10 Best Poetry Books About Life (2022) – A Must Read!

best poetry books about life


as we find ourselves trying to survive in these unprecedented times, having the best poetry books about life can be the lifeline that helps us get ahead. sometimes just knowing that others have failed and won is all we need to put one foot in front of the other. poetry will always reflect the pain of the human being and offer us a way to use words to celebrate life.

your soul is a river by nikita gill

See Also: Wings of Fire Audiobooks | Audible.com

You are reading: Poetry books about life

q?_encoding=UTF8&MarketPlace=US&ASIN=0996487131&ServiceVersion=20070822&ID=AsinImage&WS=1&Format=_SL250_&tag=wwwmaxadverts-20Candid and Uplifting

reviews of your soul is a river state that is without reservation one of the best books on life. Nikita Gill has written intimately about her pain. those who have also suffered, recommend this book as a way out of the darkness.

love yourself

your soul is a river is a beautiful description of the journey towards self-love. By comparing her experiences to the cosmos, Gill finds expression for life’s emotional roller coaster. There are eight sections in the collection titled: The Cosmos, Fire, Storm, Pain, Sea, Wild, Earth, and Heal.

stay connected

nikita gill’s poetry reminds us that we are all connected and part of something much bigger than ourselves. we can share our pain, help each other heal, and accept that no one is perfect.

This message is what makes this one of the most popular poetry books about life and surviving harsh experiences. Follow Nikita’s advice: “Read this book under the stars and gently apply it to your soul.” many readers believe that this book has healing powers. always remember that you are unique and amazing from the beginning to the end of your life.

come out for nayyirah waheed

See Also: Wings of Fire Audiobooks | Audible.com

You are reading: Poetry books about life

q?_encoding=UTF8&MarketPlace=US&ASIN=1492238287&ServiceVersion=20070822&ID=AsinImage&WS=1&Format=_SL250_&tag=wwwmaxadverts-20Living Out Loud

while you read salt, you can’t help but fall in love with the work of this poet. nayyirah waheed is a talented poet who is not afraid to bare her soul. salt is one of the best poems about living your best life because it speaks out loud what we have been feeling in our hearts. Best of all, we feel uplifted and uplifted after reading her beautiful words! We include this collection of poems in our selection of the best poetry books of all time.

nayyirah waheed’s life has been anything but perfect. few of us would have to experience what she has endured. she talks about the prejudice she has suffered because of her race and her gender. she too knows the pain of growing up without a father’s love.

not bitter

The salt could well have been an outpouring of bitter anger. instead, nayyirah decided to use her talent to write poetry that inspires and uplifts. Her bravery and courage in sharing her poetry ensure that Salt is among the best-selling books of poetry about life. With the inspiration of salt, you can live your best life and find the healing you deserve.

the road not taken and other poems by robert frost

See Also: Wings of Fire Audiobooks | Audible.com

You are reading: Poetry books about life

q?_encoding=UTF8&MarketPlace=US&ASIN=1420955179&ServiceVersion=20070822&ID=AsinImage&WS=1&Format=_SL250_&tag=wwwmaxadverts-20Deluxe Edition

The Road Not Taken is a poem that has been read, recited, and remembered for over a century. It is one of his most famous poems, and this collection of Robert Frost poems is one of the best rated books of poetry about life.

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oft quoted and much misunderstood frost poem

“two roads diverged in a forest, and I-

I took the least traveled,

and that has made all the difference.”

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here we find other brilliant poems from his early works such as after the apple picking, the bird in the oven and mending the wall.

meaning in life

Introduction by poetry critic David Orr explains the reason for Robert Frost’s enduring popularity. Frost is one of the most famous American poets and his uncanny ability to create intricate poetry makes him the poet of choice when people search for the meaning of life.

he took the simple things of life and the beauty of nature and transformed them into poetry full of symbolism and meaning. that is what makes it an example of the best book of poetry about life. Not only that, but the author’s name made it onto our epic list of the best poetry books of all time.

questions for ada by ijeoma umebinyuo

See Also: Wings of Fire Audiobooks | Audible.com

You are reading: Poetry books about life

q?_encoding=UTF8&MarketPlace=US&ASIN=1505984343&ServiceVersion=20070822&ID=AsinImage&WS=1&Format=_SL250_&tag=wwwmaxadverts-20One of the Top Female Poets

If you are looking to fill your bookshelf with the best book of poetry about life, then you have to buy questions for ada by ijeoma umebinyuo! she is a Nigerian woman who has been writing beautiful poetry since she was seven years old.

women and power

questions for ada is full of poems about women and empowerment. The samples of her work fill us with respect for the women who have sacrificed themselves to give us emancipation and opportunities in life.

questions for ada speaks to the harsh realities of discrimination against women of color. Ijeoma Umebinyuo is an African-American woman who has had to find her way through cultural differences and gender discrimination.

healing and hope

She is an outstanding literary talent who honestly shares her pain and can bring healing to the brokenhearted. she said: “I am too full of life to be half loved” and that should be the rallying cry of every woman who has been mistreated in life.

this is how you survive by lana rafaela cindric

See Also: Wings of Fire Audiobooks | Audible.com

You are reading: Poetry books about life

q?_encoding=UTF8&MarketPlace=US&ASIN=1544659776&ServiceVersion=20070822&ID=AsinImage&WS=1&Format=_SL250_&tag=wwwmaxadverts-20Only You Can Do It

lana cindric is considered one of the most talented modern poets and she brings us good news with her collection of poems called this is how you survive. is one of the best poetry books about life.

poems about healing

Lana isn’t lying about life’s harshness, but she reminds the reader that they have what it takes to get through life’s pieces of shit. some of the poems are soft and soothing, while others are a battle cry to gird your loins and move on. You will be swept up in a rollercoaster of emotions as you read these poems, and some will even take your breath away.

survival guide

If you need inspiration on how to survive, then this is one of the best poetry books on how to survive life experiences you will ever find! how to survive is poetry about how to create your own life story that is unique, wonderful and yours.

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tell me the truth about life: a national poetry day anthology by cerys matthews

See Also: Wings of Fire Audiobooks | Audible.com

You are reading: Poetry books about life

q?_encoding=UTF8&MarketPlace=US&ASIN=1789290996&ServiceVersion=20070822&ID=AsinImage&WS=1&Format=_SL250_&tag=wwwmaxadverts-20Truth About Life

tell me the truth about life is the publication of the 25th anniversary of national poetry day. this collection of poetry is a representation of the kind of poetry that people want to read. contains poems that have been selected for their understanding of the human condition and offer wisdom for survival in our modern world.

we are all human

tell me the truth about life has poems chosen by people from all walks of life, from helen sharman (first British astronaut) to sportswomen, comedians and art world celebrities.

The poems that have been included range from modern poets to the classics. These are some of the best poems ever written about life, and they will bring you comfort and inspiration through the bad times and the good.

the darkness between the stars by atticus poesia

See Also: Wings of Fire Audiobooks | Audible.com

You are reading: Poetry books about life

q?_encoding=UTF8&MarketPlace=US&ASIN=1982104864&ServiceVersion=20070822&ID=AsinImage&WS=1&Format=_SL250_&tag=wwwmaxadverts-20Refreshing Look at Life

atticus knows how to squeeze every possible emotion into his poetry. In the darkness between the stars, he examines the contrasts between our life experiences and the links between the best and the worst. he forces us to think about living a meaningful life.

your umbrella on rainy days

atticus knows that we cannot have pleasure without pain, and he eloquently describes “the darkness and the stars”. not all poems are dark and deep. there are beautiful lighthearted observations about lighthearted things like dancing, paris, jazz clubs, sunsets, sharing a bottle of wine on the river.

these are some of the best poems about beautiful life. but, with mature pragmatism, he reminds us that we have to live through the rainy days and the pain of loneliness. This instagram sensation has gained a massive following with her astute observations and has created some of the best short poems on life.

new perspective

It is not an easy task to write optimistic poetry because the medium lends itself more naturally to sad and melancholic words. however, atticus has brought a fresh new perspective to poems about life and we love it!

swimming lessons: poems by lili reinhart

See Also: Wings of Fire Audiobooks | Audible.com

You are reading: Poetry books about life

q?_encoding=UTF8&MarketPlace=US&ASIN=1250261759&ServiceVersion=20070822&ID=AsinImage&WS=1&Format=_SL250_&tag=wwwmaxadverts-20Honesty and Vulnerability

swimming lessons is the collection of poems that lili reinhart has been writing for the last five years. They cover a variety of topics and leave the reader feeling upbeat and hopeful about the future. her work gets the best book of poetry on life reviews. Lili has experienced heartbreak, pain, and romantic disaster, but she says that reading and writing poetry has always brought her comfort in dark times.

burning issue

lili reinhart is a passionate activist for mental health awareness and self love. at swim lessons, she talks openly about her battles with anxiety and depression, and her struggles with self-acceptance. Ella Lili Ella understands how hard it is to get over a broken heart and how passion can quickly go from hot to ice cold.

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swimming lessons are written in a close and deep way. the poetry is both comforting and surprising, and the layout of the poems is beautiful. Interesting illustrations bring the entire collection of poems to life.

sylvia plath’s bell jar

See Also: Wings of Fire Audiobooks | Audible.com

You are reading: Poetry books about life

q?_encoding=UTF8&MarketPlace=US&ASIN=0060837020&ServiceVersion=20070822&ID=AsinImage&WS=1&Format=_SL250_&tag=wwwmaxadverts-20Taking the World by Storm

The Bell Jar is a semi-autobiographical book by Sylvia Plath, and it’s got 234 great pages! This is one of the best poems about life and death and tells the story of Esther Greenwood. She once had ambitions and dreams, but her life degenerates to a terrifying low point as she tries to make her way through the loneliness of living in New York City. one is curious to know what the result will be.

story of his own life

Plath’s description of Esther’s empty life in the big city gives insight into her own feelings of isolation and loneliness. We see how Esther’s life falls apart as she loses her identity and her passion for the things she once loved.

This story is unfortunately not unique, as it epitomizes the empty lives of many women who were forced to choose between ambition and the monotony of marriage and family. we watch as esther gradually disintegrates into a full blown depression and her sanity breaks down.

pressures from society

sylvia plath has written one of the best books of poetry about life and what it looks like when everything goes terribly wrong. she makes a clear statement about society’s pressures on women and the impact on their mental health.

why i wake up early by mary oliver

See Also: Wings of Fire Audiobooks | Audible.com

You are reading: Poetry books about life

q?_encoding=UTF8&MarketPlace=US&ASIN=0807068799&ServiceVersion=20070822&ID=AsinImage&WS=1&Format=_SL250_&tag=wwwmaxadverts-20Concerns About Environment

This famous poet writes poems that are accessible to all and the themes are universal. Mary Oliver’s passion for the world and all living things is well documented and supported by many concerned about the environment. she is a poet who forces all of her passion for the world into poetry that is almost religious in its fervor. If you want to know more about her, don’t miss the opportunity to consult our article on the best books by Mary Oliver.

if we just look and see

Her poems personify wildlife and their feathered friends, placing them firmly at the center of her search for purpose in life. In this way, he draws the reader in and fills us with the ecstatic joy that he is experiencing as he writes.

He has a unique way of making us look through the lens of his poetry to see the wonder in the most mundane of places. Examples of this are the poems about the unearthing of an arrowhead, or the relentless “break” at the seashore. In her bear poem, the sight of a large footprint on the road makes her “flutter” with menace.

expression of life

In this collection of poetry, we begin to understand the reasons why Oliver likes to get up early, and we are tempted to join her in the glorious expression of life waiting to be enjoyed. it’s easy to see why this is one of the highest rated poetry books about life.

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