Christopher Paolini – Book Series In Order

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Growing up in the majestic beauty of Paradise Valley, Montana, it’s easy to see how an imaginative young mind would be influenced to write about a mythical community united by natural surroundings. That’s how Christopher Paolini emerged as a writer, coupled with his love of adventurous epics. His whole life was raised in this idyllic setting. Christopher and his younger sister Angela were homeschooled by his parents, Talita Hodgkinson and Kenneth Paolini, and at the young age of fifteen, Christopher graduated from high school through correspondence education.

about christopher paolini

early writing

Christopher’s love of literature developed from J.R.R. Tolkien, acclaimed author of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and author of the epic poem Beowulf E.R. Eddison. Paolini’s first book, Eragon, was specifically inspired by the work of Bruce Coville. Stories about elves raising dragons are also inherently Frank Herbert’s influences. For the stage, Paolini only had to look at his natural surroundings, while he hand-drawn the maps that would adorn his books and become the mythical land of Alagaesia.

You are reading: Christopher paolini books in order

when christopher realized he really wanted to write like his favorite authors, he studied everything he could about the craft of good writing, particularly young adult fantasy fiction. she planned the entire series in a few months and started with the first draft of the first book, which would set the tone, scope, and theme of the entire trilogy she had in mind. after a year, he was ready to show it to his parents; the first editors and critics of him.

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Before finishing high school in 2002, Paolini began reworking the first in a series of fantasy stories set in his imaginative kingdom. what finally emerged was eragon, a story deliberately set with the archetypal ingredients of a fantasy book. what he began at age 14 became the first book in a series that he eventually named the tetrology of heredity. Through rewriting, often by hand, and meticulous historical research and referencing, Christopher has awakened all the elements of a great book: a quest, revenge, betrayal, romance, adventurous experiences, a unique ancient language, and a sword.” special”. add a perfect best friend, a woman from another species, as loyal as any young reader would enjoy, and all the ingredients are there for literary success.

“Write what you know” is the mantra of successful authors. and christopher paolini developed his main character, eragon, much like himself, a teenager growing up in a beautiful landscape. In the story, Eragon is a young farmer who lives in a mountainous region. he finds a mysterious stone and from it emerges a dragon he calls saphira, who becomes his best friend. together they learn that an evil king sent his servants to try to capture them, but instead the two flee and seek out a group of rebels, the varden, who they believe will help them escape king galbatorix and his right about them.


Many emerging authors, especially young ones, know that publishing can be the biggest challenge after completing a paper. But Christopher Paolini and his family were very determined that his book would succeed. with the help of his parents, they self-published the novel in their own small company. sister angela drew the artwork for the cover of the first edition and was sure to include saphira’s eye. hand-drawn maps were also included because readers needed to follow the adventure in a visual way. Christopher was particularly proud of the name Eragon. not only is it based on “dragon” except for one letter, but in two parts it is “was” and “gone” which summon images from a distant time. Thinking of clever names for places and characters tormented Christopher as he wrote, and he would spend days toying with a concept before settling on a nickname.

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Once the book emerged as an entity, promotion began. Christopher wanted to stand out in the schools, libraries, and bookstores that he and his family attended, so he did it in medieval costume: billowing black pants, lace-up leather boots, a red shirt, and a jolly cap. black. at every stop he discussed writing and reading, and worked diligently to sell his book copy by copy. exhausting… but it was worth it. one of his clients was the stepson of bestselling author carl hiaasen. The young reader loved the book and it caught the attention of Carl, who in turn took it to his own publishers. In 2003, Alfred A. knopf published a second edition of eragon, with a new cover design and an offer to publish the rest of the inheritance cycle. At age 19, Christopher Paolini became a New York Times bestselling author.

the cycle of inheritance

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christopher wrote again. her with great vigor she completed the next book in the series, the major in 2005, and a few years later in 2008, brisingr. What started out as a trilogy actually grew into a fourth book, legacy as Paolini had more story to tell, plot loose ends to tie up and characters that had grown and developed. he continued to be inspired by other authors of this genre. eragon’s mighty sword theme comes from hiroko kapp’s japanese sword art, and as a big fan of “doctor who”, he references the “lonely god” and settings from the popular series.

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In 2008, Christopher Paolini sold the rights to Eragon to make it into a movie. However, fans of the book agreed that the film stuck to the story and that Paolini himself enjoyed it, particularly the portrayals of actors Jeremy Irons and Ed Speleers. Film critics found it unoriginal, drawing too heavily on previous similar films like Star Wars, but audiences felt it was full of what young adventurers are made of. it grossed approximately $173 million worldwide and made it the second-highest-grossing film with a dragon as the main character.

future plans

Paolini’s drive, creativity and determination have paid off. by 2011, his books had sold over 33 million worldwide, making him a young author of considerable merit. Critics sometimes discuss Paolini’s work as derivative, overly influenced by popular fantasy fiction, but find the achievements of such a young first-time author remarkable. In 2003, Eragon was the third best-selling children’s book, leading to awards for young children’s authors.

is still writing and has been discussing plans for more science fiction novels in recent interviews.

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