15 Writing Websites & Online Resources │Blurb Blog

Like any trade or task, having the right tools for the job can make writing your own story that much easier. There are countless online writing resources and websites that help with all aspects of story writing, from story title ideas and plot development to editing. We’ve selected some of our favorite websites to help you get started, improve your writing, develop your characters, and learn how to edit your work. Ultimately, we want to help you become a more confident and productive writer.


Nothing strikes more fear into the heart of an aspiring author than the blank page. endless blinking cursor. Even when your head is full of plot twists and characters, putting it all down in writing in a cohesive way is another matter entirely. Fortunately, this is a common first hurdle for many writers, which is why hundreds of tools and apps have sprung up, dedicated to helping you gather your thoughts and start writing.

You are reading: Website for writing books

Get Started

  1. evernote

    This bookmarking tool is a great way to collect inspirational moments and ideas for your story in one place, where they can be archived and organized, ready to be put to good use. It could be a how-to article you want to read, a quote that reminds you of one of your characters, or an image that would be the perfect setting for your next scene. Inspiration comes from the most unexpected places, but because Evernote is available on virtually every platform, you can collect notes wherever you are. you organize your thoughts and ideas as you go. if you’re working on a novel, why not set up separate notebooks for each character or each chapter?


    November is a special time of year for writers. If you are struggling to start writing your own story, joining nanowrimo is the perfect opportunity. Sure anyone can write a novel in just 30 days, nanowrimo provides tools, tips, and resources throughout November to help writers do just that. be encouraged by the hundreds of writers from around the world who come together through social networks and nanowrimo forums to encourage each other and share the learnings of their own experiences. all you need to get started is a draft title for your book.

    the time is now

    look at this section of poets & online writers magazine for weekly writing prompts: poetry on Tuesdays, fiction on Wednesdays, and creative nonfiction on Thursdays. is a great resource to help you build a daily writing practice, get new ideas, and improve your craft. most prompts are inspired by specific books, so you can grow your reading list too!


    Formerly known as Figment, Underline is a website that provides story starters, writing inspiration, and advice from published authors. you can also join a community of aspiring writers, share excerpts of your work, and give each other feedback—all valuable parts of creative life.

    improve your writing

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    Whether this is your first attempt at writing your own story or you always have a few books behind you, there are always new things to learn and more ways to improve your writing.

    750 words

    As with any skill, the best way to improve your writing is to practice, practice, practice. Story writing websites like 750 Words or Writer’s Digest’s Creative Writing Prompts provide daily tips to get your creativity flowing. simply writing, without an agenda and without judgment, will make writing every day a regular productive habit and will steadily boost your confidence.

    help writers become authors

    The podcast resource to help writers become authors brought to you by award-winning author, k.m. Weiland, offers tips and advice on story writing from structure and plot to character identity and honing his craft as a writer.

    grammar girl

    Come to grips with the quirks of language and the rules of good grammar with this entertaining and hugely helpful podcast. Popular Grammar Girl episodes include “affect vs. effect” and “active voice & passive voice.”

    develop your characters

    we bet you have more than one favorite character from more than one book. Characters like Elizabeth Bennett, Albus Dumbledore, and Bilbo Baggins live in readers’ minds long after the final page has been turned. your characters should become like old friends, that you know inside and out, to add depth and humanity to your story.

    Writer’s Roundup: Character Development Sheets

    Subscribing to the Writer’s Digest mailing list gives you access to this free worksheet designed to develop each of your characters. Working through a series of questions, you’ll develop their key hopes, fears and abilities, their personality quirks, how they might act in different situations, and how all of this will reveal itself to the reader throughout their story.

    writing practice – characterization 101

    This free writing practice course walks you through seven key steps to creating memorable characters, covering important character archetypes, character motivations, how not to introduce a character in your story, and much more.

    edit, revise, repeat

    In addition to correcting spelling, linguistic, and grammatical errors, two other forms of editing should be part of your review process. development editing: the structure, flow, and consistency of your story; and substantive editing: concerned with clarity, accuracy, and reader understanding.

    When your manuscript or first draft is complete, let it sit for a while before revising it. It also helps to have a second and third set of eyes on your work. Even better, budget permitting, employing the skills of a professional editor can give your story the polished finish it deserves.


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    Available as a Google Chrome extension, Grammar works on all your web pages as you type, to help you spot common typing errors. will highlight and correct errors in grammar, punctuation, and contextual spelling. the premium version can also suggest alternative vocabulary options.

    Remember not to rely solely on online spell checkers to check your work. always give your text a thorough meaning, check it yourself too.

    hemingway editor

    As the name suggests, Hemingway Editor is an online editing tool and a website will help make your writing clearer, bolder and more direct. simply copy and paste your text into the tool to check for overly complex sentences, excessive use of adverbs and passive voice. it will also highlight cases where a shorter word could serve the same purpose.


    every writer needs a good editor, and the reedsy website only works with the best. Their professional, experienced, and carefully selected editors can review your story’s development, structure, consistency, and style, helping to hone and polish your manuscript. reedsy also offers a tool to easily write and format a book, just like a professional typesetter would.

    promote your writing


    Use this storytelling platform to connect with writers and readers around the world, build an audience, and even get discovered. On Wattpad, you start by sharing a story, and then if you build a big enough fan base, you may have the opportunity to work with entertainment companies and publishers looking to feature your work.


    In this reading and writing hub, you’ll find handpicked stories, articles, and inspiration written by people just like you. Do you want to share your own writings, photos or videos? you can do it in between and potentially make money. The platform lets you see how your stories are performing and what kind of readers like your writing, plus it offers tips for starting a newsletter, submitting to publications, and selecting your work.

    fiction press

    If you’re interested in getting feedback on your own work and exploring an archive of self-published short stories, fiction, and poetry, check out what’s happening on fictionpress (a sister site to fanfiction). you can upload your own writing for free and let other people review it. sometimes all you need is a little encouragement and support from like-minded writers to keep you on track towards your writing goals.

    From gathering inspiration to the final finishing touches, there is a world of tools, websites, support and advice to help you through every stage of writing your own story and making your own book. but, when it comes down to it, what will make the biggest difference, is you. you have all the tools you need. now write.

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