8 Useful Books About Setting Boundaries With Parents – HubPages

The following is the list of the best books that will help you create boundaries with older or difficult parents.

understanding the borderline mother

author: christine ann lawson

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average rating of good readings: 4.38/5

Our mother is our first love in life. To survive, you need to be able to recognize her face, her voice, her moods and understand the meaning behind her facial expressions. dr Christine Ann Lawson, using the language of the layman, breaks Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) into easy-to-digest chunks, which is very educational but not necessarily a fun read. she also explains how the children are affected by their mother’s disorder. Even as adults, those children continue to suffer, trying in vain to reach the shelter of a parental port, oblivious to the fact that their neighboring parent lacks a dock, or even a visible shoreline.

The author divides mothers suffering from BPD into four character profiles: the abandoned mother, the queen mother, the hermit mother and the witch. By reading these character profiles, some readers may identify with themselves or their mothers. the author gives good recommendations to the readers to improve their relationship with his mother. dr Lawson demonstrates how you can care for your abandoned mother without rescuing her, care for the hermit without feeding her fear, love the queen without becoming her subject, and live with the witch without becoming her victim.

so if you feel like your mom is an emotional vampire, a black hole for attention, unstable or in any way you feel like shit in her presence or you meet other people’s moms and find yourself in shock Because those women could very well be an alien race from another planet, this book is a must read. this book will help you survive and set limits on their behavior.

where to draw the line

author: ana katherine

average rating of good reads: 3.87/5

This book gives us the tools and insights we need to set boundaries so we can spend our time and energy on the things that really matter. it also helps us overcome the limiting barriers that stifle personal progress.

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as for where to draw the line, katherine presents case studies demonstrating the ways people break their own boundaries or allow others to trespass, focusing on all aspects of daily life, from friendships and sex to clothing, appearance and money. , food, psychotherapy and relationship with parents (the only topic not covered in depth is business and work). she offers insightful suggestions on how to make decisions that balance one’s personal needs with the needs of others, using real-life examples ranging from self-sacrificing mothers to compulsive neat freaks.

Boundaries are the invisible structures that allow people to live healthy and productive lives. Where to Draw the Line teaches readers how to strengthen and maintain boundaries on a daily basis. This book is not religious at all and is a valuable guide for anyone learning to set boundaries.

recovery of emotionally immature parents

author: lindsay c. gibson

average rating of good readings: 4.44/5

As a child, emotionally immature parents (EIPs) can make you feel lonely and abandoned. setting limits and expressing feelings becomes a big challenge for children of eips. As an adult, you may become more vulnerable to other emotionally immature people as you work to build romantic connections. Furthermore, as your parents get older, they may continue to push your boundaries by criticizing and invalidating your feelings, ignoring your reality, and trying to limit and degrade your freedom of thought and emotional autonomy. eips, in short, can be contradictory, self-centered, and inconsistent. So what alternatives do you have to deal with their harmful behavior?

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lindsay gibson capitalizes on the popularity of her bestselling self-help book Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents to offer another useful resource. This follow-up guide teaches you how you can identify the signs of PID, protect your emotions, connect with your needs and feelings, and achieve emotional autonomy in all of your relationships. This is a practical guide that includes tips and exercises on how to improve your emotional autonomy and self-awareness.

This book will help you gain the freedom to finally live your life your way if you are willing to put your own needs first, dispel the fog of doubt, and overcome the fear of judgment and punishment from an emotionally immature parent. .

Healthy Boundaries: How to Set Strong Boundaries, Say No Without Guilt, and Maintain Good Relationships with Parents, Family, and Friends

author: chase hill

average rating of good readings: 3.83/5

This book is quite thoughtful, informative and practical. provides a comprehensive examination of the limits of different types of relationships. Rich in examples that are both relevant and practical, the book covers the boundaries of a wide range of relationships (for example, with parents, with children, with partners, and with friends and colleagues). While no relationship book will provide all the answers, this one does offer plenty of practical advice offered with compassion and thoughtfulness. the book also includes links to guided meditations.

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Coping with Critical, Demanding, and Dysfunctional Parents: Powerful Strategies to Help Adult Children Maintain Boundaries and Stay Sane

author: david m. Allen

average rating of good readings: 3.54/5

Do you have a parent who invalidates, criticizes, demands or despises you? In this necessary guide, you’ll discover how to set boundaries, identify the underlying intentions behind your parents’ behavior, end repetitive and damaging exchanges, and create healthy boundaries that are essential to your emotional health and sanity.

There’s no sugarcoating it: If you grew up with a parent who made you feel unwanted or unloved, your pain is very real. You can choose to remove this parent from your life, which is not an unreasonable decision in itself, or you can learn to deal with such a difficult parent. if you fall into the latter category, this book can help.

Dealing with Critical, Demanding, and Dysfunctional Parents, written by a psychologist and relationship specialist, can help you set boundaries with your difficult parent. he will learn about the rights and effective communication techniques from him that will help him speak up for himself, be more assertive and put an end to his parents’ abusive behavior.

This helpful guide will help you end toxic relationships while preserving harmony in your family.

children of the self-absorbed: an adult’s guide to overcoming narcissistic parents

author: nina w. brown

average score of good reads: 3.91/5

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in this book, nina w. brown shows us the personality and difficulties of dealing with a destructive narcissistic parent (dnp). In the opening chapters, the author discusses the behaviors of DNP parents and assesses her attitude towards her parents and how that attitude may have impacted her life to date.

a key theme in the book is to identify if your father is a dnp or not. this is easier said than done, as it is difficult to remain objective when dealing with such strong emotions. however, the author efficiently presents a number of identifying traits to help the reader distinguish between a dnp and the more common instance of a parent-child misunderstanding that has just festered.

The author understands the difficult position parents sometimes play, and warns readers throughout the book not to diagnose their parents with destructive narcissism too quickly. however, once he is sure that he is dealing with a dnp, she can explore the many useful tools and techniques that help and protect him in his dealings with the dnp. assist and protect you in your dealings with the dnp.

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In addition to outlining the destructive actions of the parents and the child’s protective mechanisms, the best aspect of the book is that it is about setting boundaries, developing skills to create a less harmful connection with your dnp parent, and healing.

children of self-absorbed elderly: a guide to dealing with difficult and narcissistic parents and grandparents

author: nina w. brown

average rating of good readings: 3.59/5

It’s hard to grow up with a self-absorbed parent, and it can be even harder to live with as you get older. This valuable guide explains how to deal with narcissistic behavior from your aging parents and offers advice on how to protect yourself and your children from their self-centered and destructive behavior.

Hurtful relationships can resurface and become more strained as your self-absorbed parent gets older and more dependent on you. Author Nina Brown offers practical advice throughout the book. She’ll discover practical and effective ways to deal with the overwhelming negative emotions that abusive behavior from your parents can bring on, as well as how to protect your children from judgment, blame, or antagonism between you and their parents.

In this essential guide, you’ll gain an in-depth understanding of why and how your parents’ destructive and selfish behavior worsens with age and how to deal with the bad feelings that can come as a result. You will also learn to cope with feelings of guilt and shame when you don’t want to be a caregiver. Finally, you’ll learn how to create boundaries with your parents to keep your sanity during this difficult time.

Having an elderly parent is difficult enough, but dealing with an elderly, selfish, and narcissistic parent can be even more difficult. you need help from this crucial resource.

Set limits with your older parents: find the balance between exhaustion and respect

author: allison bottke

average rating of good readings: 3.64/5

This book is for adult children who want to improve their relationship with their parents but are trapped in an endless cycle of chaos, misery, and drama.

With deep insight and compassion, Allison charts a confident path through the uncharted landscape of setting boundaries and boundaries with parents while maintaining personal balance and avoiding burnout. set healthy boundaries with their parents.

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