The Best Books for Teachers in 2022

reviewed by jon konen, district superintendent

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Good teachers are lifelong learners, always looking for ways to develop new skills and understandings. As a teacher, you may long to read up on new ideas for your classroom, but with the demands on your time this amounts to nothing more than a fantasy. Staying up to date on the best books for teachers is a challenge for any busy professional, so peruse our list to make an informed choice about how to spend your valuable reading time.

You are reading: Books for teachers to read

The best books for teachers in 2021 range in theme, including inspirational ideas for professional development, celebration of diversity, and classroom management strategies that will help benefit new and veteran teachers alike. they are available in multiple formats and are perfect whether you prefer audio, digital, or classic print. Spend some time reviewing these handpicked titles, decide which books best fit your teaching needs and interests, and snuggle up with one this winter to inspire your teaching.

inspirational books for teachers

the following books are for teachers looking to add some inspiration…

what school could belong to ted dintersmith

what it’s about: A travelogue from America’s classrooms about teachers helping children thrive in difficult circumstances.

why teachers should read it: dintersmith provides poignant anecdotes to warm your heart along with reasons to hope that the change we need will come from today’s students and the teachers who lead them . read this book if he became a teacher to help children thrive; you will feel connected with the thousands of other teachers motivated by this same value.

the teachers’ war: a history of america’s most contentious profession by dana goldstein

What is it about: The history of public education and women as educators in America.

why teachers should read it: goldstein examines the historical roots of teaching as a female profession. especially compelling is her extensive historical research; She takes the reader on a journey of public education in the United States from the 1830s to the present day. This book is perfect if she wants to learn how the gender disparity in teacher pay came about.

attracting hard-to-reach readers by ruth ayres

what it’s about: Encouraging children to write to recover from traumatic experiences.

Why Teachers Should Read It: A professional development coordinator and mother of four, Ayers presents easily adaptable techniques for teaching writing. She presents scientific evidence on childhood trauma and brain research, and inspires teachers to be persistent writing coaches with personal anecdotes and practical strategies. this book is excellent for any teacher who works with children from challenging backgrounds.

polite: memoirs of tara westover

what it’s about: A homeschooled girl of surviving parents recalls her difficult but ultimately triumphant transition to normal life.

why teachers should read this: westover recounts his journey and helps the reader see society at large through the eyes of a child who never set foot in a classroom but made it academic excellence anyway. This is a story about tenacity and courage, and is a good choice for anyone looking to confirm her belief in the powers of education and personal strength.

I am Malala: the girl who stood up for education and was shot by the Taliban

What’s it about: Malala Yousafzai, the youngest winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, tells her personal story of her fight for girls’ education in Pakistan.

why teachers should read this: if you’re looking for a young hero, malala is your girl. her memoir is a must-read for anyone passionate about girls’ education. This book is a stark reminder that war and religious fundamentalism have been detrimental to girls around the world.

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books for professional development

The following books are for teachers seeking to develop their professional development…

what works in schools by robert marzano

cover of what works in schools bookWhat It’s About: Creative ways to deliver instruction and manage your classroom in the age of high-stakes testing.

Why Teachers Should Read It: This now-classic text is now so central to current pedagogical practices that it is the textbook of choice for many college professors. Marzano covers topics such as reading and writing instruction, critical thinking skills, school effectiveness, assessment, cognition, and implementation of standards. This book is an essential item in every teacher’s library.

steering like a pirate by shelley burgess and beth houf

What’s it about: In this sequel to the bestselling Teach Like a Pirate, Burgess and Houf apply the pirate technique to school leadership.

Why Teachers Should Read This: Whether you’re a current or aspiring school administrator, read this book if you need inspiration, motivation, and ideas for maintaining a culture of excellence in your school. Burgess and Houf write with an infectious (and hilarious) enthusiasm for strong leadership and dynamic schools.

disruptive thinking: why it matters how we read

cover of disruptive thinking bookWhat It’s About: Useful reading strategies to help students deepen reading comprehension and engage with their reading material.

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Why Teachers Should Read It: Kylee Beer and Robert Probst, authors of the bestselling Notice and Note, want students of all ages to be responsive and responsible readers. his easy-to-use book includes features such as turn-and-talk discussion points. This book is perfect for any teacher who wants to empower their students as readers and writers, and is a good choice for a PD book club.

cultivating mindfulness in the classroom by jeanie iberlin

cover of cultivating mindfulness in the classroomWhat It’s About: The research behind mindfulness-based practices with children and a step-by-step process for teachers to establish their own classroom mindfulness program.

Why Teachers Should Read This: Read this book to foster a more compassionate classroom culture and help children understand the benefits of mindfulness. iberlin tips work well with any grade level and will not only help students, but also contribute to the well-being of teachers. Mindfulness skills can have a positive lifelong impact, so read this book to make your classroom a more peaceful and mindful space.

the great test of nicholas lemann

what it’s about: A story of the rise of high-stakes testing in American public education.

Why teachers should read this: When Lemann published this book twenty years ago, the notion that children from working-class families tended to score much lower on the SAT was groundbreaking. however, the sat continues to be the gatekeeper of higher education despite its failings. Not only does this book tell the story of standardized testing since 1933, it leads the reader to question the effectiveness of our national testing system.

teachers and machines: the use of technology in the classroom since 1920 by larry cuban

what it’s about: a history of technology that includes radio, film and television.

Why Teachers Should Read This: This book was published in 1986, but it serves as a fulcrum for all the classroom technology developed since then and the ways teachers and students use it. they use. A persistent challenge is to ensure equitable access to educational technology and give all students the best competitive advantage in today’s global economy.

books on diversity in education

These books are for educators and teachers looking to expand their understanding of diversity in education…

for white people who teach in the neighborhood: pedagogy of reality and urban education by christopher emdin

what it’s about: how to implementreality pedagogy” and other culturally responsive practices in your classroom.

why teachers should read this: chris emdin explores the inequality inherent in public education in the united states and how it affects students of color. Following this scathing critique, Emdin offers hope for change through his Seven C’s of Reality Pedagogy in 2016. This book is ideal for anyone looking to learn real ways to bridge a cultural gap between teachers and students from different backgrounds.

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expulsion of monique morris

what it’s about: the criminalization of black girls in schools and how to increase cultural sensitivity in school.

why teachers should read it: morris, selected as a 2018 tedwomen speaker, provides powerful evidence for the discipline of inequality and behavioral control. the result is a compelling mix of social science research, personal vignettes, interviews, and statistics to help teachers understand what cultural sensitivity in the discipline looks like and why it’s needed.

finding joy in teaching students from diverse backgrounds: culturally sensitive and socially just practices in usa. uu. sonia grandson’s classrooms

cover of finding joy in teaching bookWhat It’s About: The importance of celebrating diversity in your classroom.

Why Teachers Should Read This: If you’re driven by issues of social justice and student advocacy, this book is for you. Sonia Nieto cuts through academic jargon to remind teachers how important their role is in helping students of all backgrounds feel the power of community. grandson, first published in 2013, stays fresh and relevant in its content and suggestions.

the rise and fall of an urban school system by jeffrey mirel

cover of the rise and fall bookWhat It’s About: This book describes the rise and fall of the public school system in Detroit, and draws parallels between what happened in Detroit with what’s happening education in urban areas across America.

why teachers should read it: mirel presents a detailed history of the city and its educational administration. When this book was published in 1983, we had no way of knowing that Detroit would become the first American city to file for bankruptcy. In hindsight, we see that Mirel had excellent forecasting skills. This book is essential for anyone interested in avoiding mistakes in urban education.

best books for elementary teachers

These books are intended for educators teaching at the elementary school level…

troublemakers: freedom lessons from young children at school by carla shalaby

cover of troublemakers bookWhat It’s About: Rethinking the label “troublemaker” to describe young children with disruptive behaviors.

Why teachers should read this: This book offers a 21st century look at critical pedagogy and encourages teachers to value the experiences and contributions of their students. Shalaby offers readers four “troublemaker” case studies to show how each child is unique and equally valuable. perfect for new elementary teachers looking for ways to apply the concept of differentiated instruction.

the curious classroom of harvey daniels

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cover of the curious classroom bookWhat It’s About: Ways to incorporate student-led inquiry in the elementary classroom.

why teachers should read this: daniels shares practical models and inspiring examples of inquiry-based learning from teachers across the country. This book also has visual appeal, complete with full-page photographs of student research in action. A companion study guide is available, making this book perfect for a PD study group.

note and note from kylene beer and bob probst

cover of notice and note bookWhat It’s About: Behavioral strategies for growing reading skills in K-4 students.

why teachers should read it: beers and probst provide ways to help your students become engaged and successful readers. They provide helpful strategies for teaching reading, such as pointing out “cues” in the text that prompt students to pause and analyze. the companion prompt and literature log provide graphic organizers to help guide students in being careful readers.

the book whisperer: awakening the inner reader in every child by donalyn miller

cover of the book whispererWhat It’s About: Helping children learn to love reading.

Why Teachers Should Read It: Since its publication in 2009, Donalyn Miller’s inspiring book has helped countless teachers and their students get in touch with their “inner reader.” Miller is a strong advocate for student choice in reading material and draws on substantial evidence to show that when children have a choice, they will naturally develop a love of reading.

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conscious discipline: building resilient classrooms

cover of conscious disciplineWhat It’s About: Psychologist and child development expert Dr. Becky Bailey examines what compassionate discipline in the PreK classroom should look like.

Why Teachers Should Read This: Updated in 2015, this book retains the core principles that have made it a favorite among teachers of young children and incorporates recent research on social-emotional learning . this book provides real-world tactics for maintaining a resilient classroom.

best books for new teachers

We recommend these books to new teachers in particular. due to….

the first days of school: how to be an effective teacher by harry k. wong and rosemary t. wong

cover of the first days of school bookWhat It’s About: Strategies for classroom management from day one.

Why Teachers Should Read This: This must-have book has been used in teacher education programs for years because it’s so good. wong emphasizes the importance of classroom procedures with clear expectations and consistent consequences. Even if you’ve been teaching for twenty years, it’s good to refresh yourself on how kids crave routine. By investing time in developing consistent classroom procedures, teachers actually have more time and space for instruction.

working with parents by ruby ​​k. payne

what it’s about: The importance of positive relationships with parents and guardians.

why teachers should read this: ruby ​​paine, known for her work teaching students of poverty, provides ways to build a relationship with families. since 2005 this book has provided good techniques for developing positive relationships with parents. these skills remain important in the current political climate and as our awareness of culturally responsive practices grows.

why didn’t i learn this in college? by paula rutherford

cover of why didnWhat It’s About: Sound practices to bridge the gap between theory learned in college and practice in the K-12 classroom.

Why Teachers Should Read This: This book is ideal for a new teacher looking for ways to plan their lesson or a veteran teacher looking to add structure. since 2009, it has also become a staple of college classrooms and the bookshelves of professors across the country. includes a helpful collection of classroom-ready templates and tools.

the first 90 days: proven strategies to catch up smarter and faster by michael watkins

what it’s about: how you can avoid common mistakes and maximize opportunities in the first three months of a new job.

Why Teachers Should Read It: Although written for a wide audience, first-year teachers can definitely benefit from the general principles behind Watkins’ advice. The main ideas here, that careful planning and attention to detail in the first ninety days of any new concert will make or break its experience and impact, have kept Watkins’ books on bestseller lists since 2003.

Your First Year: How to Survive and Thrive as a New Teacher

cover of your first year bookWhat It’s About: A series of common challenges for first-year teachers and how to avoid them.

Why Teachers Should Read This: The Whitakers provide compelling stories from their own experiences along with practical advice, including the importance of consistent rules and procedures in the classroom. since its publication in 2016, it has become clear that this is a gatekeeper.


Self-guided inquiry is the best professional development. This list of the best books for teachers in 2019 invites you to build your reading list with these inspiring stories, ideas for professional development, diversity in education, and books for new teachers. follow your reading and teaching interests and choose a book that rekindles your passion for teaching.

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