How Authors Can Use QR Codes In Books And Engage Readers Better

Before, a book was all that was required for both learning and entertainment. but now people own smartphones, tablets, e-readers, and computers.

Personal technology has transformed the way people consume media. many people now prefer smart devices for reading. and even students now use e-books and multimedia content to learn.

You are reading: Books with qr codes

But does that mean the future for print books is bleak? of course not.

A good portion of people will still choose a hard copy over an e-book any day. and textbooks remain an important part of students’ lives.

authors QR Codes books: stack of books

All authors need to do now is take advantage of readers’ obsession with personal technology. a good and cost-effective way to do this is qr codes.

qr codes are 2d barcodes that store alphanumeric information. they are a great way to get people to use their smartphones and connect them from offline media to online content.

Users can scan qr codes using qr code scanner app and view online content like website, youtube video and photo gallery.

teachers are already using qr codes to engage students in the classroom.

This is how authors can use qr codes in books and better engage readers:

a. to engage students with textbooks

The primary purpose of textbooks is to help students learn. if you make it interesting for them to learn, you can help them retain knowledge better. this is how you can do it:

1. show videos instead of static images

students often look to videos to better understand concepts. you can help them by adding a qr code that redirects to explanatory videos whenever possible.

“There is a qr code in the text that links to a video showing how oceanographic equipment that got stuck to the bottom of the sea in an active lava flow was later recovered. So instead of just reading the story and seeing a static image, students can watch a video. and listen to me describe the recovery of the team” – Al Trujillo, teacher, Palomar School, San Marcos

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also see how the qr codes in the textbooks of kerela (india) students help them.

2. provide audio translations for language books

This use case is especially for helping language learners. In addition to adding text pronunciations, you can also add audio pronunciations.

simply add an audio qr code that redirects students to listen to an audio file.

3. add online photo galleries

You can also save printing costs by removing unimportant images. add a qr code instead. this qr code can link to photo gallery of these images.

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This way, authors can make sure important images get printed. and if students want more information, they can scan the qr code to see complementary images.

4. hide solutions in qr codes

for end of chapter problems, you can hide the answers in a qr code.

you can link a full answer to a solution. or just add the final answer in a text qr code.

In addition to textbooks, qr codes can also help authors to make other books interesting. here’s how:

b. to acquire new readers

Readers tend to wander the aisles of bookstores in search of a good book. and you can help them find one in the following ways:

1. show them a book trailer

People love to see trailers, whether it’s a movie or a book. a trailer easily persuades them to look forward to the book. that’s what many authors are doing now to persuade people to buy their books.

the trailer for katie alender’s ‘as dead as possible’ book has over five million views on youtube. and Amish Tripathi’s ‘scion of ikshvaku’ has over a million views.

Imagine how many people were influenced to buy these books by watching the trailers.

but how to show a trailer through your book? the answer is: by adding a video qr code in your book. as readers scan the qr code, they will be redirected to watch the video on youtube.

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2. make it easy to get book reviews

Readers get a book after a recommendation or after reading book reviews. and most readers read a review online. so what you can do is help them find the reviews.

you can add a qr code at the end of the book that redirects readers to read reviews on amazon or goodreads.

3. share your full profile

While you want readers to buy your books, you also want them to connect with you. if they follow you, they may also buy your next books.

although you can’t add your full profile in the book, you can add a qr code that takes you to your author profile. if you have one on author central or goodreads, just create a website url qr code.

In case you don’t, you can still add a qr code that directs you to your social media profiles where readers can follow you.

did you know that qr codes are also used to share audiobooks?

c. to engage readers when they read

let’s say someone has bought your 500 page book. you should make these 500 pages a bit more interactive, as you don’t want your readers to get bored halfway through.

This is what you can do:

1. add online forms and quizzes for self help books

Self-help books often have self-assessment exercises and reference charts. for example—

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20 questions to test your emotional quotient

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Instead of making readers use pen and paper, let them use their smartphones. add a qr code that takes them to an online form. they enter the data and immediately get scores.

You don’t need to manually calculate the scores. and even you get the data to refine your research (with their permission, of course).

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2. get readers to tweet quotes

You write well. and sometimes you come up with epic lines.

Such words deserve to be shared. And trust me, readers love doing that.

While it’s easy to do on an amazon kindle, it’s not the case with a book. so help your readers and add a twitter qr code to your books. they can easily scan it to share the quotes. they will get followers and so will you.

d. keep readers engaged once they finish reading

As readers finish reading the book, they have questions and much more to add. you can help them and even get more traction:

1. connecting readers with each other

Book lovers love to talk about books. That’s why book clubs exist.

so help them join a conversation about your book with other readers.

add a qr code on the last page of your book that directs readers to the discussion forum of your choice.

The bigger the discussion, the greater the chances of creating a community of readers who like your books.

2. get them to follow you on social media

Social media gives you another option for building a community. help your readers to follow you on social media.

add a qr code that leads to all your social media profiles. and let readers choose their favorite social networks to follow you.

many qr codes can be included in your books for many use cases. just decide which ones matter most to you.

that’s all you need to know about how authors can use qr codes in books to engage readers. and are now also used in brochures to better engage readers.

also see how libraries are enhanced with the use of qr codes.

Do you know of another use case where authors use qr codes in books? let us know in the comments.

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