5 Best Books On Morning Routine To Sort Your Life – Inside Of Happiness

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How is your morning routine?

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Do you wake up, brush your teeth and start work right away, still in your pajamas?

or do you take the time to prepare a healthy breakfast, get some exercise and take a shower before that?

Now, I’m not trying to criticize your morning routine. I just want to point out that the first example I gave you doesn’t sound much like a morning routine to me. sounds like one to you?

although morning routines are an essential part of our lifestyle, we tend to neglect them and opt for option 1, other than the second, which sounds healthier.

this could be because we want to sleep as much as possible or because there is no force in the universe that can make you go for a run at 7 am. Whatever your reasons, there’s a lot to be gained by optimizing your morning routine to ensure it sets you up for success.

why is it important to have a morning routine?

Your morning routine is essentially the trigger that starts your day. in fact, research has linked having a morning routine with increased productivity and success.

And, to a degree, this makes a lot of sense: if you start your morning the “right” way, your whole day will be set up for success.

At the very least, a morning routine is a great way to take care of your sleepy, dehydrated body. Things like drinking water first thing in the morning, getting some light exercise, and taking a shower can leave you feeling refreshed and ready to tackle your daily tasks without downing five coffees.

Your morning routine can also be a great way to make time for all those things you never seem to get around to doing.

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For example, I started reading a book while having my morning coffee during the last few months. I only read for about 20-30 minutes, but this makes all the difference in my day. Since I’m often too busy, I can’t spare a second of my day to open a book and curl up on the couch. That’s why doing something I love first thing in the morning starts my day on a positive note.

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Of course, you don’t necessarily have to include reading in your morning routine. just think about the things you like to do and make you feel good. some people enjoy journaling. others go running. whatever your thing is, what’s more, by committing to a little self-care each morning, you’ll feel more emotionally and mentally recharged.

top 5 books on morning routine

There are many books written on the topic of morning routines. As a huge fan of self-improvement literature, it was hard for me to pick the top 5 that suited me best. however, after some careful thought, I came up with the list outlined below.

Each one of those books has left some sort of positive mark on my life. I hope they do the same for you if you decide to choose some of them. So, here are my top 5 morning routine books without further ado!

Happy reading!

the miraculous morning, by hal elrod

We start our list with a wonderfully simple entry. The Miracle Morning does not pretend to offer an innovative solution to all your problems. instead, emphasize how a solid morning routine can change your life for the better. Hal Elrod outlines six principles for doing so, which he calls lifesavers. these represent:

  • silence – achieved through meditation and breathing exercises. By starting your day with silence, you introduce peace throughout it.
  • Affirmations – Positive affirmations can be used to reprogram any negative thoughts you may be having and help create your new way of thinking.
  • visualization – visualizing what you want to achieve or where you want to be can often turn dreams into reality.
  • exercise: a strong body creates a strong mind. you must take care of your physical shell if you want to reap the benefits
  • reading: reading in the morning is essential to get your thoughts flowing and prepare you mentally for the day. ahead.
  • writing: journaling has been shown to have a positive effect on people’s emotional well-being. It also helps improve your self-reflective skills.
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what the most successful people do before breakfast, by laura vanderkam

Who better to learn successful morning ritual practices than really successful people? Laura Vanderkam delves into the insights of those people and delivers amazing results. according to her, the things you need to focus on in the morning if you want to be successful are the ones that never seem to be a priority.

Think in terms of reading a book, exercising, or preparing meals for the next few days. Sure, you won’t die if you don’t do any of that, but they do benefit your overall well-being in the long run. you can think of mornings as a kind of limbo, where you can throw away any of the things you just don’t have time to do during the day. because really, if you don’t do them now, they’ll probably drive through empty space forever.

Along with this paradigm, Laura also offers a feasible implementation plan to help you start the whole process. she keeps things simple and to the point, without using empty words, and that’s exactly why I love this book so much!

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the 5am club, by robin sharma

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When one of my best friends recommended this book to me, I have to admit that the title definitely made me roll my eyes. who gets up voluntarily at 5 am? Well, according to Robin Sharma, successful people do. in fact, it is precisely to this that they owe much of their success. as sharma says, if you want to be like the top 5%, you need to stop acting like the 95%.

well, this sounds good. Robin Sharma is one of the world’s most popular leadership gurus and has influenced countless people around the world to be the best version of themselves. in the 5 am club, he communicates the message of why it is important to get up early in the morning through a fictional story. the story was so compelling that he even convinced me to try his methods: a self-proclaimed sleep addict. And, I must admit, after a week of doing it, I felt more productive, focused, and refreshed in the mornings.

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daily rituals, by mason currey

what do freud, picasso and mozart have in common? well, first of all, they are some of the most famous people in the world. and second, believe it or not, they had a morning routine. daily rituals explores the morning routines of famous and successful people and points out what works so well in them. the book keeps things simple and to the point, showing exactly what the greats did as part of their mornings.

for example, did you know that benjamin franklin practiced something known as “air bathing”? Essentially, this is just a fancy way of saying that he sat around the house in his birthday suit. he may find it silly or weird, but the fact is it worked for him. I loved how simple this book is and how easy it was to read. It worked really well in inspiring me and reassuring me that even the greats of the greats have engaged in some questionable morning behaviors.

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my morning routine, by benjamin spall and michael xander

Like daily rituals, my morning routine takes existing people’s routines and delves into the repetitive tendencies they discovered during their interviews. the book is great because it gets its information from a wide range of people from different backgrounds and professions. it’s a bit more rigid and comprehensive than daily rituals, so you’ll enjoy it immensely if you like those kinds of books.

The main moral of the book is that all successful people plan their mornings and don’t just leave them to chance. Of course, we can’t plan everything and sometimes things that go wrong are out of our control. the good thing about my morning routine is that it explains exactly what to do when we find ourselves in uncharted waters. asks the tough and sometimes even cynical questions we should be asking ourselves if we want to build a realistic morning routine that works for us.

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