Top 10 Classic Books for First Grade Reading – Bibliology

The ability to read and understand books, as well as a passion for reading, is one of the greatest indicators of success for children and adults. children’s academic success may be tied to how much they have read and been read to.

There are many parents who are deciding to homeschool their children this year, and here at biblio we want to help. we are putting together lists of popular classic literature suggested by teachers and librarians for each grade. These lists are aimed at our American audience, but can be a good starting point for anyone looking to supplement their children’s reading lists.

You are reading: Best classic books for first graders

Best Classic Books for First Grade

the tale of peter rabbit by beatrix potter

The Tale of Peter Rabbit is a children’s book written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter. The story follows Peter Rabbit, a mischievous and disobedient young rabbit, as he ventures into the garden of grumpy farmer Mr. The McGregor story was written for five-year-old Noel Moore, the son of Potter’s former governess, in 1893. Since its publication in 1901, it has been translated into more than 30 languages ​​and sold more than 45 million copies.

a bear named paddington by michael bond

a lone toy bear on an empty store shelf on christmas eve 1956 first caught michael bond’s attention. in love, the bbc employee brought the teddy bear to his wife. They named Paddington Bear after the station near his home in London, and so inspired, Bond began to write some cute stories about the bear’s adventures starting with a bear named Paddington in October 1958. The friendly bear with his old hat, suitcase battered, duffle coat, and a love of jam, she has become a classic character in British children’s literature and has also become popular with American audiences. Learn more in our book collecting guide article, “Michael Bond: The Man Behind Paddington Bear.”

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alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day by judith viorst

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, Bad, Very Bad Day, published in 1972, is a remarkable children’s book written by Judith Viorst and illustrated by Ray Cruz. He also appeared on the beloved show Reading Rainbow with Levar Burton.

when we were very young by a. a. milne

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This collection of poetry by a. a. Milne has been delighting children and adults alike since it was published in 1924. Though old-fashioned, most of the simple, humorous poems are still magical and relevant to children today.

The book begins with an introduction titled “Just Before We Begin,” which introduces a narrator who could be Christopher Robin. Winnie the Pooh is included in the poem, “Teddy Bear,” which originally appeared in Punch magazine in February 1924.

amelia bedelia by peggy parish

amelia bedelia is the first book in a series of children’s picture books written by peggy parish, illustrated by fritz siebel and published by harper and row in 1963. amelia bedelia is a housekeeper who takes orders and figures of speech quite literally. , resulting in some silly scenarios.

esop’s fables by aesop

Aesop, known only from the genre of fables attributed to him, was a slave in the mid-6th century BC in Greece. many of these curious moral parables are supposed to have been written and collected by him and have been added to and translated into many languages ​​since they were first collected. aesopica, or aesop’s fables, are still being added to more modern tales.

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small house in the great forest by laura ingalls wilder

Little House in the Big Woods is a children’s novel by Laura Ingals Wilder and was published in 1932. This book is the first in a series of books known as the Little House Series. The Little House series (also known as “The Laura Years”) is based on decades-old memories of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s early childhood in the great woods near Pepin, Wisconsin, in the late 19th century. /p>

While this first book is fairly innocuous, some of the later books in the series have moments of racism against the Osage and other Native American tribes, as well as a minstrel show and offensive language. Times have changed since Laura lived and wrote these books, and these can be teachable moments about American history and race when shared with her children.

clifford the big red dog by norman bridwell

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Clifford the Big Red Dog was first published in 1963. It tells the story of Clifford, the dog chosen as a Christmas present by 8-year-old Emily Elizabeth. Clifford is a huge dog that Emily rides like a horse, but he often gets into mischief just because he’s so big.

Hardcore fans of the Scholastic Book Fair may recognize Clifford as the organization’s mascot. in fact, seeing clifford’s face triggers a pavlovian response in me to put money in my pocket and find a book fair to browse.

green eggs and ham by dr. seuss

Green Eggs and Ham is one of Seuss’ “beginner books,” in which he dared to write a children’s book with very simple vocabulary for beginning readers. In just 50 words, this book shares the story of a picky guy and his friend trying to convince him to try a plate of green eggs and ham. It was published in 1960 and has since become a best-selling book.

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if you are interested in more dr. seuss, you can learn about some of the collectible works written by the famous author and illustrator in our article: collecting books & ephemeral by dr. seuss

the little house of virginia lee burton

la casita is a bittersweet story that centers on a house built on top of a small hill, in the countryside, that is haunted when a newlywed couple chooses it as their home. however, the house is lonely at night and wonders what it would be like to have other houses to talk to, often looking at the lights of the distant city. As the years go by, urban sprawl occurs and more and more buildings appear until the house is in the middle of a city on a large street.

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