The No Sugar Diet Book List – Medicare Life Health – Eliminating Sugar

the sugar-free diet book list

we will help you find the best sugar-free diet book for you. there are a few good ones out there, but this list will help you find the one that suits you.

In my quest to keep our family healthy for the long term, I did a lot of research to find the books that would help us all not only cut down on sugar, but also eat in a sustainable and healthy way.

You are reading: No sugar diet books

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sugar free diet books that produce results

These are the books that really helped. when I say they really helped, I really mean it. As a result of the information in these books, I lost 60 pounds (after baby number two) and my husband lost 100 pounds. We’ve both kept the weight off for two years! In addition, I feel that the lifestyle changes we have made are sustainable.

In addition to the weight loss my family noticed, we also noticed an increase in energy, an increased desire to exercise more, better skin, a decrease in inflammation, and the elimination of heartburn/digestive issues . it was a big deal! In addition, my 65-year-old mother gave up sugar and her inflammation problems with her arthritis in her hands improved.

this is my experience and it has made me a “sugar free evangelist”. If you’ve taken our free 10-day sugar detox course or read any of our sugar-free articles, you’ll remember many of the other reasons to reduce or eliminate sugar. such as:

the main reasons to eliminate/reduce sugar

  • sugar makes you fat
    • some people show the fat from sugar to the world and some hide the fat around their organs, but it has the same consequences.
    • diabetes, heart disease, inflammation, tooth decay, fatty liver disease and probably Alzheimer’s, cancer and aging.
    • Just as some people can be addicted to cigarettes and alcohol, some people are addicted to sugar. regain control.

    then, let’s get to it! Let’s find a sugar-free diet book to change your life.

    the best sugar free diet book list

    1. why we get fat and what to do about it by gary taubes

    this is the first sugar free diet book i read that helped me reevaluate sugar in my life and lose 60lbs. this is your book if you are like me in that you enjoy learning the science behind it all. once I understood how my body works with regards to processing carbohydrates, sugars and fats, everything clicked!

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    That said, why do we get fat? is actually a more accurate version of the book of taubes good calories, bad calories. therefore, it does not cover the science of the sugar diet, but it also offers a precise action plan to help you kick your bad habits.

    Thanks to taubes excellent reporting on the research behind sugar, I will never eat the way I used to.

    sugar free diet extra credit book: the case against sugar by gary taubes

    I heard this on audible. it was really the only way even I, an admitted super nerd, could get over it. is a dry account of how sugar has changed our culture in the last hundred years. however, it is a good and necessary book for america. the information it contains is fascinating, in its own way, I promise!

    2. the obesity code by jason fung

    The Obesity Code is much more than a sugar-free diet book, although it does talk extensively about sugar. I’ll tell you this book is intense, but it continued where “why do we get fat…” and changed our lives forever. it is thanks to the fung book that my husband is now able to keep off the 100 pounds he lost when we first cut out sugar.

    Jason Fung, MD is a kidney specialist. As a result, he has a unique perspective on what sugar and processed foods do to our bodies and organs over time. this is another “science” book that takes some time to read. however, it is worth getting over. the obesity code would be nice to hear on audible.

    The book kept me interested until the end. I couldn’t wait to see how all the research on the cover of the book would come together in an action plan in the back of the book. I’m happy to report that it does. after reading the obesity code, i knew what it took to keep my family healthy forever.

    3. year without sugar: memoirs of eve schaub

    A Year Without Sugar is a sugar-free diet book for those who don’t like diet books. written like a memoir, eve writes about a whole year of life without sugar in his family. they cut out fructose (sugar) entirely and this book tells the story of why and how they did it. there is good advice for all of us on how to live sugar-free or low-sugar, especially with children.

    I loved this book. eve’s journey gave me the motivation to start mine. the book still explains some of the science of sugar, but it is more of a history than a research book. does that sound better to you? I listened to this a couple of times as an audiobook. it’s good to listen. you can try audible for free with this link if you want to give it a try.

    4. I Quit Sugar: Your Complete 8-Week Detox Program and Cookbook by Sarah Wilson

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    If you’re looking for a step-by-step process to get sugar out of your life, sarah wilson has it for you at I Give Up Sugar. she reminds her, sugar is eight times more addictive than cocaine. While we have a free 10 day sugar detox for you on this site, sometimes you need a little more. Quit Sugar has sugar science, detox tips, a week-by-week plan, and recipes to help you detox sugar from your diet.

    While I didn’t complete your 8-week plan day by day, I did use your book to help me on my monthly journey to lower sugar. I liked how he offers advice on how to beat sugar cravings with natural alternatives. Also, I have used many of your recipes over the past two years.

    extra help from sarah: the sugar free cookbook: 306 recipes for clean, healthy living.

    sugar free book summary

    The Sugar-Free Diet Book List should give you a good start on your journey to eliminate or reduce sugar. Start with Why We Get Fat or The Obesity Code if you enjoy reading about the science and research behind why you’re cutting out sugar. instead, if you are more motivated by stories, recipes and a little less data, start with a year without sugar or I leave the sugar.

    Personally, I read them all and benefited from them all. they are the kind of books you want to own and refer back to often (or lend to friends). I originally got a couple of them from the library, before deciding I needed to have them all for reference.

    good luck no sugar! please let us know how your journey to quitting sugar is going.

    Remember, if you need a free online weight loss program, we recommend this one.

    last updated on 08-10-2022/affiliate links/amazon product advertising api images

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