12 Best HR Books to Read in 2022

You found our list of awesome human resource books.

Human resources books are guides to human resources topics such as performance management, hiring, company culture, employee wellness, and labor relations. These books explain key concepts and evidence-backed philosophies to help HR professionals excel in their roles and better serve their organizations.

You are reading: Best hr books 2021

These books help develop HR skills and are similar to HR blogs, employee engagement books, and people management books. you can find these books at HR conferences.

this item includes:

  • human resources books for beginners
  • best human resources books
  • human resource management books
  • books for resource professionals human resources
  • human resources management textbooks

so, here’s the list!

list of human resources books

From HR manuals to manifestos on employee empowerment, these are the best HR books to read in 2022.

the 9 faces of hr: a disruptive guide to mastering innovation and driving real change by kris dunn

The 9 Faces of HR

kris dunn is a human resources blogger, speaker, and cro. This experience led Dunn to the nine basic HR personalities distinguished by career level, attitude toward innovation, and ability to influence change. the 9 faces of hr looks at each of these archetypes, such as the mentor, the judge, the fixer, and the killer, and outlines the driving traits of each. Instead of presenting characters as preferable or undesirable, Dunn lays out the strengths and weaknesses of each. this approach creates nuanced profiles, so HR professionals can better understand their own nature and focus.

notable quote: “the most interesting thing about the 9 faces of hr is to think about which person is uniquely yours. the second most interesting thing is to think about which of the faces are the people you love (and hate) in the world of human resources.”

buy all 9 faces of hr.

harvard business review’s compilation of 10 hbr must reads for HR leaders


The HBR 10 Must-Read Collection for HR Leaders is the definitive set of HR operations books. This set is ideal for veterans and beginners alike. the collection contains five books:

  • reinvent human resources
  • change management
  • build a great culture
  • diversity
  • people management

Each book in the series is a compilation of the main articles from the Harvard Business Review, along with additional information from experts. The set covers a wide range of human resources topics, compiling wisdom from highly trained professionals in the field.

Notable quote: “The chro is in a position to pinpoint why an organization might not be performing well or not achieving its goals. CEOs must learn to seek such analysis from their peers instead of turning to consultants. the cro should work with the CEO and CFO to examine the causes of errors, because most problems are people problems.”

Buy hbr’s 10 must-reads for the HR Leaders Collection.

hr on purpose: developing a deliberate passion for people by steve browne

HR on Purpose

hr on purpose is one of the most motivating human resource management books. HR veteran and blogger Steve Brown shares insights, tips, strategies, and best practices to help HR professionals excel. the book encourages human resources staff to find passion and meaning in their roles.

Notable quote: “Employees will never be engaged unless HR engages first and models that engagement by bringing it directly to where employees work.”

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I bought hr on purpose.

the practical guide to hr analytics: using data to inform, transform and empower hr decisions by shonna d. water doctorate, valerie street, et al.

The Practical Guide to HR Analytics

Human capital books teach human resource professionals how to measure the value of employees through the use of facts, figures, and statistics. The HR Analytics Field Guide explains the basics of data analytics and suggests specific ways to apply these principles. The book describes how to collect and interpret HR data, as well as use that information to communicate findings and plan next steps.

Notable quote: “People may resist relying on data or algorithms to make decisions. Analytical evidence can be perceived as threatening, given its potential to develop conclusions that contradict personal judgment. building analytical skills in HR professionals is critical to laying the groundwork for a broader evidence-based approach.”

See Also: 12 Can’t-Put-Down Books That Hook You From The Very First Page

Buy the practical guide to human resource analysis.

the fearless organization: creating psychological safety in the workplace for learning, innovation, and growth by amy c. edmondson

The Fearless Organization

Creating psychological safety is one of the most important team building tips and is essential for any workplace to thrive. The Fearless Organization details how to empower employees to speak honestly, take creative risks, learn and grow, and be their best and most authentic at work. the author states that security drives performance and benefits organizations at the institutional level.

Notable Quote: “For jobs where learning or collaboration is required for success, fear is not an effective motivator.”

buy the intrepid organization.

Bring your human to work: 10 surefire ways to design a workplace that’s good for people, great for business, and could change the world by erica keswin

Bring Your Human to Work

Bring Your Human to Work is a guide to enhancing company culture with authenticity and intent. There’s a good reason this title is one of the best-selling HR books in recent years, given the growing focus on the benefits of employee engagement best practices in the workplace. Erica Keswin shares tips on how to hold meaningful meetings, meaningfully connect with colleagues, and improve employee well-being. these efforts will help you earn respect, goodwill, and sincere effort from employees in the process.

starred quote: “the way i see it, it doesn’t matter how strong someone’s technical skills are if they can’t handle relationships. if they can’t handle stress, if they’re operating from a place of fear…no It doesn’t matter what their technical skills are because they won’t be able to access them.”

shopping brings your human to work.

belonging at work: everyday actions you can take to cultivate an inclusive organization by rhodes perry mpa

Belonging at Work

Diversity is an important topic, even in the world of human resources. and inclusion is the ultimate goal that HR professionals must strive for. a sense of belonging is a basic human need, and employees who truly feel part of a team tend to achieve more and feel happier. Belonging at work shows how leaders can cultivate an environment where each team member feels valued, safe, and accepted.

Notable quote: “Cultivating a culture of belonging in the workplace is a journey, not a destination. it takes patience, perseverance, tenacity and determination. the journey begins with yourself committing to continuing education.”

See also  Isaac Bell - Book Series In Order

buy membership at work.

the essential handbook of human resources, 10th anniversary edition: a quick and useful resource for any manager or human resources professional by sharon armstrong and barbara mitchell

Essential HR Handbook

the essential human resources handbook is one of the best human resources books for beginners. This practical guide covers a wide range of topics, from talent acquisition to performance management, compensation and benefits, and legal considerations. even seasoned professionals can refer to the book for a quick refresher or refresher on industry best practices. the handbook describes the essentials with a modern twist, for example recognizing social media as a recruiting tool or exploring the impact of globalization on workplace etiquette.

Notable Quote: “Managers today must stay abreast of world events and the global economy to work with customers and employees in other countries, and assess whether such events will affect the organization’s business or employee base. training in cross-border management”.

Buy the essential HR handbook.

work rules! (information from inside google that will transform the way you live and lead) by laszlo bock

Work Rules!

laszlo bock ran google’s legendary people operations divisions for a decade. During that time, the company was repeatedly recognized as one of the best places to work in the world. Bock channels this expertise and experience into Work Rules!, a human resources philosophy that advocates an emphasis on growth, culture, and humanity. Google’s example is proof that great results don’t have to come at the expense of employee well-being. Bock describes how Google revolutionized the field of human resources by creating an environment so desirable that candidates willingly waited years for the opportunity to be interviewed. however, the author also acknowledges mistakes made and lessons learned along the way, offering a balanced and realistic account of the company’s people-focused journey.

starred quote: “In a nutshell, since many professionals are almost always successful at what they do, they rarely experience failure. and because they have rarely failed, they have never learned to learn from failure. … [a]se defensive, dismiss criticism and “blame” anyone and everyone but themselves. in short, their ability to learn shuts down precisely at the time they need it most.”

buy work rules!

radical candor (be a great boss without losing your humanity) by kim malone scott

Radical Candor

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Radical Candor is one of the most popular recent books written by HR thought leaders. Kim Malone Scott established her career as a coach to the CEO of Silicon Valley and a faculty member at Apple University. Radical candor explains how to be honest without being brutally honest, showing how to take a transparent and open approach while avoiding being taken advantage of. The book focuses on relationships and advocates open communication as the foundation for all healthy and productive collaborations in the workplace. scott released an updated edition in 2019 and is still writing.

notable quote: “make sure you see each person on your team with fresh eyes every day. people evolve, so your relationships must evolve with them. take personal care; don’t put people in boxes and leave them there.”

buy radical candor.

1501 ways to reward employees by bob nelson

1501 Ways to Reward Employees

1501 Ways to Reward Employees is a collection of ways to increase your team’s happiness, recognize ideas, and express appreciation. The book explains the importance of employee recognition, outlines reward strategies, and suggests rewards for specific achievements. this collection lists hundreds of activities, including individual and group rewards, daily recognition, and special occasions.

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starred quote: “there is a revolution taking place in today’s workplace. workers want respect and they want it now. they want to be trusted to do a good job…they want to be appreciated when they do a good job ”.

shop 1501 ways to reward employees.

Fully Staffed: The Ultimate Guide to Finding & keeping great employees by eric chester

Fully Staffed

full staffed is a guide to employee retention strategies in the modern workplace. The book explores how to attract and keep great employees in challenging job markets. Eric Chester stresses the importance of finding the right people for open positions and creating an environment that makes staff want to stay. full staffed is a master’s course in smart interviewing and hiring practices.

notable quote: “make no mistake, it’s not just about hiring. it’s also desperately looking for a way to stop the mass exodus of its best workers so it can finally achieve corporate nirvana, that mythical place where you have the staff right, happily engaged in the right jobs, so you can focus once again on building and improving your business.”

shop with all staff.

final thoughts

The field of human resources encompasses a wide range of topics and competencies, many of which change to keep up with laws, society, and industry standards. Absorbing and processing HR information can be a daunting task, and HR books make learning a lot in a short amount of time manageable and enjoyable. Mastering HR competencies is an ongoing process that requires constant learning and an openness to change, which means reading books is a must for HR professionals at any stage of their career.

Next, check out our list of company culture books, this one featuring diversity and inclusion books and the best recruiting books.

We also have a list of change management books, a list of mentoring books, and a list of HR citations.

for tools, check out our list of HR software.

frequently asked questions: human resources books

These are the answers to some of the most common questions about human resources books.

what are human resources books?

human resources books are resources that cover human resources topics such as hiring, compensation and benefits, performance management, company culture, and employee recognition. Written by thought leaders and HR experts, these books help current or aspiring HR professionals understand industry concepts and standards of behavior.

what are the best human resource management books?

some of the best human resource management books are hr on purpose by steve browne, radical candor by kim malone scott, and bring your human to work by erica keswin.

why should hr professionals read hr books?

Like any field, HR grows and changes as new theories and insights emerge. Reading human resources books helps professionals gain new perspectives and stay on top of industry trends. While these books can help beginners learn the ins and outs of the profession, they can also enlighten seasoned HR staff on new ways of thinking, strategies, and approaches.

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