publications after 2014 are officially called canon. they fall under the same continuity as movies and TV shows.

This article explains the differences between canon and Star Wars Legends in more detail.

Although Lucasfilm has enacted Order 66 for novels prior to 2014, it does not mean that these stories are no longer relevant. these stories continue to be excellent reads, with many informing canonical works.

the golden legends banner on the front of the cover is a great way to distinguish between legends or canon. if you’re looking for used books without the banner, the youtini can be used to toggle between legends or canon lists.

what is the star wars expanded universe?

Star Wars Expanded Universe

star wars content wasn’t always available in the galaxy, despite what you may think.

There are no yearly movies, no full-length TV shows, and no huge library of media links. It’s hard to imagine anything Star Wars-related in today’s media landscape, from spin-off movies to theme parks to high-quality live-action shows.

star wars was a huge hit in 1977. however, the credits left a void in popular culture. Fans clamored for more adventures in the galaxy far, far away, but they didn’t get their next taste until 1978 when Alan Dean Foster’s novel Splinter The Mind’s Eye was released.

Foster’s novel was the first Star Wars book. it also marked the beginning of what would become the expanded universe, a collection of content that includes stories not included in the original trilogy. Star Wars comics and novels transformed the EU into a truly living galaxy for Star Wars fans to explore for years to come.

With decades of content, including hundreds of comics and children’s books, why doesn’t the new trilogy mention them? great question that’s because these stories are set in the timeline of legends.

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best star wars books to read

Best Books about star wars

draw karpyshyn’s darth bane trilogy

karpyshyn takes readers back to a thousand years before the clone wars and tells the story of darth bane in the old republic through this masterful trilogy.

Bane rebels against the Sith order at a time when a Sith army vie for power. Have you ever wondered where the Sith’s rule of two originated? this is where bane explains it.

The world of dark side users is revealed to the readers. They can also explore the Sith Academy on Korriban and see Bane’s influence on later villains. This Star Wars Legends novel stands out among the best Star Wars Legends novels due to its epic scope and rich Sith history.

darth bane trilogy series titles:

  • darth bane: path of destruction
  • darth bane: rule of two
  • darth bane: dynasty of evil

the plague of darth by james luceno

In Revenge of the Sith, the mysterious Darth Plaqueis was first mentioned during a private moment between Chancellor Palpatine (an unhappy Anakin Skywalker) and Chancellor Palpatine.

young skywalker had a foretaste that padme, his secret girlfriend, would die giving birth. palpatine mentions darth plaqueis as a powerful sith lord who discovered the power to prevent people from dying and create life.

also serves as a prequel to the actual prequel trilogy, as it depicts palpatine’s rise to power. Anakin doesn’t know that Palpatine, once an apprentice of Darth Pestis, is the Sith Lord Darth Sidious.

darth plageis by james luceno tells the story of a young palpatine who learns the dark sith arts from his master and eventually surpasses him.

kenobi by john jackson miller

best modern star wars legends novel

john jackson miller’s kenobi, released just before the canon and legends transition in 2013, makes for a modern legends story. obi-wan kenobi is forced to come out of hiding to bring justice to a morally bankrupt alliance of settlers. Kenobi is Miller’s Star Wars story that combines action, adventure, and romance.

our staff loves kenobi so much that we made it one of our five core books.

star wars episode iii: revenge of the sith by matthew stoker

revenge of the sith by matthew stor, a film novelization, is the best place to start if you’ve never read one.

wait, that’s not the sith canon revenge novelization is it?

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stover chose to adapt the story rather than make it into a movie. george lucas allowed him to allow stoter to make minor plot changes.

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These include the removal of the Kashyyk sequence, the alteration of Anakin’s emotions as he falls to his dark side, and a more detailed account of Mace Windu’s attempt to arrest Chancellor Palpatine.

stover’s prose is a revelation. combines character with beautifully written actions. The best Star Wars Legends characters will make you feel a connection to yourself, and then the last few pages will blow your mind.

Revenge of the Sith has been so lauded that it’s one of our top five books that every Star Wars fan should read.

star wars: the old republic – deceived

pablo s. Kemp is a prolific author of Star Wars Legends novels. cheated is no exception. It centers on Darth Malgus, who is another powerful Sith lord, often mentioned alongside Revan, Bane, and other pillars of the Old Republic in Sith society.

this book is related to the huge mrpg from bioware the old republic. It is set more than 3,000 years before a new hope, during the time of the Sith Republic and Empire.

After storming the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, leaving behind a massacre, he is confronted by Aryn Leneer (a long-time Jedi), who joins forces with a rogue smuggler to exact revenge on the Sith Lord for her murder.

dark lord: the rise of darth vader

This novel by James Luceno, a fan of Darth Vader and the prequels, is a must-read. This novel follows almost immediately after Anakin Skywalker’s official inauguration as Darth Vader.

The novel portrays a vader that is different from the one in the movies. the novel follows his journey as he is overwhelmed with emotions and doesn’t know if he made the right decision. It will be a story about his quest to kill all the surviving Jedi after Order 66. Although it has a predictable ending, it is a fantastic story.

the dark lord trilogy

The Dark Lord Trilogy by James Luceno is the best collection of novels for fans of Darth Vader and the Dark Lord of the Sith. Covers the sequence of events beginning with the Sith movie Vengeance through Darth Vader’s service under Emperor Palpatine during the years leading up to a new hope.

Revenge of the Sith and Labyrinth of Evil novelizations are included in the trilogy. Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader is also included. This collection is essential for fans of the Star Wars Expanded Universe, as well as those interested in the time period in which Anakin Skywalker became the legendary Sith Lord.

the black fleet crisis trilogy (series)

miguel p. Kube Mcdowell’s black fleet crisis trilogy is a different story. It does not focus solely on one character, but has a more military and political focus. The story takes place 16 years ago and features the Yevethan forces, former Imperial slaves, as well as their genocidal campaign against the Koornacht group.

This comes at a time when our beloved characters are parting ways. chewbacca is in kashyyk with her family. luke is on an enlightenment trip to her mother’s homeworld. Leia is in a personal crisis.

This trilogy introduces some new elements into the lives of some of our favorite characters and also adds a lot to the lore about character origins and the power of the Force.

black fleet crisis trilogy titles:

  • before the storm
  • shield of lies
  • test of the tyrant

heir to the empire & timothy zahn’s thrawn trilogy

best old school star wars legends novel

The 1991 release of Timothy Zahn’s Empire Stories took the EU to new heights. started the thrawn trilogy, introduced beloved familiar characters like mara jade, solo twins, grand admiral thrawn and many more.

Take place five years after the return of the Jedi and shows how the galaxy was rebuilt after the empire’s demise with a peace treaty signed between the rebel alliance and the empire.

zahn’s work has been credited with reinvigorating the eu and ushering in old school era star wars stories.

thrawn was so influential in the star wars universe that he returned to canon with star wars rebels. now appears in zahn’s new thrawn canon trilogy.

The Thrawn series is still considered by many to be the crown achievement in Star Wars storytelling. We will always be grateful for its role as a formalization of the entire expanded universe.

thrawn trilogy titles:

  • heir to the empire by timothy zahn
  • dark force rising by timothy zahn
  • the last command by timothy zahn

the force series legacy by troy denning, karen traviss and aaron allston

best standalone star wars novels

The nine-book legacy of the Force series focused on Jacen’s descent alone to the dark side and another major galactic conflict. this series of star wars stands out for its personal elements more than for the space battles.

The story focuses on Jacen’s consequences for following in his grandfather’s footsteps. there are many heartbreaking and surprising character deaths in the books. the family must come to terms with the fact that jacen is following in his grandfather’s footsteps. It’s a fascinating chapter in the Star Wars saga, especially when you add Boba Fett and her Mandalorians.

the jedi academy trilogy (series)

the best star wars books

kevin j. Anderson’s three-book trilogy follows Luke Skywalker’s attempts to revive the Jedi Order and establish a Jedi Academy on Yavin IV. this is the main focus of the trilogy. however, there are many other stories involving Han Solo and Chewbacca, as well as the ongoing war between the Galactic Alliance (the New Galactic Alliance) and the remaining forces of the Empire.

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It is safe to assume that the sequel to the movie trilogy was inspired by this series of books. this book has a lot in common with the kylo ren story, which makes it even more valuable.

jedi academy trilogy titles

  • jedi quest
  • dark apprentice
  • champions of the force

the corellian trilogy: ambush at corellia, ambush at selonia and showdown at centerpoint by roger macbride allen

In this new trilogy of Republican-era books, Han Solo returns to his planet. sees the Corellian sector in crisis. the new republic wants the sector to be independent and take control.

they threaten to use the powerful central station to stop them. Han and the other characters must stop them in a story about centerpoint. Han also introduces us to Thrackan Sal-Solo, who will be a frequent antagonist in future Star Wars books.

x-wing series by michael stackpole and aaron allston

Think of a star wars ship that is more iconic and awesome than the x-wing. we will wait.

x-wing was a relatively new entry in the expanded universe. It was the first series to release the heroic trio of Luke Han and Leia. X-Wing instead features original characters like Tycho Celchu and Corran Horn. It also introduces readers to the rebel squads and explains the alliance’s military achievements at the beginning of the new republic era.

shadows of empire by steve perry, george lucas, john wagner

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Fans of legend novels love Steve Perry’s Shadows of the Empire. takes place between the events of empire strikes back and return of the jedi. Han Solo is frozen in carbonite and Luke and Leia must confront a sinister evil that lurks in the shadows of the Empire: Prince Xizor. This alien crime lord seeks to overcome Vader’s authority.

The novel is full of intriguing plot twists and hilarious new characters. it also features the schematics of an unknown villain. It is also notable for revealing how Han Solo was saved and how Princess Leia disguised herself as a bounty hunter.

If you love quotes, you’ll love our collection of the best inspirational star wars quotes you should read [2022].

dave wolverton’s courtship of princess leia

this is the romantic comedy of the star wars books. Follows the love story between Princess Leia (and Han Solo) and ultimately leads to her marriage. Hank discovers that Leia is considering marrying Prince Hapan Isolder.

This sets off a series of events leading to a journey to Dathomir and a confrontation with Zsinj, the warlord. The book introduces the group of Hapes, the Nightsisters, and the Witches of Dathomir, both of which end up appearing repeatedly in the Expanded Universe.

the new jedi order (series)

This series contains 19 books by 12 different authors. it will take you a while to read. however, not all books are equally well written and enjoyable. The series tells an epic, epic story set in Star Wars that can easily be compared to the Skywalker Saga.

The invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong from the unknown regions is the greatest threat to the history of the galaxy. You will be introduced to many new characters, while many familiar faces will return. you’ll also see the evolution of some old favourites. It’s a dream of many die-hard fans to finally see the Yuuzhan Vong in cinematic form.

It is safe to say that this period of legends is among the most important and is a must read if you have the patience to read 19 books.

titles of the new jedi order series:

  • vector prime by r.a salvatore
  • the attack of michael a. stackpole
  • ruin by michael a. stackpole
  • hero’s test by james luceno
  • balance point by kathy tyers
  • jedi eclipse by james luceno
  • conquest by greg keyes
  • greg keyes revival
  • troy denning star to star
  • elaine cunningham’s dark journey
  • aaron allston’s rebel dream
  • rebel booth by aaron allston
  • traitor by matthew stor
  • the path of destiny by walter jon williams
  • remnant by sean williams, shane dix
  • sean williams refugee, shane dix
  • sean williams reunion, shane dix
  • greg keyes final prophecy
  • the james luceno unifying force

the hand of thrawn (series of two books)

You may be familiar with old canon and have heard of Grand Admiral Thrawn, the fan favorite character. These books will be at the top of any Star Wars list if you know the meaning of that name.

the hand of thrawn is a duology of two books. They are set ten years after the original Thrawn trilogy. we will discuss them below. We won’t spoil the best parts of the story, so let’s just say Grand Admiral Thrawn rises from the dead in a strange and deceptive way at a time when Imperial forces are trying to make peace with the new Republic.

These books will explain how and why it happens. These books were exactly what made me fall in love all over again with Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, and his wife.

thrawn series hand titles:

  • timothy zahn’s ghost of the past
  • timothy zahn’s vision of the future

mind’s eye splinter

Foster’s novel was his first after A New Hope. however, it was not considered canon as empire replaced it as the sequel.

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Star Wars fans will treasure Alan Dean Foster’s film as the original attempt to expand the Star Wars universe beyond the films George Lucas made.

Released only a few decades after the Return of the Jedi, this film features Luke and Leia on an unannounced mission to a mysterious planet between Episode IV and Episode 5.

they find the kaiburr crystal on the planet circarpous, which star wars fans will recognize as similar to kyber, the crystals used in jedi lightsabers and that power the death star. leia promises to prevent it from falling into the hands of the empire.

star wars: jedi trilogy boxed

kevin j. Anderson’s Jedi Trilogy is one of the best Star Wars Legends retellings. This story features Han Solo and Princess Leia, the twins of Han Solo and Princess Leia, who are now generals in the Rebel Alliance and leaders in the New Republic. They tap into their Force powers under the guidance of their uncle, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker.

In the years since the Return of the Jedi, the Star Wars universe has seen many changes. Luke trains a new generation of Jedi Knights. Han and Leia guide the next generation of leaders, but they’re all haunted by the past.

the fate of the jedi (series)

The fate of the jedi was a series of nine books co-authored with troy denning and christie golden, three of the most prominent authors of star wars. It’s interesting that the last book was published just as Disney bought Star Wars in 2012.

The books tell the story between 43.5 BCE & 44.5 BBY (aby means after the battle of yavin). A turbulent time follows for the Galactic Alliance following Jacen Solo’s conversion to the dark side. The Galactic Alliance arrests Luke Skywalker and sends him into exile, having lost trust in the Jedi. curious?

The series is about the mysterious and exciting journey of two characters in search of answers to the fall of Jacen. we meet new characters, including an ancient Sith tribe, and learn about the force in a different way.

titles in fate of the jedi series:

  • jedi fate: outcast by aaron allston
  • jedi fate: omen by christie golden
  • jedi fate: abyss by troy denning
  • fate of the jedi: aaron allston backlash
  • fate of the jedi: christie golden allies
  • fate of the jedi: troy denning vortex
  • fate of the jedi: aaron allston’s conviction
  • fate of the jedi: rise of christie golden
  • fate of the jedi: troy denning apocalypse

james luceno’s cloak of deception

luceno’s novel takes place in the face of the phantom threat and highlights the problems faced by chancellor valorem in the republic. As trouble erupts over Valorem, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn become involved. palpatine, a senator, is busy manipulating the galaxy. this is a fascinating look at the political landscape that led to the demise of the republic.

darth maul: shadowhunter by michael reaves

Although Darth Maul didn’t say much in The Phantom Menace, it didn’t stop him from being one of the most compelling characters in the prequels. This book reveals more about Darth Maul’s activities as Darth Sidious’s apprentice.

Maul is sent on a mission by his master to find anyone who has received information that may help him put an end to the Sith Lord’s plans. this action-packed story allows us to see more events of episode i.

karen traviss republic commando series

The Republic Commando series is for you if you like Star Wars battles and tactical military operations. This spin-off of the hit video game Republic Commando follows the Omega and Delta Squads as they embark on dangerous missions through the Clone Wars, all the way to Order 66.

Karen Traviss is well known for her extraordinary development of Mandalorian culture. she may have contributed more to the lore than any other creator.

This series really proves it. the series ended abruptly after the fourth book. readers will never know what happened to their beloved characters, but they will have a complete story.

dark disciple of christie golden

Dark Disciple is set after the conclusion of the clone wars series. continues the story of asajj ventress as well as that of jedi quinlan vols. They embark on a dangerous mission to kill Count Dooku.

Fans know they won’t succeed, but the novel manages to hold the reader’s attention with its intriguing plot. quinlan and asajj are a formidable team. their complex and fascinating relationship is captivating.

if you’re enjoying this article, be sure to also check out our collection of the 22 best star wars books of all time, 2022 review


Although we have already finished our list of series and books, many more novels will be worthwhile. disney may have its canon, which will grow over time, but the expanded universe is just as important.

You can’t rule out every Star Wars Legends comic or book, but these are the top titles to watch out for. We’ll continue to update this list as new novels are released, but our goal is to help you navigate the waters! do you think we missed a great sw legends book or series? feel free to share in the comments below! Happy reading!

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