Paperback vs Hardcover: What&039s the Difference? 2022

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If you’re interested in the difference between paperbacks and hardcovers, this guide tells you everything you need to know, whether you’re just learning the basics or an author deciding how to publish your own book.

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In short, paperback books and cheaper and less durable, but lighter and easier to carry. Hardcover books are more expensive and more durable, but heavier and harder to carry.

Keep reading for more specific details on paperbacks and hardcovers in the guide below.

what is the difference between paperback and hardcover?

Learn the difference between paperback and hardcover below:

  • answers to frequently asked questions about paperback and hardcover
  • the meaning of hardcover
  • the meaning of hardcover
  • the pros and the cons of rustic vs. hardcover at a glance (visual chart)
  • which option is best for authors

Frequently asked questions about paperback and hardcover

explanation of the differences between paperback and hardcover

learn the meaning of paperback and the meaning of paperback with detailed attention to all their similarities and differences.

the meaning of pocket book

less durable cover

Softcover books have a thick paper or cardboard cover that is easier to damage. (however, it can be protected with a book cover).

some paperbacks have a “french flap”. this means that the front and back covers have a folded section behind the cover, similar to a hardcover book jacket to make the paperback look more like a hardcover book.

tied with glue

Paperbacks are glue bound, which makes them less flexible. it is also more difficult to lay them flat when open. (However, you can use a book weight to keep it open.)

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high quality paper

The pages of a paperback are typically made of high-quality, acid-free paper, similar to hardcovers, but the pages can sometimes be thinner and less premium.

smaller size

The standard paperback size is about five or six inches wide by eight or nine inches tall, and weighs less than a hardcover. the font can also be smaller.

lower cost

Paper books are often several dollars cheaper than hardcover books. This is because the materials cost less and are easier to mass produce. the profit margin, then, is also lower for paperbacks.

often published after hardcover

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Publishers publish the paperback to offer a low-cost format of a particular title, either because it is a less popular title for which buyers will not pay a premium, or alternatively because it is so popular that the publisher wants to give the consumer more shopping options at lower prices.

For example, paperback editions of the best-selling Harry Potter and Jane Austen books are available.

Furthermore, paperbacks are popular in the non-fiction genre, especially if they are subject to rapid updates, such as in the fields of science and technology.

if the publication of a paperback version of a title follows the publication of a hardcover version (usually a year or two later), the printed pages are usually identical to those of the hardcover version, and the paperback version is usually close to the same size as the hardcover edition. however, paperback editions may not include additional content such as forewords and illustrations.

It should be noted that most advanced review copies (arcs) of books that are sent to book reviewers for review prior to a book’s publication are also printed in paperback format, as it is less expensive to print.

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related publication: rustic vs. mass market paperback

the meaning of hardcover

more durable cover

As the name suggests, hardcover books have a “hard cover”: thick cardboard wrapped in cloth and (sometimes) covered with a matte or glossy paper dust jacket. the title of the book and the name of the author are usually stamped on the binding.

staple bound or stitched

Hardcover books are stapled or sewn together. this makes the spine more flexible and the book lays flat when open.

high quality paper

Just like paperbacks, hardcovers use acid-free paper. however, the paper can be thicker and have a more premium look.

larger size

Hardcover books are generally six to eight and a half inches by nine to eleven inches in the United States. therefore, they are the same size as a paperback book or larger. the font can also be larger and therefore easier to read.

higher cost

While a hardcover book is more durable and premium than a paperback, this also means that the higher quality comes at a higher cost to produce and purchase as a consumer.

On the publishing side, higher cost translates into higher profit margins.

often published before paperbacks

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Hardcovers, particularly popular fiction, are typically published a year or two earlier than paperbacks, as profit margins are higher for hardcovers.

Textbooks, children’s books, and coffee table books are often printed only in hardcover editions due, in part, to consumer preference for these types of books.

Collector’s editions of popular books, like the classics, can also be published in a new hardcover format. for a striking example, check out the penguin cloth-bound classics.

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at a glance: what are the pros and cons of paperback and hardcover?

Take a quick look at all the pros and cons of paperbacks and hardcovers in one easy-to-read place.

rustic vs. hardcover: what is the best option for your book?

If you’re a self-publishing author, you’ll likely quickly learn that hardcover printing can be exponentially more expensive and harder to come by. For these reasons alone, paperback printing is likely to be the most viable option for both you and your consumer.

However, you may want to consider whether your particular consumer is likely to prefer a hardcover edition. For example, if your book is one that they will refer to and use heavily for many years to come, or it is a cookbook or coffee table book that they want to show off, your buyers may prefer and be willing to pay for a copy of Hard cover.

Another reason you might prefer hardcover for your book is if you already have a large fan base that is likely to support the higher price.

Lastly, if you print your book in hardcover first and it sells very well, you may be able to sell the paperback rights to a publisher.

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Now you know all the differences between paperbacks and hardcovers.

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