Ellen Hopkins – Book Series In Order

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about ellen hopkins:

ellen louise hopkins is one of the new york times best selling authors. She is well known for her books titled Crank, Burnout, Boost and several others. she is one of the favorite authors of young and teenage readers.

early life

Ellen Hopkins is a self-confessed adopted daughter of Valeria and Albert Wagner. She was born on March 26, 1955 and her adoptive parents were already elderly, her mother being 42 years old and her father 72 years old. she admitted that it was definitely a challenge living with older parents and of course with many wonderful benefits. It was reported that in the year 2000, Ellen Hopkins finally found her biological mother, Toni Chandler, who was also a poet and writer, like her.

when asked if his talent for writing is inherent or nurtured, he answers directly that it is both. Of course, as the natural daughter of a writer and a poet, she believes that this talent and gift runs through her as well. and she also believes that her adoptive parents further fostered this talent.

You are reading: Crank books in order

Valeria, she read stories to her children every night and by the time she was in preschool, she was already reading chapter books. thus, from her adoptive mother she learned to love language. Later, from her adoptive father, Albert, she learned many values, especially the value of honesty and a strong work ethic, which is greatly reflected in her writing.

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has a younger brother named albert jr. who was also adopted separately. for her, life in high school was mediocre and most of her friends from high school are also interested in creative hobbies like choir, creative writing, theater and dance, which suited her perfectly.

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As for sports, I wasn’t really interested in them and was just mediocre at best. as for college, she studied journalism at ucsb but she couldn’t finish it because she decided to get married. At that time, she started a business and she already has three children, namely: Jason, Cristal, Kelly and an adopted son named Orion. orion was the inspiration and is actually the basis for the character of the baby in crank. Unfortunately, the marriage didn’t work out.

second marriage and beyond

In 1984, Ellen Hopkins finally met John, her current husband until now. From there, she decided to have a fresh start by selling her business and pursuing her relentless dream of a writing career. They moved to Tahoe, where Ellen began working as a freelance writer for magazines and newspapers.

The idea of ​​writing children’s books came to life when he visited air & space smithsonian in 1998, where she saw the museum’s exhibit on women in aviation. this inspired her to create a children’s book based on aviation. so by the year 2000, she ellen she was already able to publish two children’s storybooks, the superman of the high seas and the devils of the air and the killer whales.

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After that, he was able to produce 20 more children’s books, and in 2002, he decided to create a novel inspired by his daughter’s addiction to methamphetamine. As for her children, they are now adults and already live alone in San Antonio, Las Vegas and Albuquerque. we try to have a meeting at least a few times a year and it almost always falls on a holiday.

ellen currently lives with her husband, john hopkins, and their adopted son orion in the beautiful and picturesque washoe valley in nevada. During her free time, she loves spending time with her family and participating in activities such as gardening, camping, fishing, skiing, biking, and hiking. She also loves taking care of her German Shepherds as her pets.

meeting your editor and his career

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ellen hopkins met julia richardson, who would soon become her editor, at a book festival. Ellen gave Julia the first pages of her writings, soon to be published like crackpots. Julia liked what she read and took the liberty of posting it.

In October 2004, the crank hit the stands and for six weeks on the market, it rocketed up the top ten charts. ella ellen was really ecstatic with the great public acceptance of her debut novel, which is written in a distinctive poetic tone. crank’s follow-up book, titled glass, also garnered high praise from the reading public and has touched the lives of readers across oceans and continents.

Ellen’s other highly acclaimed novels: Identical, Impulse, and Fiery are also in the top ten best-seller lists, but deal with completely different themes.

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excerpts and reviews from crank.

crank was the first novel written by ellen hopkins and was published in october 2004 with the help of julia richardson, her editor. The book quickly rose to the top of the bestseller list due to its honest and realistic depiction of a good girl’s meth addiction, the book’s engaging format, and timely subject matter that is close to many parents’ dilemmas. and even young adults can relate to the right topic.

According to Ellen, her first novel, Crank, was born out of frustration over her daughter’s addiction to methamphetamine. it was an honest self-examination of a mother, trying to answer unanswerable questions regarding a daughter’s addiction, justifications and blame. crank was written using “her daughter’s” point of view, so she was also trying to understand and learn what addiction is using her daughter’s point of view.

In this way he learned a lot about her and the struggle that addiction entails. Overall, the book is a good read because it is a subject that is close to the hearts of many young adults and parents alike. it helps them learn how the substance works and helps them adjust to the devastating emotions involved in struggling and, most of all, helps them realize that the addict cannot be forced to quit, but the addict must also want it . With the many questions readers have addressed after reading the book, especially the recurring question of what happened to Kristina, Ellen created the sequel to Glass.

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