10 Best Books on Understanding Death and Dying (in 2022)

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of books on understanding death and dying, grief, and coping with grief. As such, it’s important to understand that there really isn’t a best or definitive number one book on the subject.

The fact is, if you’re looking for something to help you or a loved one through this difficult time, you should use what works best for you, and you’re the only one who will know. With that said, the following list can give you a place to start looking at what works best for you or your loved one during this time.

You are reading: Books on death and dying

While, for the most part, these are not in any particular order, the first on the list is one that I would highly recommend to anyone who has recently received a diagnosis or who has a loved one who is beginning to deal with the disease. death.


many people who have read or used it also affectionately call it “the little blue book”. it is often given to the family of patients and their relatives who have been admitted to hospice. this is a very short book (15 pages) and a very quick but powerful read.

goes through the process of dying and how the body normally functions. is a very good guide to understanding what physically happens to the body when a loved one dies. it is particularly good at describing what happens during “active” death, from the hours to the minutes before death.

This is an easy to understand book and is written in plain language using non-medical terms and explaining the ones they do use.

This is the quintessential book on grief, death and dying. it is the book many therapists and academics refer to when providing care. describes the stages of grief and how to identify them.

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The focus is primarily for professionals who deal with death and dying on a regular basis, but who can help those who are grieving.

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also by elisabeth kübler-ross and david kessler, this is a book that is geared a bit more towards the general public focusing on the grieving process. it’s a bit easier to read than about death and dying for people who don’t have an occupation that can deal with these emotions on a more regular basis.

this number 1 new york times bestseller is a fantastic book that is not written as a manual, but as a storybook. the reader can understand death through a focus on life. it’s an engaging read that still provides vital information for anyone facing a final journey or accompanying a loved one on their journey.

The beautiful thing about this book is that even if you’re not on your own journey or someone else’s, the book is still wonderful. provides information about death that many of us can use to be better human beings.

This is a wonderful book not only for someone grieving a loss, but especially if the loss is due to tragedy (as opposed to long-term illness or disease).

The author shares her own tragedy and journey in a moving and healing way to allow the reader to not only experience, but understand how it transcends the pain they may also be feeling. she dispels the notion that grief is something one can “get over” or “get over.” she providing practical advice on coping mechanisms without giving platitudes or long-winded deadlines in which the reader should feel one way or another.

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It is a good book to help navigate life along with feelings of sadness and loss.

This is another fascinating book on death that is more about understanding death and dying through the personal story of a doctor who came face to face with his own mortality.

not so much a book that gives you tactics to understand grief, but an excellent story on how one can come to terms with grief and loss; be it of a person, ideals or a dream. is a masterclass in accepting and even embracing the inevitable heartbreak that comes with a diagnosis of a terminal illness.

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a philosophy book disguised as a beautiful and intricate look at what we, a culture, consider a “good death”.

Using her own experiences, the author provides insights and provocative questions about how we understand and discuss death. while the author leaves room for multiple points of view and definitions, she also guides the reader down a long road that makes one question their own definitions of death, dying, and what it can be like for those left behind in mourning. /p>

Through her use of humor and the experience of her years as a hospice nurse, this book is for anyone facing death, working in health care where death can be an everyday occurrence. or anyone who is simply interested or wondering what may or may not happen when death comes.

provides excellent advice on what you or your loved ones may want, need, or even think about when it comes to dying. Touching on many of the versatile topics within death and dying of pain, communication, and what to expect physically, Tisdale breaks down taboo topics with grace and wit. certainly a book worth reading for all future corpses!

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another book written by an author who has had a significant experience with hospice; This book, like several of the others, provides insight into how we perceive death and the process of dying. weaves stories about other cultural traditions and literature with science and religion.

exploring death and dying through another person’s point of view not only entertains and educates, but helps us realize that we probably have more in common at this stage of life than we realize initially.

using a wonderful gift for storytelling, nuland spoke about death and dying through the stories of his patients, as well as the personal stories of his family. Unlike the other books on this list, Nuland chooses to discuss very specific ways we die. These include old age, cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer’s disease, accidents, heart disease, and stroke.

With the insight of a doctor and the heart of a storyteller, this book examines these ways we die and provides empathy and compassion.

There are certainly many books that cover various topics related to death and dying. this list is certainly not exhaustive. however, if you’re looking for books that focus on death and dying in general, this is a good place to start.

everyone deals with this subject differently, and it’s important that you find a book that you think will help you the most, whether you’re looking for comfort or studying the subject.

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