Mitch Rapp Books in Order: How to read Vince Flynn&039s series (including American Assassin)? – How To Read Me

With an adaptation of the first book on American assassins coming to a theater near you very soon, let’s take a look at the book series.

what is the mitch rapp/american assassin series?

even if that will probably change after the movie, those books are mainly known as the mitch rap series. Written by Vince Flynn until his death (Kyle Mills is the author now), these novels are about an undercover CIA counter-terrorist agent named Mitch Rapp, as you may have guessed.

Recommended for mature audiences, the Mitch Rapp series is about stopping terrorist attacks in the United States. rap is willing to take measures that could be considered more extreme than it should. obviously, he gets results, but his path is paved with many frustrations.

You are reading: Mitch rapp books in reading order

mitch’s rap books in order

vince flynn wrote the first 13 books in the mitch rapp series. then writer kyle mills took over.

the mitch rap series in chronological reading order:

  1. american killer – mitch rapp was a talented college athlete without a care in the world…and then tragedy struck. Terrorists targeted innocent American citizens, and Rapp’s girlfriend was among those killed. Two hundred and seventy souls perished on that cold December night, and thousands of family and friends were left seeking comfort. Mitch Rapp was one of them, but he wasn’t interested in comfort. He now he wants revenge.
  2. Killshot: In the year since he was trained by the CIA and then released, Mitch Rapp has dismantled the network of monsters behind the terrorist attack. of bread am lockerbie. The hunt leads to Paris, where a death trap springs up when the bullet leaves Rap’s silenced gun. washington doesn’t want to be part of the international crisis, and rap is seen as a liability.
  3. transfer of power: mitch heads to the white house and discovers that the president is missing as safe as the washington power elite thought. Mitch rushes to save the hostages before the terrorists can break the president out of the bunker from him.

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  1. The Third Option: Mitch Rapp is sent on a mission to eliminate a European industrialist who has been supplying highly sensitive equipment to one of the world’s most notorious sponsors of terrorism. he doesn’t know that the ultimate target of this mission is himself.
  2. separation of power – the new director of the cia, dr. irene kennedy is the target of an internal plot to destroy her and prematurely end the term of the american president. to make matters worse, saddam hussein is close to entering the nuclear arms race. With the haunting specter of World War III looming, the President turns to Mitch Rapp.
  3. Executive Branch: Mitch Rapp’s cover has been blown. After leading a team of commandos deep in Iraq, he has been publicly hailed by the president as the most important person in the war on terror.
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  1. memorial day: when a surge in cia intelligence suggests a terrorist attack planned for memorial day, the president orders mitch rapp, his top counterterrorist operative, to do everything possible.
  2. Consent to Kill: For years, Mitch Rapp has been on the front lines of the war on terror. His bold actions have saved the lives of thousands, but in the process his list of enemies has grown inexorably. there are even those within their own government who would like to see it eliminated.
  3. act of treason – two weeks before the elections – and presidential candidate josh alexander’s motorcade is decimated by a bomb terrorist. alexander survives the attack, though members of his entourage are not so lucky. It appears to be the work of al-Qaeda. but then cia director irene kennedy is presented with toxic classified information.

  1. protect and defend: no longer willing to wait, israel kills iran’s nuclear program. the attack leaves disaster in its wake and has the Iranians crying out for blood. mitch rapp devises a brilliant plan to humiliate iran’s government and bring the nation to the brink of revolution.
  2. extreme measures - a deadly terrorist cell is about to descend on america – and mitch rapp needs his godfather to deal with this threat. Former Marine Corps officer Mike Nash, who has served his government with honor for 16 years, is the rap choice. The one thing Nash never saw coming was that his own government was about to turn on him.
  3. Quest for Honor-Mitch Rapp is on the trail of the traitor within. In this action-packed novel, Flynn returns to the secret world of intrepid Americans who must risk their lives for the safety of their country, waging a covert war that can never be talked about, not even with their own political leaders.
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  1. the last man - the head of clandestine operations in afghanistan has been kidnapped, his four bodyguards executed in cold blood. Rapp is sent to find his missing friend, Joe Rickman, no matter what. he’s not the only one looking for rickman; an fbi special agent is hot on his heels, determined to blame rap for the bloody debacle.
  2. the survivor – when joe rickman steals a host of the most classified documents in the agency, cia the director has no choice but to send mitch rapp after him. Rapp quickly dispatches the traitor, but Rickman proves to be a deadly threat to America, even from beyond the grave.
  3. Kill Order: Mitch Rapp finds himself on the hunt for red herrings. from continent to continent. continent in an effort to prevent Pakistani nuclear weapons from falling into the hands of terrorists. Soon, it becomes alarmingly clear that forces in Moscow are hell-bent on further fomenting chaos and turmoil in the Middle East, and Rapp must venture deep into Russian territory, posing as an American ISIS recruit.

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  1. enemy of the state: after 9/11, usa. uu. one of the most secret and dangerous deals in its history. the evidence against the powerful Saudis who coordinated the attack would be buried. In exchange, King Faisal would promise to keep the oil flowing and deal with the plotters in the midst of it. When it’s discovered that the king’s own nephew is funding Isis, the president becomes suspicious, deciding a message must be sent to royalty and that mitch rapp is the man to deliver it.
  2. red war – When Russian President Maxim Krupin discovers that he has inoperable brain cancer, he is determined to cling to power. Soon, however, his illness becomes serious enough to require a dramatic distraction: war with the West. Upon learning of Krupin’s condition, CIA Director Irene Kennedy realizes that the United States is facing an opponent with nothing to lose. The only way to avoid a confrontation is to send in Mitch Rapp.
  3. Lethal Agent: A toxic presidential election is underway in an America already greatly weakened by internal divisions. While the politicians focus entirely on maintaining their own power and privilege, ISIS kidnaps a brilliant French microbiologist and forces him to start manufacturing anthrax. Cleverly produced videos chronicling their progress and threatening imminent attack are posted online, intensifying the hysteria gripping the United States.
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  1. full power: when mitch rapp captures isis’ top tech expert, he reveals that he was on his way to meet a man who claims to have the ability to bring down the united states power grid . Rap is determined to eliminate this shadowy figure, but the CIA trap backfires.
  2. Enemy at the Gates – Mitch Rapp has worked for several presidents throughout his career, But Anthony Cook is unlike any you’ve ever encountered before. Shrewd and autocratic, he has no loyalty to American institutions and is wary of the influence Rap & CIA Director Irene Kennedy has in Washington. Meanwhile, when Kennedy discovers evidence that a mole is searching the agency’s database for sensitive information about Nicholas Ward, the world’s first trillionaire, he convinces Rap to take a job to protect him.
  3. loyalty oath
  4. loyalty oath
  5. strong> – with president anthony cook convinced that mitch rapp poses a deadly threat to him, cia director irene kennedy she is forced to build a truce between the two men. The terms are simple: Rap agrees to leave the country and stay in sight as long as Cook controls the White House. in exchange, the administration agrees not to make any move against him.

the mitch rapp series in publication order:

It all started with the transfer of power. Ten years later, Flynn decided to go back to square one with two prequels. so it can be confusing if you read the series in publication order, but here it is anyway:

  1. transfer of power
  2. the third option
  3. separation of power
  4. executive branch
  5. commemorative day
  6. consent to kill
  7. act of treason
  8. protect and defend
  9. extreme measures
  10. quest for honor
  11. American assassin
  12. kill shot
  13. the last man
  14. the survivor
  15. order to kill
  16. enemy of the state
  17. red war
  18. lethal agent
  19. total power
  20. enemy at the gates
  21. oath of allegiance

if you like mitch rapp, you might also want to check out our jack carr reading order, or our guide to stephen hunter’s bob lee swagger series.

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