Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction Goblins on the Other Side A girl visits her dead grandmother in Heaven. Creepy and surreal.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction Full Metal Octopus A fairy and an octomaid go on the run from the elf yakuza. Pulpy and sexual.

You are reading: Carlton mellick iii books

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

the bad box a class of fifth graders find themselves at the mercy of an evil and divine teacher. dark and absurd.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

snuggle club, a short comedy horror that takes the art of communal snuggling to a whole new extreme. awkward and creepy.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

Mousetrap: A group of schoolchildren try to survive an alien invasion inside an abandoned amusement park. dark and meaty.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

The chainsaw-hearted boy recruited into Hell’s army by a biomechanical pilot must fight his way through a surreal afterlife to save his wife from slavery. dark and meaty.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

never the story of what happens to society after everyone in the world is trapped in an endless time loop. dark and dystopian.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

stacking doll the story of a man who falls in love with a Russian nesting doll. dark and surreal.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

Parasitic Milk: A travel show producer becomes infected with deadly sexually transmitted parasites after visiting a brothel on an alien planet. body horror sci-fi comedy.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

the big meat, a kaiju tribute novel that explores the surreal aftermath of a giant monster attack. dark and gritty.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

spider bunny, a group of college kids get trapped inside a 1980s deranged kids cereal commercial. creepy and wacky.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

exercise bike the story of a man who transforms into a human exercise bike and the woman who is forced to ride it. wacky body horror.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

The terrible thing that happens in a post-apocalypse world, a small community of scavengers must survive by looting a grocery store that is stuck in a time loop. dark and surreal.

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Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

every time we meet up at dairy queen, your whole damn face explodes in a child love story and spontaneous face explosions. cute and disturbing.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

Biomelting within a toxic wasteland, six strangers find themselves trapped in an abandoned hotel, surrounded by a mysterious black ooze. dark and surreal.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

clownfellas six interconnected novellas revolving around the pulpy, surreal clown bozo crime family.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

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while gently stabbing me in the face, a sociopathic killer meets an even more sociopathic victim, dark and strange.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

Sweet story of a children’s book gone terribly wrong. black humor.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

the people of ticks in a city where people live like parasites on the back of a giant animal, a professional sadness creator discovers that his soulmate is a horrible mutant. dark and surreal.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

hungry bug in a world where magic exists, spellcasting has become a serious addiction. gritty and meaty.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

A bunch of idiotic frat boys get trapped in a cave with subterranean cannibalistic mutants and try to survive not by using their wits but by following the brother code. comical and violent.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

quicksand house two children who have never known their parents before, although they live in the same house with them, must fight for survival once their nursery becomes uninhabitable. dark and dystopian.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

Mermaid Town An eccentric doctor travels to an isolated town of carnivorous mermaids to investigate a new disease spreading through the herd of human cattle. dark and dystopian.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

cuddly holocaust a story of survival set in a world where most of the human race has been wiped out by vicious stuffed animals. apocalyptic and brutal.

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Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

hammer wives six novels and short stories.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

kill ball, a slasher thriller set in a city where everyone lives in plastic bubbles. dystopian and surreal.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

tumor fruit seven castaways stranded on a strange desert island must go to extremes to survive. surreal and disturbing.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

the beautiful squirm is franz kafka’s the trial meets an erotic horror version of the blob when a man is forced by law to marry an alien woman that devours its companions. absurd and dystopian.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

Armadillo Fists Set in a world where people drive mechanical dinosaurs instead of cars, a female boxer with armadillo hands is on the run from deranged mobsters. meaty and fun.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

i got satan’s daughter pregnant, a romantic comedy spoof about a man who finds himself engaged to a succubus who is pregnant with his child. light and satirical.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

fantastic orgy a novel plus four stories.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

barbarian beast bitches of the wastelands, the sequel to werewolf warriors of the wasteland.

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Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

The morbidly obese ninja, a 700-pound killing machine, must go up against his corporate employers to save a terminally ill child. meaty and fun.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

crab town: a strange bank robbery set in a post-nuclear radioactive ghetto. dystopian and relevant.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

zombies and shit it’s battle royale meets return of the living dead in a deathmatch survival game where twenty contestants face off against each other in the midst of zombie wasteland. apocalyptic, pulpy and epic.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

the kobold mage’s enlightenment dildo +2 a group of adventurers discover that they are actually fictional characters trapped in the worst dungeons & all-time dragon campaign.

satirical and silly.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

warrior wolf women of the wasteland, a wonderland book award-winning novel about a three-armed man who finds himself in the middle of a war between a gang of road warriors, werewolves, and mutants from a dystopian version of mcdonaldland.

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apocalyptic, pulpy and epic.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

the cannibals of candyland a man finds himself imprisoned in an underground world populated by child-eating mutants made of candy. erotic and horrible.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction


a spoof of cabin-in-the-woods horror stories where the victims turn out to be far more deranged than the mutant killers who hunt them down.

campy and fucked.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

egg man is a survival of the fittest world where humans reproduce like insects, children are owned by corporations and having a ten foot tall brain is a grotesque sexual fetish. dark, dystopian and ugly.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

cybernetrix a dark and strange parody of the movie tron where a game world and our world merge into one reality. meaty and amazing.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

the faggiest vampire a bizarre children’s book about two rival vampires who compete in a mustache contest to determine who is the faggier. cute and relevant.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

The ultra bastards, a landscaper, and a trio of Japanese punks find themselves stranded in a suburban residential community that seems to go on forever. nightmare and absurdity.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

adolf in wonderland nazis from an alternate world of absolute perfection go down the rabbit hole into a dark surreal world of chaos and imperfection. absurd and horrible.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

sausagey santa a strange christmas story… full of sex and violence. satirical and pulpy.

Carlton Mellick III | author of bizarro fiction

haunted vagina it’s hard to love a woman whose vagina is a gateway to the world of the dead. satirical and absurd.

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