Best Meditation Books in 2022

best for beginners

breathing: the new science of a lost art

  • price: $$$
  • amazon rating: 4.6 stars

This bestseller has multiple accolades, including Best Book of 2020 mentions from NPR and The Washington Post. it also has tens of thousands of positive reviews online.

Reviewers like the book’s fun and fast pace. others point out that it reads like a novel. While this book is not strictly about meditation, it explores the importance of our breathing and lung capacity, and gives the reader different breathing exercises to try.

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This book is for those who are curious about the breath and its impact on the body, both mentally and physically.

best for transcendental meditation

strength in stillness: the power of transcendental meditation

  • price: $$$
  • amazon rating: 4 stars

If you’re not familiar with Transcendental Meditation ™, it’s a practice that requires silence and stillness for 20 minutes, twice a day, while reciting a mantra.

the technique was founded by maharishi mahesh yogi more than 50 years ago and has touched the lives of more than 6 million people around the world. it can only be taught by certified teachers in tm in a carefully personalized course for each individual.

The author of this book, Bob Roth, is a Transcendental Meditation teacher and best-selling author. He is also the Executive Director of the David Lynch Foundation, a nonprofit organization that addresses trauma and toxic stress among at-risk populations through the implementation of Transcendental Meditation.

This book is more of an introductory text if you are looking to understand the technique.

best for guided meditations

Awaken to the joy of you: 52 meditations and practices for a calmer and happier life

  • price: $$
  • amazon rating: 4.7 stars

This is a book you can keep ready on your nightstand or coffee table in case you have a few spare moments for a guided meditation. There are 52 guided practices in the book on a variety of topics, from pleasing people to making health a priority.

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one reviewer says this book is great for people who need structural help with their practice.

The author, Agapi Stassinopoulos, is a bestselling author with a master’s degree in psychology. She is also the sister of Arianna Huffington and offers workshops at Thrive Global.

best for zen and buddhist meditation

the three pillars of zen

  • price: $$
  • amazon rating: 4.6 stars

Zen meditation has its roots in Buddhist philosophy. Known as zazen, the technique is about focusing inward, sometimes focusing on the breath and other times clearing the mind of any thoughts. practitioners often sit in the lotus position while meditating.

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This book is written by Roshi Philip Kapleau, the founder of the Rochester Zen Center, one of the oldest and most influential American institutions in its field.

The book provides an overview of the three pillars of Zen: teaching, practice, and enlightenment. this book was originally published in 1989, but an updated version was published in 2013.

“if you fall into poverty, live that way without complaining; then your poverty will not be a burden to you,” Kapleau wrote in the book. “Likewise, if you are rich, live with your riches. all this is the working of buddha nature. In short, Buddha nature has the quality of infinite adaptability.”

best for meditation through coloring

mandala art

  • price: $
  • amazon rating: 4.6 stars

mandalas are geometric configurations of shapes that signify a spiritual journey and are recommended to help you relax. This book has 50 unique mandalas for any skill level.

You’ve probably heard of the benefits of coloring, or adult coloring as it’s sometimes called. the truth is that coloring has a calming effect at any age.

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2018 research reported that veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) showed reduced anxiety after coloring mandalas compared to free drawing.

mandala designs become more complex as you complete the book. colored pencils are suggested for best results.

best book of wisdom

the book of joy: lasting happiness in a changing world

  • price: $$$
  • amazon rating: 4.8 stars

This bestseller features two Nobel Peace Prize laureates: the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu.

In April 2015, Archbishop Tutu traveled to the Dalai Lama’s home in Dharamsala, India, to celebrate the Dalai Lama’s 80th birthday.

Looking back over their long lives, the two recounted what they saw as relevant to a central question: how do we find joy in the face of life’s inevitable suffering? the result is this book.

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Readers get a window into these two’s debate about the nature of true joy. they speak of fear, stress, anger, pain, illness and death. they include personal stories throughout the book, offer wisdom, and share their beliefs about science.

best for kids

This Moment Is Your Life (And So Is This): A Fun and Easy Guide to Mindfulness, Meditation, and Yoga

  • price: $$
  • amazon rating: 4.5 stars

It’s never too early to teach kids tools to manage stress and anxiety. This guide is packed with simple exercises with full-color illustrations to give kids an introduction to meditation and mindfulness.

There are chapters on meditation, yoga, and mindful breathing, along with the benefits of these practices. The book includes quick exercises and a toolkit at the end of each chapter. the book is best for ages 10 and up.

The book’s author, Mariam Gates, has a master’s degree in education from Harvard University and has taught children for more than 20 years. She is the founder of Kid Power Yoga and trains children and adults in yoga and mindfulness.

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best for short meditations

the headspace guide to meditation and mindfulness

  • price: $$
  • amazon rating: 4.6 stars

If you think you don’t have time to meditate, this book is for you. Written by Andy Puddicombe, a mindfulness expert, former Buddhist monk, and the voice of guided meditations on the headspace app, it aims to prove that you can change how you feel in just 10 minutes a day.

puddicombe provides background on meditation along with easy to incorporate meditation techniques, mixing humorous personal anecdotes with information backed by science. it also explains how the headspace app can serve as a companion to the book.

The meditations and information in the book are designed to help in all areas of mental and physical health, from stress and anxiety relief to better focus and sleep.

best for intermediate or experienced meditators

total meditation: practices to live the awake life

  • price: $$
  • amazon rating: 4.7 stars

deepak chopra is a name that has become synonymous with meditation. He is a New York Times bestselling author and licensed physician who studied internal medicine in India, the birthplace of meditation, before immigrating to the United States.

Although Chopra has many teachings geared toward beginners, this book is specifically for those who have mastered basic meditation and are seeking to reach new levels of insight and awareness.

The book begins with information about meditation and explains why it is beneficial to take your practice to the next level. then moves on to a handful of simple exercises you can do, a 7-day meditation course, and 52 mantras you can incorporate into your practice.

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