Fahrenheit 451 Banning & Book Burning | Why Are Books Banned in Fahrenheit 451? – Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com

author of fahrenheit 451, ray bradbury

Ray Bradbury

Fahrenheit 451 Book Burning (and Banning)

in fahrenheit 451, books were banned in an attempt to keep society happy, or so they were told, believing that if people didn’t have to form opinions for themselves, there would be less conflict , and society would be happier. as a result, firefighters were tasked with finding and destroying books that prevented people from reading, educating themselves, or forming their own opinions. these events made government-controlled television the only medium people had access to, which was supposed to be enough to survive; however, as the novel shows, that is not the case. many characters suffer significantly due to censorship and the oppressive nature of information and media control. While writing the novel, Ray Bradbury was inspired by growing concerns that society was becoming too dependent on television. This concern arose during the McCarthy era from around 1940, and lasted until the 1950s; many believed that the government would control the media and their access to various forms of media such as newspapers, books, television, and more.

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Although this book is fictional, the burning and banning of books is not a fictional activity. For example, many books have been banned by societies around the world, including the United States; furthermore, book burnings typically occur as a demonstration to show how strongly a group feels about censoring the topics and information in the books they are burning. however, a ban does not always mean that the book is out of print and destroyed; Book banning is usually done at more localized levels, such as in a school district or within a city or community.

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banned books are books that have been “challenged” due to their content. some groups find specific topics and content issues too inappropriate, be it morally, politically, ethically, religiously, or a combination of all. for example, many religious communities will ban a book due to its sexual content, vulgarity, anti-religious rhetoric, and more. Many parents will often challenge a book to no longer be included in their school library for issues related to drug or alcohol use and other topics that they may not want to expose their children to.

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The burning of books is done when a group wants to censor the content.

A photo of burned books

Fahrenheit 451 Thesis Statement

fahrenheit 451 has remained a relevant novel because censorship is a concept that continues to be a source of conflict for various reasons. This concept is used in “Fahrenheit 451” to demonstrate the importance of literature in society both structurally and culturally. literature is necessary for a society to prosper. the novel highlights the protagonist’s internal moral and ethical dilemma with his desire for knowledge and information while he lives in a society that encourages compliance and obedience. keeping citizens oppressed by limiting their knowledge and creative intelligence is counterproductive to creating an educated and culturally rich society.

Many characters throughout the book quietly rebelled against the book ban in various ways. for example, some characters secretly and illegally hid books in their homes, risking their lives to keep the books safe. other characters memorized important texts of literature. at the end of the book, those who survived hope to rebuild society and record the literature they have memorized. the idea of ​​literature preservation is another essential component of fahrenheit 451.

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