9 Reasons Why Books Are So Boring – Chilkibo Publishing

Is sitting down to a good book just not a scenario that you can ever see yourself doing? Even though reading is a popular pastime, for some people, it can feel like a chore – the very last thing you want to do. However, you can get around these negative feelings about reading by figuring out what you don’t like about it.

here are 9 reasons why books are so boring:

You are reading: Why are books so boring

  1. Reading does not stimulate dopamine production.
  2. For some, it is difficult to concentrate on reading.
  3. reading reminds you of school.
  4. the language of the book is too difficult.
  5. it is difficult engaging with a book.
  6. You’re just reading to impress, not for fun.
  7. There are no pictures in books.
  8. reading makes you sleepy.
  9. you prefer to look at a screen.

In this article, I’ll delve into why people find books so boring and the methods you can try to get out of this mindset and become a good book. keep reading (no pun intended) for more information.

1. reading does not stimulate dopamine production

dopamine is the “feel good” sensation you experience in your brain, which reinforces your association of pleasure with a particular activity and motivates you to keep doing it.

dopamine is a neurotransmitter created in your brain when you expect a reward. When a person engages in an activity they enjoy, the brain will experience a surge of dopamine.

Reading is boring because you don’t get the same dopamine hit that you get from other activities. your brain likes to reward you with a feeling of dopamine whenever it feels like you’ve accomplished something pleasurable. So if you find that you have to stick with the book you’re reading, your brain will have a hard time creating dopamine.

brains like instant dopamine. That’s why I’d rather you sit in front of the TV and eat cookies than go for a run.

The problem with reading is that dopamine can take longer to build up compared to other activities. a lack of dopamine can be frustrating and demotivating, making you want to put the book down and be inspired to do something more fun.

The thing is, if the book you’re reading isn’t rewarding in and of itself, you won’t get a dopamine hit. this won’t help you if you need to read for your degree or if reading is part of your job. you’re going to have to incentivize turning those pages.

Adding incentives to finish chapters in your book can help. This could be something small like a bite of your favorite snack or 10 minutes of watching your favorite show. small rewards may be enough for the brain to associate reading as a pleasurable activity that can help keep you going.

2. for some, it is difficult to concentrate on reading

Another reason books are so boring is that it’s hard to concentrate on them. you may not be able to just read a book whenever you want. you may have to make sure you’re in the right environment, at the right time, and with the right amount of energy before you can even think about reading, and that’s okay!

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If you have to concentrate while reading something, minimize your distractions. this might mean going somewhere where you can be alone, putting your phone on silent, and turning off the television.

If you can’t do these things, it’ll be hard for you to focus on what you’re reading and you’re more likely to get frustrated and give up.

To overcome lack of concentration, many people like audiobooks more than regular books because they don’t have to worry about getting distracted. being able to hear the words instead of reading them means they can listen to them whenever they want, where they want, and as many times as they want.

Audiobooks also mean you can read on the go. you can take them on a run with you or listen to them while you’re on your daily commute. it’s a much more convenient way to read and concentrate.

3. reading reminds you of school

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many people have negative associations with reading because they remember how boring it was when they were in school. they had to read books they didn’t like and do so slowly, delving into why authors used certain words and what they meant.

Memories of school days are the reason many people don’t like to read, even though they know there are books out there that are fun and exciting. they don’t want to be reminded of the bad old days when they were forced to read boring books at school, and that’s why reading has become such a tedious activity for them.

Reading for pleasure is very different from reading for academic purposes. while it is essential to understand what you are reading, there is no need for so much analysis. you can read things verbatim and you don’t need to parse the text unless you want to.

If you want to enjoy reading, you need to find the right books. you need to find books that bring you joy and make you feel good about yourself. you don’t need to read things that remind you of your school days. there are plenty of books you’ll love that won’t remind you of your English literature class!

If you can find the right kind of book, it will be easy for you to overcome your bad associations with reading and enjoy it again.

4. the language of the book is too difficult

Many people think reading is boring because they don’t understand the words. being unable to understand long words can make you feel inadequate. If you associate reading with feeling bad about yourself, are you surprised that you don’t want to do it?

If you are one of these people, first of all, you should keep in mind that there is no shame in not knowing something. everyone has been in the same position of learning a word for the first time. even avid readers learn new words every day.

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Learning is a gift and a privilege, and it’s not something you finish when you leave school. it’s something you should keep doing throughout your life to grow and develop.

Reading is one of the few ways to learn new words often enough. Just like when we learned to read as children, the more often you read a word, the faster it sinks in.

You can make this process easier by making a note of the words you find and looking them up later. Alternatively, suppose you’re reading your book from a device like a Kindle. in that case, there is usually a “search” function that will give you the definitions of the words without having to lose your place.

Also, if you just want to read for pleasure, and not necessarily to learn something or expand your vocabulary, you might choose a book at a lower reading level. no shame in that either! many adults like young adult novels or even children’s books!

The beauty of books is that there is something for all reading abilities. If you’re having a hard time finding something, why not visit your local bookstore or log onto websites like reddit? there are thousands of people happy to give their recommendations.

5. it’s hard to commit to a book

If you think reading is boring, then you might be one of the people who just can’t interact with the written word. Reading books may not tap into your imagination the way other media like television or radio do.

reading may not bring a character to life. not being able to translate a story from the book to your mind could be causing a barrier that will prevent you from enjoying what you are reading.

If this is something you’ve thought about, you need to improve your reading experience. maybe you find that the books you are reading are too long, or maybe you need to try another method, like audiobooks, or have someone read to you?

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perhaps joining a book club could be a good way to better engage with a book. having other people explain the context and their insights to you might inspire you to give the story another try. Joining a group that can promote reading could ignite a passion for books you didn’t know existed before.

6. you’re just reading to impress, not for fun

Nobody likes being the outsider in a group of friends who have read the next big hit. it can be embarrassing and leave you feeling inadequate and left out.

Those feelings of stupidity can make you feel like you have no choice but to go to your local bookstore and order that book. but what if it’s really horrible?

reading things to try to fit in with friends can take two forms. don’t get me wrong; sometimes it’s good to broaden your horizons and try new things. however, when that means reading something that just isn’t to your liking, you might just chalk up the artistic differences and move on.

If you’re reading the wrong books, you won’t enjoy them to their fullest. you may be reading books that have too much violence or books that talk about ideas that seem just plain weird to you.

Your friends won’t hate you just because you don’t read the same books as them. It would be better if you celebrate your differences. life is too short to read books you don’t want to read.

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7. there are no pictures in the books

Pictures in books can make a story much more interesting. not only that, but they can provide context and explain terms and concepts sometimes much clearer than words. others just can’t grasp the plot of a book unless they have a clear idea of ​​what’s going on.

For those who need more visual stimulation, maybe graphic novels are something to consider. there are many of them that offer a lot of different genres. perhaps this will bridge the gap you need to start enjoying reading and stop experiencing so much frustration about it.

8. reading puts you to sleep

If you’re saving your reading until right before bed, maybe it’s not that you find reading boring but that you find it too relaxing!

Many people find reading to be a great way to relax and unwind. after a long stressful day, it can be comforting to curl up in bed with a good book. however, if you must read something for college or work, this might not be the ideal time to read.

If you know that reading at night will put you to sleep, why not try it earlier in the day? if you get creative, there are plenty of great times to fit reading into your day, like going to work (as long as you’re not driving!), at lunchtime, or waiting for your friends before meeting up.

9. you prefer to see a screen

Smart devices and computers have practically taken over the world now. it’ll be hard to find something you can’t do on a screen.

Our phone addiction goes back to what I mentioned earlier about dopamine. social media and other smart apps are designed with dopamine in mind. the brain gets instant gratification from interacting with your phone, reinforcing our motivation to do it more often.

With this powerful device so close to us all day, it can be really hard not to spend all your time on it. Unfortunately, books aren’t equipped with the same ways to grab our attention. however, they are a source of knowledge and joy. While they won’t necessarily give you instant gratification like social media does, they can give you a sense of pride when you complete one.

If getting away from your screen for a few hours isn’t something you want to do, why not consider a reading app or buy a device to keep all your eBooks in one place?

If you’re looking for a smart device, I can recommend the amazon kindle (available on amazon.com). It has an easy-to-read e-ink display that will make it much easier to put your head on your books and not on your phone.

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