22 Self-Help Books To Read in 2022 | by Soda | Better Humans

These last two years have been chaotic. It’s easy to fall into a rut and not care about self-improvement, but what if you could read a book on the subject? one that could help push you in the right direction?

luckily, you can. There is a wide selection of books on the subject of personal growth, productivity, and experience. All of these books contain something worth learning.

You are reading: Best self help books 2022

22. man’s search for meaning

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”

man’s search for meaning is a non-fiction work about viktor frankl’s experience living in the nazi concentration camps, as well as his psychotherapeutic technique called logotherapy. Frankl never gives the reader a linear narrative of his time in the fields; instead, he focuses more on explaining how the daily struggles of camp life affected the mental state of his inmates. (via litcharts)

21. thinking, fast and slow

“Oddly enough, I am the me who remembers, and the me who experiences, who lives by me, is like a stranger to me.”

thinking, fast and slow has to do with how two systems, intuition and slow thinking, shape our judgment and how we can harness both effectively. Using the principles of behavioral economics, Kahneman explains how to think and avoid mistakes in high-stakes situations. (via insider information)

20. the 4-hour workweek

“The question to ask is not ‘what do I want?’ or ‘what are my goals?’ but ‘what would excite me?'”

In the 4-hour workweek, Ferriss promises a way to reap all the rewards of working without having to wait until the end of your career. (via oberlo)

19. rich dad, poor dad

“When it comes to money, the only skill most people know is hard work.”

Rich Dad Poor Dad is Robert’s story of growing up with two dads, his real dad and his best friend’s dad, his “rich dad,” and the ways they both shaped his thoughts about money and investing. . The book debunks the myth that you need to earn a high income to be rich and explains the difference between working for money and having your money work for you. (via Good Reads)

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18. great magic: creative life beyond fear

“Creativity is a daunting task and a glorious mystery. the work wants to be done, and it wants to be done through you.”

Sharing stories from her own life, as well as those of her friends and the people who have inspired her, Elizabeth Gilbert challenges us to embrace our curiosity, tackle what we love most, and face what we fear most. (via google books)

17. the happiness project

“Things that go wrong often make the best memories.”

the happiness project will show you how to change your life, without actually changing your life, thanks to the findings of modern science, ancient history and popular culture about happiness, which the author tested for a year and now shares with you. (via Four Minute Books)

16. the secret

“There is no such thing as a desperate situation. all the circumstances of your life can change!”

The Secret is a self-help book on the power of positive thinking by Rhonda Byrne. The book suggests the notion that like attracts like, which means that if you emit positive energy, it will be very beneficial because you will attract positive things to you. (via kobo)

15. who took my cheese?

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“What would you do if you weren’t afraid?”

is the funny and enlightening story of four characters who live in a labyrinth and search for cheese to nourish them and make them happy. cheese is a metaphor for what you want in life, for example, a good job, a love relationship, money or possessions, health or peace of mind. the labyrinth is where you look for what you want, perhaps the organization you work for, or the family or community you live in. the problem is that the cheese keeps moving. (via Good Reads)

14. Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World

“Be a disciple of depth in a shallow world.”

deep work is a guide on how to develop the superpower of deep focus on cognitively demanding tasks in a distracted world. These efforts create new value, enhance your skill, and are difficult to replicate. It covers many examples of real-world experiences, and the hands-on elements make implementing these ideas quite easy. (via Wild Dan)

13. the 5 love languages: the secret of love that lasts

“Forgiveness is not a feeling; it’s a compromise.”

People express and receive love in 5 different ways, called love languages: quality time, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service and physical contact. The sooner you discover your language and that of your loved one, the sooner you can take your relationship to new heights. (via 5 Love Languages)

12. the gifts of imperfection

“we cannot selectively numb emotions, when we numb painful emotions, we also numb positive emotions.”

the gifts of imperfection, teaches us not to change ourselves to fit expectations, but to embrace and commit to our imperfections. the central ideas focus on empathy, understanding and adopting a “true life”, so that we begin to live for ourselves and not for other people. (short path)

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11. Greatly Daring: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

“Courage begins by showing ourselves and letting ourselves be seen.”

As human beings, we have a fundamental need for connection, love, and belonging. however, we fear rejection and fear that we are not good enough. we try to hide our vulnerabilities, only to create further disconnection with our families, communities, and work. Based on 12 years of research, dr. Brene Brown explains the concept of vulnerability and how embracing it can change the way we live, love, lead, and interact with others for full and satisfying connections. (via readingraphics)

10. quiet: the power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking

“don’t think of introversion as something that needs to be cured.”

Cain argues that modern Western culture misunderstands and underestimates the traits and abilities of introverted people, leading to “a colossal waste of talent, energy, and happiness.” the book presents a story of how western culture transformed from a culture of character to a culture of personality in which an “extroverted ideal” dominates and introversion is seen as inferior or even pathological. (via wikipedia)

9. The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

“realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. make the now the main focus of your life.”

the power of now shows you that every minute you spend worrying about the future or regretting the past is a minute wasted, because really all you have to live for is the present, the now, and it gives you practical strategies to get started to live each minute as it happens. (via Four Minute Books)

8. the four agreements: a practical guide to personal freedom

“I will no longer allow anyone to manipulate my mind and control my life in the name of love.”

The book offers a code of conduct that it claims is based on ancient Toltec wisdom that advocates freedom from self-limiting beliefs that can cause suffering and limitation in a person’s life. (via wikipedia)

7. You’re a badass: how to stop doubting your greatness and start living an amazing life

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“if you are serious about changing your life, you will find a way. if you’re not, you’ll find an excuse.”

you’re a badass aims to help you identify and change self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors that are keeping you from getting what you want, overcome your fears so you can take big, exciting risks, figure out how to make big money, and learn to love yourself and others. (via short stories)

6. the magic of ordering that changes lives: the Japanese art of ordering and organizing

“The question of what you want to own is really the question of how you want to live your life.”

Struggling to keep your home and work space tidy? Or maybe you always lack storage space at home? Using the Konmari method in this book, you can tidy up your work or living spaces once and for all. More importantly, in the process of getting your house in order, you will experience a profound change in mindset that will fundamentally change your life. (via readingraphics)

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5. the power of habit: why we do what we do in life and in business

“Change may not be fast and it is not always easy. but with time and effort, almost any habit can be changed.”

A journey back in time to the edge of scientific discoveries that explain why we form habits and how we can change or replace them with the ones we’d like. (via google books)

4. atomic habits: an easy & Proven way to develop good habits & break bad guys

“Be the designer of your world and not just the consumer of it.”

Atomic Habits is the ultimate four-step guide to ending bad behaviors and adopting good ones, showing you how small, incremental daily routines turn into massive, positive changes over time. (via Four Minute Books)

3. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons for Personal Change

“begin with the end in mind. ”

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is written on Covey’s belief that the way we see the world is based entirely on our own perceptions. to change a given situation, we must change ourselves, and to change ourselves, we must be able to change our perceptions. (via hubspot)

2. how to win friends and influence people

“talk to someone about themselves and they will listen to you for hours.”

The classic guide to greatly improving effectiveness and efficiency by mastering the ability to work with and through the people around you, from self-improvement guru Dale Carnegie. (via The Art of Living)

1. the subtle art of not giving a fuck: a counterintuitive approach to living the good life

“who you are is defined by what you are willing to fight for.”

There are so many things that we don’t give a damn about, so we have to figure out which ones are really important, Manson makes clear. while money is good, worrying about what you do with your life is better, because true wealth is about experience. a much-needed moment of real conversation to grab you by the shoulders and look you in the eye, full of entertaining stories and ruthless profane humor, the subtle art of not giving a fuck. k is a refreshing slap in the face for a generation to help them lead contented and down-to-earth lives. (via Good Reads)

“The absurdity of working so hard to keep doing something you don’t like can be overwhelming.”

This is one of my personal favorites. allie brosh, through a series of curious drawings, explores her own experiences in a funny and heartbreaking way. it’s easy to see how our own thoughts and feelings are brought to life through his work. The second book of his has just been published in 2020.

thanks for reading.

See Also: Cathy Lamb – Book Series In Order

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