The 25 Best High Contrast Books and Toys For Babies Thisnthatparenting

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high contrast baby books or black and white baby books should be called or referred to as newborn books.

You are reading: High contrast baby books

Have you noticed there are more black and white items in the baby sections of your favorite baby supply stores? why is that you may wonder? where are all the cakes? High contrast baby books have become increasingly popular and for good reason!

What if I told you that the best thing you can do to visually stimulate your baby’s vision and brain growth is to wear black and white stripes or light and dark contrasting colors for at least the first 3 months?

Honestly, it wouldn’t hurt to include them for 6 months. I used them during childhood. study after study shows that babies prefer to look at high-contrast colors over everything else.

After learning the details on how to use high contrast baby books and supplies, as well as all the benefits they provide, you’ll be shopping for high contrast supplies on amazon in no time.

You’ll want to buy black and white books for your baby to have around your house so you can soothe your baby wherever you are.

why? because you want to be at the forefront of stimulating your baby’s brain growth and vision by using high-contrast baby books.

popular questions and answers

  1. when do babies need high contrast books? as soon as they are born.
  2. when can baby see high contrast books? as soon as they are born.
  3. what is a high contrast baby book? a book that was intentionally created with colors and images that babies see best while their eyes are developing.
  4. how long do babies like high-contrast books? for at least 3 months, but up to 6 and 9 months. they are worth the purchase.

Like I said, they should be called newborn books.

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how to use high contrast baby books and items early on:

  • Step 1: Due to an underdeveloped retina, keep objects and your face 8 to 10 inches away from the baby’s face, so the baby can focus as best as possible.
  • step 2: black, white and red are the best to use on everything. According to research, pastels are a waste of time, especially in the beginning.
  • Step 3: You can and should consider high contrast for your clothes, baby toys, books, mobile, clothes crib bedding, room decor, blankets, items you place around the car seat and feet. preferably dark and light stripes.
  • step 4: the movements of people and objects should be repetitive, slow and graceful. If you allow a sibling to show your baby the book, make sure the experience is calm and reassuring.
  • Step 5: Use these items during playtime and pay attention to your baby. if they start complaining, it means they are tired and you can try again later or tomorrow. do not overstimulate the child before nap time.
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what are the benefits of high contrast baby books? What are the benefits of black and white books for babies?

#1. brain development:

The brain of newborns contains very little myelin. myelin is the protective covering that surrounds brain fibers called axons. its main function is to protect and isolate the axons and enhance their transmission of electrical impulses.

are the reason babies process information more slowly than adults. Most areas of the brain begin to add myelin in the first 2 years of life in the areas that receive their first input from the eyes, ears, nose, skin, and mouth. source

#2. eye development

striking black and white images that stimulate the development of the optic nerves. focusing on such visual stimuli trains newborns’ vision, teaching the eye muscles and brain to coordinate and function properly.

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Consequently, research has shown that black and white contrasts register powerfully on a baby’s retina and send the strongest visual signals to a baby’s brain. stronger signals mean more brain growth and faster visual development.

By providing continuous visual information to the baby’s eyes, the retina becomes stronger, the optic nerve grows, and the visual part of the baby’s brain thrives and develops significantly. source

book in photo:

#3. improved attention span:

Repeated viewing of appropriate objects will help increase your baby’s attention span. if your baby can focus on an object, information about that object reaches the cortex. Coincidentally, this will form a pathway to stimulate brain growth. source

book in photo:

#4. improves its tracking capabilities:

tracking is when your baby moves his eyes to follow an object. Tracking helps your baby learn where an object is in space and how it differs from its background so that she can reach it.

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discovers that objects have permanence by seeing that they move, but remain the same. Since she is using a high contrast which the baby prefers, the baby is more likely to follow the object for longer periods of time with ease.

To start, move the objects from left to right. about 3 months, can move objects up and down. Once your baby has mastered tracking these movements, the last instructions to try are horizontal tracking skills.

#5. extended tummy time:

When parents place high-contrast objects around the baby during tummy time, the child focuses on the objects for longer periods of time and stays content.

plus, you can open the books to baby’s favorite pages and stand them up around baby during tummy time.

baby’s tummy time increases because he is focused and stimulated.

the folding book that you see in the photo:

#6. a happy baby

Last but not least, when you intend to use black, white and red elements, you will find that your baby is happy in their surroundings. this is because they are relieved by the high contrast of interests that attracts their attention.

get this, research has shown these color patterns make babies relax. keep high-contrast items in your diaper bag to take with you during long waits and in the car for longer trips.

the best high contrast books for babies and a few other things to go the extra mile

We personally use high contrast baby books and other black and white items with our children, give them as gifts and have recommended them to future friends. the options below are up to everyone involved. we used the items below during our children’s first year.

Let it be known that I am an amazon affiliate. click the item to view it on amazon.

This is a soft book. great to take on those first dates.

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This will be baby’s favorite when he first comes home. Believe it or not, these photos are used to prepare a baby’s brain for math!

You won’t believe how much babies love animals! Baby will smile and coo as each page turns as she meets her new friends.

This black and white baby book folds out like an accordion and is perfect for tummy time.

seeing a face keeps the baby happy. this book is full of black and white baby animals that

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This playpen will be good for babies 0-6 months and up. lay the baby on his back or on his tummy. you can remove the toys and take them on the go or hang them on the stroller. the possibilities are endless.

*baby sees color was voted a national parenting product award winner* this high-contrast book begins to incorporate color.

Most importantly, reading nursery rhymes helps stimulate baby’s interest in sounds and develop listening skills. Singing nursery rhymes helps develop early language skills and strengthens the emotional bond between parents and their baby.

high contrast books for babies black and white books for babies

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I love Manhattan toys, and this rug is a must. we use it in the car seat for the baby to watch from the car seat. Not to mention, this mat has a hidden mirror for a peek-a-boo effect, along with a teether, squeaker, crinkle paper, pull ring, and 2 magnets to attach to magnetic surfaces.

5 Best High Contrast Books For Babies

We also had the Art For Baby Board Book, and I like to give Baby’s First Sights Gift Box of Infant Toys as a “My First Time to Visit Baby” gift!

now this set, you must register for. my children still play with the ball and they are 4 years old. 6!

other favorite black and white books for babies

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As you can see, there are many benefits to using high contrast baby books along with all the other great items now being offered to parents.

Add these items to your baby gift list. ultimately it’s up to you to be intentional about using them. your baby can reap the benefits and thrive and develop by leaps and bounds.

I encourage you to read over the top 10 board book genres for 0-1 year olds to get a complete idea of ​​the books that will have the biggest impact on your child during the first year. make the most of your time with your baby by wearing what works.

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whether it’s a great day or not, the choice is yours! remember to have fun, laugh and give glory to God! I love you! yes

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