Review: 7 Popular Medical Terminology Textbooks for 2022

The seven most popular medical terminology textbooks (in no particular order) are:

  1. basic medical language
  2. medical language for modern healthcare
  3. master medical terminology
  4. complete medical terminology!
  5. medical terminology: get connected!
  6. medical terminology for health professionals
  7. medical terminology: a living language

In this blog, you’ll learn the details of each textbook and some ideas about the type of course they work best in.

You are reading: Used medical terminology books

1. Basic Medical Languagebasic-medical-language

  • Authors: Danielle Lafleur Brooks, Myrna Lafleur Brooks, and Dale Levinsky
  • Published: 2019
  • Selling Price: $59.95

Basic Medical Language is designed to introduce students to basic medical vocabulary.

The book focuses on suffixes, prefixes, and their combinations to help students learn hundreds of medical terms they will need to know for a career in health care.

In addition, these lessons help students identify and understand new terms they may encounter on the job.

the basic medical language is organized in twelve chapters:

  1. introduction to medical language, body structure and oncology
  2. directional terms, planes, regions, positions and quadrants
  3. integumentary system, colors and plural endings
  4. respiratory system
  5. urinary system
  6. reproductive system
  7. cardiovascular and lymphatic system
  8. digestive system
  9. eye and ear
  10. musculoskeletal system
  11. nervous system
  12. endocrine system

each chapter includes key objectives, related images, learning exercises, and case studies to help students learn new terms and understand the context in which each one should be used.

In addition, this textbook comes with over 200 flashcards to help students memorize medical terms.

Overall, any teacher looking for an introductory book on medical terminology will find this text useful.

However, if you need a textbook that will work for a full year medical terminology course, Basic Medical Language may not be deep enough for your needs.

Medical Language for Modern Health Care

2. medical language for modern medical care

  • authors: david allan and rachel basco
  • published: 2023
  • retail price: $97.25 single sheet, $129.67 hard copy

medical language for modern healthcare teaches medical terminology through context-based learning and an organized approach to each topic.

In this book, you will find 22 chapters on healthcare terminology:

  1. the anatomy of medical terms
  2. word analysis and communication
  3. the body as a whole
  4. integumentary system
  5. digestive system
  6. urinary system
  7. male reproductive system
  8. female reproductive system
  9. nervous system
  10. system cardiovascular
  11. blood
  12. lymphatic and immune system
  13. respiratory system
  14. skeletal system
  15. muscles, tendons, medicine physical, and rehabilitation
  16. special senses of sight and hearing
  17. endocrine system
  18. mental health
  19. geriatrics
  20. cancer
  21. radiology and nuclear medicine
  22. pharmacology
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What’s great about medical language for modern health care is the level of detail included in each chapter.

You’ll find a focused approach that includes the context of each term, along with exercises to reinforce students’ understanding.

By segmenting each chapter at such a detailed level, students will learn hundreds of medical terms in specific contexts each time a new chapter begins.

If you’re looking for an in-depth medical terminology textbook that covers more than just the basics, this might be a great option!

3. Mastering Healthcare Terminologymastering-healthcare-terminology

  • author: betsy j. shiland
  • Released: 2019
  • Retail Price: $83.95

The Health Care Terminology Mastery is designed to help medical professionals learn medical terms and definitions so they can communicate effectively in the field.

The book consists of 16 chapters, which are organized into three sections:

  1. basic terminology
  2. body system terminology
  3. specialized terminology

Basic terminology includes the first two chapters of the book. introduces students to basic health care terminology and discusses the structure of the human body.

body systems contains 12 chapters focusing on the basics of medical terms associated with each body system. this is the most detailed part of the book and you can use it for most of your lessons.

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Specialized Terminology is made up of the last two chapters, which discuss medical terms as they relate to behavioral health and oncology.

In all, you’ll find over 100 case studies and examples throughout the book that provide real-world context for students as they learn different terms.

The textbook also includes practice tests that students can use to study for quizzes and tests throughout the course.

In general, proficiency in health care terminology is considered a good resource for advanced high school classes, college-level classes, or updating health professionals.

However, that means if you teach introductory high school medical terminology, this book may be too advanced for your courses.

4. Medical Terminology Complete!0136873804

  • Author: Bruce Wingerd
  • Published: 2019
  • Retail Price: $101.32

Complete medical terminology! The textbook teaches students key healthcare terminology with a primary focus on terms used in hospitals and clinics.

The book is made up of 15 chapters:

  1. introduction to word parts and word construction
  2. understanding suffixes
  3. understanding prefixes
  4. the human body in health and disease
  5. the integumentary system
  6. skeletal and muscular systems
  7. blood, lymphatic system and immunology
  8. the cardiovascular system
  9. the respiratory system
  10. digestive system
  11. urinary system
  12. reproductive system and obstetrics
  13. system nervous system and mental health
  14. the special senses of sight and hearing
  15. the endocrine system
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each chapter introduces key terms related to body systems and clinical designations.

This book presents all of its terms and definitions in the context of a clinical setting, as opposed to a biological or laboratory setting.

These two aspects complete the medical terminology! an excellent choice for a high school medical terminology course.

however, because this book was published in 2016, some of the information will be dated (such as using the term “mental health” instead of “behavioral health”).

That doesn’t mean the whole book is irrelevant. But if you buy full medical terminology! It’s smart to review everything before you start your lessons!

5. medical terminology: connect!

  • author: suzanne s. frucht
  • published: 2020
  • retail price: $85.32

medical terminology: connect! teaches medical terminology with a focus on using word parts and roots to build medical terms.

The text includes two sections containing 17 chapters:

  1. basic word construction
  2. medical specialties

Basic word construction teaches the fundamentals of medical terms such as suffixes, prefixes, and anatomical terminology.

These chapters build on the foundational knowledge students need to understand the information in the second section.

medical specialties contains chapters focused on each system of the body, such as integumentary, cardiovascular, and respiratory.

These chapters are organized in a step-by-step method to show students the parts of words, then the roots of words, and finally the set of words associated with each system.

Each chapter also includes a variety of exercises and review activities to help students practice and apply what they have learned.

if you’re looking for a textbook that teaches students how to contextualize and understand any medical term they encounter, medical terminology: get connected! it’s right up your alley.

6. medical terminology for health professionals

  • Author: Jane Rice
  • Published: 2021
  • Retail Price: $59.99

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Medical Terminology for Health Professionals takes a systematic approach to teaching medical terms in relation to specific health care careers.

The book begins with an introduction to healthcare terms and then moves on to terminology associated with healthcare fields, such as cancer, behavioral health, and special patient considerations.

In total, this textbook has 21 chapters:

  1. introduction to medical terminology
  2. suffixes
  3. prefixes
  4. organization of the body
  5. integumentary system
  6. skeletal system
  7. muscular system
  8. digestive system
  9. cardiovascular system
  10. blood and lymphatic system
  11. respiratory system
  12. urinary system
  13. endocrine system
  14. nervous system
  15. special senses: hearing
  16. special senses : the eye
  17. female reproductive system with an overview of obstetrics
  18. male reproductive system
  19. oncology
  20. radiology and nuclear medicine
  21. mental health

Each chapter within Medical Terminology for Healthcare Professionals uses a color-coded system to help students understand the parts of words and how to construct medical terms.

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In addition, the text includes information related to pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, laboratory tests and more.

This helps students learn the basics of medical terminology, as well as applicable knowledge in more specific career areas.

Overall, if you’re looking for an in-depth book that links basic medical terminology to specific careers in healthcare, Medical Terminology for Healthcare Professionals might be the answer!

If you teach more than one introductory course or only spend part of the semester discussing medical terms, this book may be too detailed for your needs.

The only downside to this book is the use of outdated terms like “mental health” instead of “behavioral health.” be sure to keep an eye out for other possible instances of outdated terminology if you choose it!

7. Medical Terminology: A Living Languagemedical-terminology-living-language

  • authors: bonnie f. fremgen and suzanne s. frucht
  • published: 2018
  • retail price: $106.66

Medical Terminology: A living language teaches students medical terms through real-world examples related to basic anatomy and physiology.

This textbook is organized in 13 parts:

  1. introduction to medical terminology
  2. organization of the body
  3. integumentary system
  4. musculoskeletal system
  5. cardiovascular system
  6. the blood, lymphatic and immune systems
  7. respiratory system
  8. digestive system
  9. urinary system
  10. reproductive system
  11. endocrine system
  12. nervous system
  13. special senses: the eye and the ear

each part is organized with the same topics in the same order: learning objectives, anatomy, terminology, pathology, diagnostic procedures, therapeutic procedures, and more.

Each chapter also ends with reviews and practice exercises to help students learn real-world applications of concepts and terms.

The textbook is organized this way to teach students the applications of medical terms instead of memorizing them for an exam.

General Medical Terminology: A vivid language could be a great addition to any medical terminology course!

Which Medical Terminology Textbook Is Right For You?

While it’s not possible to review every medical terminology textbook out there, here are seven of the best!

As you learn more about each option, keep in mind that traditional textbooks are not the only viable teaching aids for teaching medical terminology.

In fact, some health sciences instructors have found that digital curriculum can make a world of difference in their understanding of medical terms, knowledge of health care, and preparation for certifications. their students.

Curious if the digital curriculum will be a better fit for you and your students?

Click below for your free comparison guide to digital curriculum and textbooks.

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