Bible Overview | All 66 Books | City Kit

Written under the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit by laymen and scholars, commoners and nobles, the Bible is as unique as it is profound, containing 66 ancient books that have shaped laws, influenced culture, and inspired billions to faith for three millennia. Divided into two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament, the Bible is an essential historical and moral study for all that is as relevant today as it ever was.

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old testament

a collection of divinely inspired books written between 1450 B.C. and 430 BC, the Old Testament is a historical record of the people, the laws, the sayings and the promises of God that function as a model of life and moral conduct.

1. genesis

moses 1450-1410 b.c. narrative

meaning “the beginning or origin of something”, genesis is the first book of the bible, which records the creation, the fall of man and the early years of the nation of israel.

2. exodus

moses 1450-1410 b.c. narrative

god appoints moses to lead the israelites from slavery in egypt to the promised land of canaan, establishing a special relationship with them on the way to mount sinai.

3. levitic

moses 1445-1444 b.c. law

god gives israel rules to live by and instructions to present themselves holy before him.

4. numbers

moses 1450-1410 b.c. narrative

A continuation of the Exodus, the numbers take their name from two censuses (or “numberings”) of the people of Israel, following their journey through the desert for forty years.

5. deuteronomy

moses 1407-1406 b.c. narrative

a farewell address by moses to the people of israel shortly before his death, deuteronomy summarizes god’s promises and provides instructions for obeying him in the promised land.

6. joshua

joshua & Possibly Fine 1405-1383 B.C. narrative

a book of conquest, joshua details the israelites’ invasion and eventual occupation of the promised land through faith and action.

7. judges

probably samuel 1086-1004 b.c. narrative

Israel enters a cycle of sin, suffering defeat and oppression, only to cry out to God for deliverance, who sends leaders (called “judges”) to help them.

8. route

unknown 1375-1050 BC narrative

During some of the darkest days in Israel’s history, Ruth follows the journey of two widows who lose everything but find hope through God.

9. 1 samuel

samuel, nathan & gad 930 b.c. narrative

israel rejects god’s chosen leader, samuel (a judge), and demands a king despite god’s warnings.

10. 2 samuel

unknown 930 B.C. narrative

The life and career of King David, who subdues Israel’s enemies and doubles the size of the kingdom, but is not without his flaws.

11. 1 kings

unknown 560-538 BC narrative

Israel enjoys a period of peace and prosperity under King Solomon, but then splits in two after Roboam (his son) takes the throne.

12. 2 kings

unknown 560-538 BC narrative

the kings of israel and judah ignore god and his prophets, eventually fall captive to invading nations and are exiled to foreign lands.

13. 1 chronicles

esdras 430 b.c. narrative

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Written to encourage people returning from Babylonian exile, 1 Chronicle summarizes the history and genealogy of Israel, emphasizing the spiritual significance of David and the future Messianic king.

14. 2 chronicles

esdras 430 b.c. narrative

A continuation of the previous book, 2 Chronicles focuses on the kings of Israel, from King Solomon and the building of the temple, to the subsequent division, exile, and return from captivity.

15. ezra

esdras 450 b.c. narrative

Fulfilling God’s promises, the Israelites return from exile after seventy years and rebuild the temple.

16. nehemiah

nehemiah 445-432 b.c. narrative

Despite local opposition, Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem from exile, rallying the people to rebuild the city’s walls and gates in just fifty-two days.

17. ester

unknown 483-471 BC narrative

Setting during Israel’s exile, Esther is a Jewish queen to a Persian king, who intercedes on behalf of her people to save them from a genocidal plot.

18. work

possibly work 2100-1800 BC. poetry

a righteous man named job loses everything and suffers much, but remains faithful to god and is abundantly blessed.

19. psalms

David, Asaph, the sons of Korah, Solomon, Heman, Ethan & moses 1440-586 b.c. poetry

a collection of 150 songs of worship and praise to god that includes prophecies of the coming of the messiah.

20. proverbs

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solomon, agur & lemuel 970-930 b.c. wise literature

the book of proverbs contains the divine wisdom of god and covers a variety of topics for every area of ​​life.

21. ecclesiastes

solomon 935 b.c. wise literature

analysis of the life of Solomon, which is meaningless and empty without God.

22. song of songs

solomon 970-930 b.c. poetry

a passionate yet gentle love song between husband and wife, symbolizing God’s relationship with us.

23. isaiah

isaiah 700-681 b.c. prophecy

the first book of the major prophets, isaiah contains warnings of god’s coming judgment and detailed prophecies about the messiah.

24. Jeremiah

jeremiah 627-586 b.c. prophecy

Known as the weeping prophet, Jeremiah passionately pleads with the people to repent before the coming Babylonian captivity, but is ignored.

25. regrets

jeremiah 586 b.c. poetry & prophecy

lamentations is a book of sadness that reflects on the destruction of jerusalem and the captivity of israel.

26. ezekiel

ezekiel 571 b.c. prophecy

ezekiel is called by god to preach a message of judgment and deliverance to the captives living in babylon.

27. Daniel

daniel 535 b.c. narrative & prophecy

Like Ezekiel, Daniel has been taken into Babylonian captivity and receives prophetic visions while serving in the king’s courts.

28. I mean

hosea 715 b.c. prophecy

The first book of the Minor Prophets, Hosea is a tragic love story that demonstrates God’s infinite love for his people despite their infidelity.

29. joel

joel 835-796 b.c. prophecy

joel warns the people to repent and turn to god before judgment falls on them.

30. amos

amos 760-750 b.c. prophecy

A shepherd named Amos prophesies to the Northern Kingdom that has become self-sufficient and indifferent toward God during a time of great prosperity.

31. obadiah

obadiah 627-586 b.c. prophecy

In just one chapter, Obadiah demonstrates God’s continued protection of his people and the coming judgment on the nation of Edom, which was indifferent during the Babylonian sack of Jerusalem.

32. jonah

jonah 785-760 b.c. narrative

A reluctant prophet, Jonah is sent by God to Nineveh, but he refuses and learns the futility of it in the belly of a giant fish.

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33. micah

Micah 742-687 B.C. prophecy

Micah warns of the coming judgment that will eventually exile the nation, and includes some of the clearest predictions of the messiah.

34. nahum

nahum 663-654 b.c. prophecy

nahum is the second prophet sent to nineveh (jonah being the first) to preach god’s judgment on the assyrian city and empire.

35. Habakkuk

habakkuk 612-589 b.c. prophecy

god responds to habakkuk’s complaints about evil and injustice on earth.

36. zephaniah

zephaniah 640-621 b.c. prophecy

written shortly before the fall of judah (the southern kingdom of israel) to the babylonian conquest, zephaniah warns the people and surrounding nations that the day of the lord is near.

37. haggai

haggai 520 b.c. prophecy

Written after the Babylonian exile, work to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem stopped due to opposition and spiritual apathy, so Haggai encourages the people to finish.

38. zacharias

zechariah 520-480 b.c. prophecy

zechariah ministered with haggai after the 70 year exile, encouraging the remnant to return to god.

39. malachi

malachi 430 b.c. prophecy

the last book of the old testament, malachi is a beautiful expression of god’s love for a nation that continues to disobey.

new testament

The New Testament is a collection of twenty-seven holy books that focus on the life, death, resurrection, and teachings of Jesus Christ.

40. matthew

matthew (levi) a.d. 60-65 gospel

the first book of the new testament, the gospel of matthew was written primarily for the jews and references many old testament prophecies that were fulfilled by jesus.

41. mark

john mark a.d. 55-65 gospel

mark is the shorter gospel, emphasizing the service and miracles of Jesus.

42. lucas

luke 60 gospel announcement

unlike the other gospel writers, luke was a gentile who wrote an account of the life of jesus for those outside the jewish faith.

43. John

john a.d. 85-90 gospel

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the last of the four gospels, john is an eyewitness account of jesus’ ministry that focuses on the deeper meaning of the events surrounding christ’s life, death, and resurrection.

44. acts

luke ad 63-70 story

a historical account of the early church being empowered by the holy spirit to spread the good news.

45. romans

announcement of paul 70 epistle

an epistle to believers in rome (hence the name) where paul planned to visit. Romans establishes a theological foundation for faith through Jesus.

46. 1 corinthians

announcement of paul 55 epistle

The first of two letters from Paul to the believers in Corinth, 1 Corinthians, was written in response to the divisions and problems facing the local church.

47. 2 corinthians

announcement of paul 55-57 epistle

Paul’s second and final letter to the church at Corinth, 2 Corinthians deals with persistent problems facing believers there and warns against false teachers.

48. Galatians

announcement of paul 49 epistle

a letter from paul to the church in galatia, the book is a seminal study addressing the problem of jewish legalism and the fullness of salvation found in jesus.

49. ephesians

announcement of paul 60 epistle

Written to the church in Ephesus during Paul’s first imprisonment, Ephesians covers a variety of topics including the gift of grace, love, and how to walk as fruitful followers of Jesus.

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50. Philippians

announcement of paul 61 epistle

an encouraging letter from paul to the church in filippi explaining the attitude and perspective believers must have to experience the joy of the lord.

51. Colossians

announcement of paul 60 epistle

in this letter, paul refutes certain false teachings that are preventing the church in colossus, reaffirming the deity and superiority of jesus christ.

52. 1 Thessalonians

announcement of paul 51 epistle

Paul writes the first of two letters to believers in Thessalonica to encourage and strengthen the church, emphasizing the principles of holy living through faith, hope, and love.

53. 2 Thessalonians

announcement of paul 51 epistle

a follow-up letter of encouragement to the persecuted church in thessalonica, paul reaffirms the second coming of jesus and the issues preceding that event.

54. 1 timothy

announcement of paul 54 epistle

a letter from paul to a young pastor named timothy, offering important guidance and principles for church leadership that still apply today.

55. 2 timothy

announcement of paul 67 epistle

The second of two letters to Timothy, the book is probably Paul’s final chronological epistle, urging his protégé to remain strong and faithful to Jesus.

56. uncle

announcement of paul 65 epistle

a letter of guidance from paul to titus to address the challenges facing his leadership of the churches on the island of crete.

57. filemon

announcement of paul 60 epistle

Consisting of a single chapter, the book is a brief but profound letter from Paul to Philemon requesting forgiveness for a runaway slave named Onesimus.

58. Hebrews

unknown announcement 68 epistle

a letter urging Jewish believers not to return to their ancient traditions, summarizing key biblical characters and events to emphasize the hope of salvation through Jesus.

59. james

james (half brother of jesus) a.d. 49 epistle

a forceful letter from james, encouraging believers to have genuine faith with an emphasis on results.

60. 1 peter

ad of peter 65 epistle

The focus of Peter’s first letter is persecution, sharing inspiring words of comfort for Christians living as an oppressed minority in the Roman Empire.

61. 2 peter

announcement of peter 66 epistle

Peter’s second letter warns against false teachers and reaffirms important spiritual truths.

62. 1 juan

john a.d. 90-95 epistle

written to oppose heretical doctrine, john’s first letter echoes the gospel, encouraging christians to love one another and keep jesus’ commandments.

63. 2 john

john a.d. 90-95 epistle

a short letter from john to “the chosen lady”, urging believers to love one another and be on guard against false teachings.

64. 3 john

john a.d. 90-95 epistle

the shortest book in the bible, 3 john commends gaius and demetruis for their faithful service.

65. jude

jude (half brother of jesus) a.d. 65 epistle

a letter from jude to address false teachings and urge Christians to stand up for the truth of the good news.

66. revelation

john a.d. 95 apocalyptic

Written during John’s imprisonment on the island of Patmos, Revelation is an apocalyptic book containing prophetic visions of the spiritual realms and Jesus’ return to earth.

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