8 Best Books About Finding Purpose in Life

Living a purposeful life has been shown time and time again to be a strong predictor of living a happy life.

However, many people simply live life without questioning the things they are working for. Without a purpose in life, you may feel like you’re not really going anywhere, which can cause anxiety and unhappiness. When you know what motivates you, you’ll be better equipped to lead a happy life.

You are reading: Books about finding purpose

However, finding your purpose in life can seem like a difficult and daunting challenge. where do you start?

these are the most inspiring books to find a purpose in life. If you’re looking to find what excites you in 2021, then one of the books discussed in this article is sure to inspire you.

1. man’s search for meaning by viktor frankl

While incarcerated, he observes that the survivors are only those who preserve a sense of purpose and meaning within their suffering. He keeps himself alive with the purpose of one day lecturing about the psychological states of prisoners in the concentration camps – a purpose that he eventually fulfilled.

his book is raw and sometimes disconcerting, but deeply inspiring. is an irrefutable account of someone for whom finding a purpose was a matter of life and death.

This quote from the book is my favorite:

Mental health is based on a certain degree of tension, the tension between what one has already achieved and what one has yet to achieve, or the gap between what one is and what one must become. what a man really needs is not a state without tension, but rather to strive and strive for a worthwhile goal, a freely chosen task.

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contributor: jaimie eckert

website: scrupulosity.com

2. Looking at the Sun by Irvin D. yalom

This book teaches you how to live with purose by discussing death and meaninglessness, which is a welcome change!

There are two things I particularly like about this book. First, it invites the reader to consider something we often avoid, our own death, and convincingly suggests that thinking about death gives life vitality and purpose. Entire theories (eg, terror management theory) explain how we avoid death, so this is a welcome change.

Second, the book distills the best ideas from the author’s long career into inspiring and actionable gems. these are the ideas that have helped his patients and dr. Yalom himself grapples with death anxiety and meaninglessness, repeatedly encouraging readers to pause and consider the ideas in relation to his own life.

It’s also quick and easy to read, so it won’t feel too daunting!

contributor: jon reeves

website: www.jonreevesphd.com

3. the code of the extraordinary mind by vishen lakhiani

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This book made me bolder and more comfortable pursuing my own dreams.

this is my favorite book on living life with purpose because it gave me permission to stop following the bs rules of society.

showed me how to finally stop worrying about what other people think of me. he knew he had a purpose in life, and he knew what it might be, but he didn’t know if it was right. this book gave me a way to free myself to live.

Showed me how to focus on living my life, not someone else’s version.

contributor: janie j jurkovich

website: www.janiej.net

4. thomas merton’s seven story mountain

The simplicity and beauty in which Thomas Merton expresses his life’s journey to fulfillment has stayed with me for years.

I’m not a Catholic or a monk, but Thomas Merton’s memoir of converting to Catholicism and becoming a Trappist monk has always inspired me.

My life is nothing remotely like what he experienced, but his search for hope and fulfillment provides a wonderful look at how our individual journey can take us where we want to go based on our choices. Merton made some poor decisions early in his life that caused him great unhappiness. he was able to change his life after finding for himself what would make him happy.

in the end, he followed the path his heart needed. the search for him is enlightening for all of us.

contributor: kyle jones

website: kylebradfordjones.com

5. limits per hour cloud and j. people’s envoy

This book breathed life into me when it made me realise that “No” is a complete sentence and it is okay.

Finding purpose in life isn’t just about actionable steps, it’s also about looking at underlying issues that might prevent us from finding our purpose. this book taught me that limits are about protection.

This has helped me protect my own journey to find my purpose. It has given me the courage to say “no” to things that don’t align with my purpose. this is one of my most recommended books as a therapist to help people free themselves from the expectations of other people and the world.

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contributor: bianca hughes

website: www.biancakhughes.com

6. loving kindness by sharon salzberg


I always refer my clients and family to this book about finding purpose in life. Lovingkindness doesn’t just help you find your purpose, it completely changes your life and how you connect to yourself and others.

Not only is it written in a very relatable conversational tone, but the book also has a multitude of exercises and thought-provoking questions. however, it is not only a self-help book, it is also a book about the philosophy of life. Instead of just telling you what to do, this book gives you examples of why you should do it and how it will change your world and the world of those around you.

contributor: liz shuler

website: www.innerevolutioncounseling.com

7. waking up by sam harris

My favorite book for finding meaning is Waking Up by Sam Harris. It’s very focused on meditation and letting go of the idea of the self.

The author bridges the gap between science and “spirituality” (for lack of a better term), particularly for secular humanists like myself who know that belief in god is not a requirement for a purposeful life.

contributor: kayce hodos

website: www.kaycehodoslpc.com

8. the happiness trap of russ harris

The book helps readers learn to clarify their core values. Core values provide direction for everyday life as well as big choices that infuse life with meaning and purpose.

The Happiness Trap also provides guidance on practicing mindfulness, which helps readers learn to turn their attention to what matters most.

contributor: anna yam

website: www.bloompsychologysd.com


Finding your purpose in life takes time and it probably won’t happen overnight. in fact, your purpose is an evolving part of your life that changes as you age. therefore, it is important that your daily life and way of thinking are constantly in line with your purpose.

The goal of this list is to show you books that can inspire you to find your own purpose in life. These are recommendations from experts on the subject, and I’m sure there’s a book on this list that will help you find your purpose.

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