Top 10 Book Categories for Reselling on Amazon FBA – ToughNickel

matt has a home business that sells things through amazon logistics.

book resale through amazon logistics (fba)

could i resell books on amazon for a profit? Yes! These are the top ten book genres that are my go-to when looking for books at any used bookstore, library sale, or thrift store.

You are reading: Books that sell well on amazon

but first, what is fba? fba stands for fulfillment by amazon. Some people list their products on Amazon and ship the item directly to the customer when the product is ordered. With fba, you ship the product to amazon’s distribution center before it is sold. This way, when a customer purchases the item, Amazon will ship the product directly to them on your behalf.

The main benefit of this system is that you, as a seller, don’t have to worry about packaging and shipping individual items, and the product qualifies for Amazon Prime Shipping.

10. fiction hardcover

In general, nonfiction sells better than fiction, but there are times when fiction is a good seller: hardcover. never try to get the mass market paperbacks. These books are cheaply made and (as the name suggests) mass-produced. I limit myself to books that are in hardcover, have a sales rank of less than 1 million (to sell quickly), and are in good or better condition.

9. art

I don’t look for books in the art genre very often, and this is mainly because I know absolutely nothing about art. That said, there are plenty of art books that would work very well on Amazon FBA. stick to instruction books or books showing art in museums.

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8. philosophy

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I loved philosophy when I was in high school, and many people still buy these books through amazon. They are generally in good condition, but be careful with notes or highlights on the pages. Philosophy books that are quite specialized, such as Plato’s Epistemology or the Metaphysical Relation of Kantian Ideals, would probably do well. (No, those aren’t real books; I’m just giving examples.)

7. religion

The religious section is an unpredictable playing field. I find many religious books that have no isbn or are very old. That said, you can absolutely find some gems in this section. It’s not my first stop, but I’ll definitely take a look if I have time.

6. war

Does your father or grandfather have a strange obsession with books about the second world war? It turns out that most of the older generations are very interested in books about various wars. this is a great stop to make when looking for books.

5. story

there are a lot of history buffs who shop on amazon and want your history books! check out this section of your bookstore, and i’m sure you’ll find some great books to resell on amazon fba.

4. biography

Biographies are doing amazingly well on amazon! hardcover, in particular. many people buy biographies when the topic in question is relevant, in the news, or a very famous historical figure. so when you outsource, remember to scan the bios…but just ignore the audacity of hope, i promise you won’t make any money.

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3. diet

Diets are in fashion and will always be in fashion! diet books are a great buy, but remember to inspect the sales range and even check out keepa or camelcamelcamel. keepa and camelcamelcamel are websites that track amazon products. your charts will show you how often the book you’re looking at is selling.

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Not all diet books are profitable, but I find that the weirder the diet, the more in demand it is. keep up with trends too! For example, in 2018, the paleo diet was very popular; there were so many books on the subject that you could easily buy them for a quick sale.

2. self help

Wow, you’re going to look funny looking at dozens of self-help books! these books are amazing for amazon fba! they often have low sales ranks (the lower the rank, the faster the sale), sell for around $15-30 used, and have a great return on investment.

Self-help books can cover any topic, including starting a new business, understanding the stock market, dealing with a loss, parenting, or learning a new skill. It’s a very broad category, but this is where you find your best-selling books.

1. textbooks

A bit obvious, right? well, textbooks are a great source of income! some thrift stores will sell these books for $5 when they go over $100 on amazon! this is and should always be what you look for first. be sure to check out keepa or camelcamelcamel, especially out of season.

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It may be July, and the range is 2 million, but come September, when all the kids are back in school, that book will sell like crazy! don’t worry about highlighted or annotated pages; just list the book as in “fair” condition and mention the problems in the condition notes.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. the content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and is not a substitute for personal advice or professional advice on business, financial, legal or technical matters.

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