Kate Clayborn – Book Series In Order

Publication order of the chance books of a lifetime

independent novel publication order

anthology publication order

kate clayborn is an acclaimed american writer of romance, contemporary, chick, adult fiction, and women’s novels. she is particularly famous for writing the opportunity for a lifetime series. Clayborn’s books often make readers laugh, sigh happily, and cry. Her novels are often hailed as witty and warm and have been praised by numerous critics around the world. Author Clayborn says that she first began writing short stories when she was in first grade. Her teacher had asked her to practice handwriting on extra-wide lined paper, but she ended up writing everything from secret agents to magical princesses to magical princesses who worked as secret agents. clayborn got gold stars from her teacher for handwriting and was also noted for the other things she mentioned in her story. this incident remained as a memory when she clayborn grew up. she went on to do many things, including earning her master’s degree, her doctorate, traveling, working, renovating her house, and living her life on her own terms. but, whatever she did, she always had a book by her side. It seemed like her love for books and stories didn’t fade at all.

when clayborn found a great romance book, she remembered her childhood interest and was motivated to start writing again. Since then, she has not looked back and has worked on and published several excellent romance novels. Ella Clayborn enjoys working on her laptop and barely keeps it out of her reach. Author Clayborn says that she is more interested in writing stories that tend to make readers happy: sighs and snorts, and feature strong, intelligent heroines facing the world alongside complicated families, good men, and true friends. Ella Clayborn feels that she is lucky to be able to spend time reading great books and talking about them. when she’s not busy reading a great book, she’s writing them or thinking about writing them or thinking about the editing that needs to be done to make them look perfect in every way.

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During his spare time, Clayborn likes to take long walks in and around the neighborhood. she also likes to spend time with her lovely husband and her dog and let them listen to the first draft of her upcoming novels. Although they feel quite bored listening to her talk, she has never cared. Currently, Ella Clayborn resides in Virginia and spends most of her time working on the development of her future novels. she thinks the hardest part of developing a book is writing. As a writer, Clayborn loves to write scenes that show her female characters interacting with each other. and this has proven to work very well for her so far. Clayborn likes to offer her gratitude to all the readers and critics who have spoken kindly of her novels. she feels that they have played a great role in making her successful and helping her books reach a large number of readers around the world.

As of right now, Clayborn is working on her new standalone novel based on contemporary romance and is very excited about it. she hopes that readers will give her the same love and support that she has given to all of her previous books. Ella Clayborn is happy to know that her books have done very well and she hopes that all her upcoming books will also do very well with the blessings and support of her fans. she wants to keep writing as long as she can and entertain readers with her work. Until her next book comes out, she hopes readers will continue to read her already published novels and help make them even more successful.

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a chance at a life series written by author kate clayborn began in 2017 and consists of three books through 2018. clayborn has portrayed the central characters of this series in the roles of kit averin, ben tucker, zoe ferris , aiden o’leary, gree hawthorne, alex averin, etc. The debut book of this contemporary romance series is titled ‘Beginner’s Luck’. It was published by Lyrical Shine in 2017. This book shows how three friends buy a lottery ticket on impulse and the ways their lives change forever. Initially, Kit Averin is presented as a normal woman. she knows nothing about gambling and has a steady job as a scientist at the university. her only focus of life is to keep herself in such a way that society accepts her.

kit dreams of buying a house in a posh society and works very hard to achieve it. But, things start to change when a handsome and charming corporate recruiter arrives at his lab and manages to find a place in his heart. When Ben Tucker learns that the scientist he has hired for his new project is a beautiful and resourceful young woman, he is shocked and excited. when kit shows reluctance to join her company, ben shows her willingness to convince her and gives her time to think. The usual encounter takes the form of a heated attraction that neither Ben nor Kit can deny.

The second installment in this series is known as “the luck of the draw.” was published in 2018 by lyrical brilliance. The main characters in this book include Aiden O’Leary and Zoe Ferris. Initially, it is mentioned that Zoe decides to quit her job as a corporate attorney after winning the lottery. But she can’t get over the guilt of the o’leary family’s unfair treatment in a death case at the hands of her firm. Intent on patching things up, Zoe approaches the grieving and gruff Aiden O’Leary, but she realizes that she doesn’t need her apology. when aiden informs her that he needs something else from her, she wonders if he is in a position to give it to her. aiden doesn’t know what made her ask zoe to pose as her fake fiancée. but, something that she knows very well is that she needs a girlfriend to win the tender to buy the camping land with which she intends to keep the legacy of her beloved brother. aiden was aware that zoe was a perfect fit, given her skills in the art of deception, but he didn’t know that she could bring humor and heart to society. being in the company of the cool beauty makes him develop an attraction that she struggles to handle with each passing day. Aiden is unable to overcome the dark truth of falling in love with the woman he had promised never to forgive.

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