The Best Way to Pack Books | Storage Solutions | Guardian Storage

how to pack books when you move

Any book lover knows that it is impossible to have only one book. this means that her home is probably filled with all the books she has read over the years, along with many she plans to read. Whether she’s looking to move to a new home or just trying to free up space, she’ll need to know the best way to pack books to avoid damaging them. In this blog, we’ll go over the best packing boxes for books, how to label them, and how to pack books to prevent moisture, pests, and further damage. If you plan to store your books, especially long-term, you’ll need to know what steps to take to keep them in tip-top condition. Without further ado, here are the top 10 tips for packing books when you move.

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1. get rid of damaged or unwanted books

Before you pack up all your books, you should check with your moving company and make sure they don’t have any hidden fees. Some movers will charge by weight, and unfortunately that will affect the number of books you can take with you. If you find that this is your situation, you have a few options:

sell your books

  • Pick the books you’ve already read or are no longer interested in and sell them! You can do this by hosting a garage sale or by selling them on sites like eBay and Amazon. if you live near a used bookstore, you may also get your money back for bringing in your books.

donate to a library

  • If you don’t want to go through the hassle of selling your books, you can donate them to your local library. You can also start a “little free library” in your local neighborhood and put your books there to share with others.

trade with a friend

  • If you have a friend who loves books as much as you do, offer to trade with them! Give them all the books you want to get rid of in exchange for one or two of his favorites. this way, you know your books are going to someone who will enjoy them. plus, you get some good reads in return!
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donate to a non-profit organization

  • The final option is to donate your books to a non-profit organization. This could be somewhere like goodwill, a senior living facility, or possibly your local women’s shelter. This is an easy way to give back to your community, and you can get a small tax deduction for your donation.

2. order and separate your books

The next step is to sort and separate your books by category. we suggest dividing them by genre or author. When you pack your boxes, load them by category and be sure to label each box accordingly. this will help when unpacking as you will know where the books are instead of having to guess. If you’re storing books as a long-term storage solution, you’ll want to know where certain books are when you’re ready to read them.

3. take inventory

If you need to be more specific than the tags, take inventory. write down each book you put in the box, then tape that inventory to the outside for easy access. you may want to make a copy to keep with you so you know which box to look for when you access your storage drive.

4. choose the correct box

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When choosing packing boxes for books, you have two options.

1. medium packing boxes

This option is the most cost effective for packing books and will generally keep them in good condition. You should never choose anything larger than a medium box as it becomes too heavy and is more likely to break through the bottom. never use wet boxes or move your boxes while it’s raining. this weakens the boxes and will cause them to rip and damage your books. it also makes them susceptible to mold and mildew. when packing boxes, be sure to double-tape the bottom to make sure the books don’t tear.

2. plastic containers

Plastic bins are a great option for long-term book storage, as they protect against moisture and other damage. While boxes are fine for most short-term moves, over time they become susceptible to dampness, moisture, and pests. the airtight seal on plastic containers protects against these three threats. it also forms a thicker barrier against damage during movement due to other elements. The only downside to plastic packaging is that it doesn’t allow the books to “breathe” like boxes would.

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5. use a suitcase

If you won’t be using storage and are just looking for the best way to pack books for moving, you may decide to pack them in a suitcase. this option allows you to pack a large number of books into a single storage option. Due to the durable nature of the suitcases, you don’t have to worry about them ripping or tearing from the weight of the books. The suitcase wheels make it easy to transport all your books at once. you should be careful with this decision if you are not going to move right away. putting books in the suitcase can cause them to wrinkle. If you don’t have a hard cover suitcase, your books will be more susceptible to moisture, as well as damage from other items during transit.

6. pack correctly

once you decide which box option is best for you, the next step is to properly pack your books when you move. for hardcover books, stand them upright with the spines against the sides of the container or box. If you’re packing paperbacks, you can stack the books flat or use the same method as hardcovers. For added protection, wrap each book in acid-free packing paper (this prevents yellowing). If you don’t have packing paper, place a piece of dry cardboard between each book. fill any empty space in the box with bubble wrap or packing paper. this prevents the books from shifting and getting damaged in transit.

7. ward off pests

Insects, like silverfish, beetles, and book lice, love to burrow into and feed on books. The first and foremost thing to do is make sure the company you’re stocking with has preventative pest control. You should also take your own preventative measures to keep pests off your books. mothballs deter bugs, but they smell horrible and the pesticide they contain can damage your books. instead, opt for cedar chips, which are known to deter bugs and pests. you can buy bags of chips or large blocks online. place them in the containers with your books to avoid insects.

8. avoid humidity

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moisture can be incredibly damaging to books. it causes pages to wrinkle, covers to warp, and bindings to fall apart. if left exposed for a long period of time, it can lead to mold and mildew and completely ruin your books. You should never move your books in the rain, and if you do, you should visit them again later to dry them and repackage the boxes they’re in. always keep the boxes with books elevated to avoid moisture from the ground or any flooding that may occur. keeping books in a low humidity environment is the best way to prevent moisture damage. You should also avoid any area that experiences extreme temperatures, such as an attic.

9. charge responsibly

When loading your boxes of books into the moving truck or your car, don’t stack all the boxes on top of each other. the boxes that contain your books will be heavy and if they tip over, they can damage other items near them. they can also crush boxes under their weight. spread them across the bottom of stacks to prevent them from tipping over or crushing. If it’s a rainy moving day, place your boxes on a raised surface or on top of a tarp. it is essential to avoid moisture as it can enter the box and cause mold and damage to the books.

10. store in proper environment

The safest place to store your books is in a climate-controlled indoor storage unit. climate-controlled storage maintains a consistent temperature and humidity year-round, providing the perfect environment for your books. indoor storage is a precaution to avoid natural elements such as rain or snow during the move. For added protection, consider adding free-standing shelving to your unit to keep your books off the floor in the event of flooding or pests. while both are rare occurrences, it’s best to guard against all hypothetical scenarios.

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once you’ve completed these 10 tips on the best way to pack books, the next step is to visit your local guardian store. Once there, our experienced property manager will walk you through his options and help you choose the right unit for you. planning to store more than just books? our blog has tons of great tips and advice for moving and storage.


See Also: Lori Foster – Book Series In Order

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