How Many Twilight Books Are There? Top Full Guide 2022

twilight offers many things that readers of sincere action stories want to see. the fear of death and aging, as well as the desire for fame or status, love and superpowers, are all present in the twilight. there are some plot problems and things don’t always make sense.

how many twilight books are there? continue reading and penn book will provide you with the full article information.

You are reading: How many twilight books are there

twilight saga series

isabella swan, 17, moves to forks, washington, with her dad. she expects boredom, apathy, and all the usual sleepy high school jocks. the reality is much more complicated than that. The beautiful but distant Cullen brothers are captivating her. But they have a secret to keep, and Edward is determined not to leave.

not even knowing that edward is a vampire can prevent bella from falling in love with him, despite the warnings of her father and jacob black, her best friend, who turns out to be a werewolf. Bella and Edward’s story is as much a horror-filled romance as it is a romantic coming-of-age story. Two lovers fight against all odds to win their love.

It was a huge success when it was first published in 2005. The book sold millions of copies and won several awards, including the 2008 British Children’s Book of the Year Award for Breaking Dawn. book one broke the uk record for the fastest 1,000,000 copies sold of a waterstone book.

The success of the books continued with the hit movie that made Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattison famous. the twilight saga books are a modern phenomenon that brought vampires to the masses. Twilight’s romance and universal themes of rebellion and heartbreak have made it a favorite with Twihards everywhere.

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Twilight Saga Series

how many twilight books are there?

Although many people are familiar enough with the twilight movies, true twilights must also be familiar with the twilight novels. almost all of the books were written by stephenie meyer and have been a great success. what is the order of the seven books of the twilight saga? and what do they mean? For your convenience, we have created a cheat sheet. below are the twilight series in order:


twilight is the first book in the twilight series. Our main character, Isabella Swan, moves to Forks in the middle of her junior year in high school. Edward Cullen, a vampire, meets Bella and they fall in love with her, even though Bella’s scent is extremely painful for Edward. This book is a great introduction to Twilight and lays the groundwork for their relationship.

midnight sun

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Midnight Sun - twilight series order

next is the midnight sun. Although this is Meyer’s last book, chronologically, it ranks second. Midnight Sun is based on the same plot as Twilight. Fans learn so much more because it’s told from Edward’s perspective rather than Bella’s. The most striking thing about this book is Edward’s desire to kill Bella and her unhappy relationship with her immortal life before he met her.

life and death: twilight reinvented

another twilight reimagining is life and death: twilight reimagining. this version has the same plot, but the genres have been changed. Beau Swan, a human man, falls in love with Edythe Cullen (a vampire).

meyer believed that the story would be the same regardless of gender for many years. she wrote this book to prove her point. it’s pretty much a carbon copy, except for the ending, which is a bit more definitive.

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new moon

New Moon

new moon is the next title on the list. Edward and Bella are now in their senior year and more in love than ever. Edward is forced to leave Bella forever after an unfortunate accident. Bella is devastated and struggles to find meaning in life. she acts almost like a zombie. Jacob Black, her new friend, is what gets Bella out of her depression.

Things get complicated when Jacob keeps a secret from her. Bella is sealed away forever when Edward finds himself in mortal danger from vampire royalty, the Volturi.


eclipse is a pivotal moment in the twilight saga. edward and bella are now together again. However, to escape the Volturi, Edward had to agree to make Belle immortal. Bella’s love affair with Jacob, Edward’s natural enemy, is another factor that complicates their relationship. They must cooperate against a sinister force plotting to destroy Bella, despite tensions between Jacob and Edward’s families.

twilight books in order

the short second life of bree tanner: an eclipse novel

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The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner is an often overlooked book in the Twilight series. tells the story of Bree Tanner (a newborn vampire) that Eclipse briefly introduces to readers.

This book explains how Bree became a vampire and how she struggles to navigate her new life as a vampire without understanding all the rules.


sunrise is last but not least. This novel, which concludes the Twilight series, covers a lot. It is told from Bella and Jacob’s perspective and introduces many new characters. We won’t reveal too much, but the book begins with a wedding and ends with Edward, Bella, and Jacob finding happiness and true love.

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Dawn is full of unexpected moments. however, meyer makes sure the story ends in a satisfying way for the readers.

frequently asked questions

will there be a fifth twilight book?

midnight sun, the companion novel to stephenie meyer’s twilight in 2020, is now available. this work tells the story of twilight from the perspective of edward cullen, instead of bella swan, the usual narrator protagonist.

do you have to read twilight before the midnight sun?

Twilight fans who haven’t read Midnight Sun are safe. However, if Edward is a fan and looking to learn more about him, you should keep in mind that the book won’t add much to his story.

is twilight appropriate for a 12 year old?

The film adaptations are rated pg-13, which means they are best for teens ages 13 and up. parents may need to provide guidance. the film adaptations of twilight, new moon, and eclipse contain disturbing imagery, sexuality, and violent content.


The twilight series is a top-notch book series that has been getting a lot of attention recently. there are four books in the series, and all of them have been made into movies. movies are viral, just like books. many people enjoy reading books and are eager to find out what happens next in the story. thanks for reading!

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