4 Examples of Good Writing From Professional Writers | She Blossoms

what makes writing good? Who can judge what is “good writing”? What can we learn from the examples of good writing from successful writers? Let’s take a look at some short excerpts from professional authors and find out.

good writers are “particulars”. that is, they have a unique way of expressing themselves that goes beyond engaging readers. they keep readers engaged by writing words and sentences that are clear, easy to read, and interesting. Some writers seem to be born with a natural talent for writing; most of us have to work at it. In fact, I wonder if being successful as a bestselling author depends more on a writer’s personality traits than on his or her innate ability to write.

You are reading: Good writing examples from books

This is what an editor and writing teacher had to say about good writing: “During the decades that I worked as an editor and publisher, what drew my attention to a job more than any another factor was the use of apt particularities, the detail that differentiates one person from another, one act from another, one place from any other resemblance”, writes sol stein in stein about writing: a master editor of some of the most successful writers of our century share their craft techniques and strategies “I’ve seen the use of particularity make an article on a mundane topic sing on the page. the nonfiction books I edited that became classics had the quality of particularity”.

Reading and rereading collections of essays by professional writers is one of my favorite ways to look at different kinds of writing. I examine how and why his writing works. this helps improve my own writing skills.

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for example, I just finished reading afterbirth: stories you won’t read in a parenting magazine. these examples of good writing are taken from that book.

4 examples of good writing from different authors

what makes good writing good? Not personality or style, as you’ll see if you read the best written quotes from Capote, King, Lamott, Orwell, and more.

To a certain extent, good writing depends on the tastes and interests of the reader… but there are certain universal truths that apply to all types of writing.

1. good writing startles, provokes or arouses the curiosity of the reader

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This is one of my favorite quotes from afterbirth (which is a book that destroys idealistic fantasies of what it’s like to be a father):

“what can I tell you about my personal battle against breast cancer? oh wait a minute, that’s next week. this one is about kids.”

that was matthew weiner’s introduction to his essay, “beware of the old man”. what makes this an example of good writing and a great introduction? This is what he did for me: I stopped, thought twice, then laughed. and I was curious as to whether he really battled cancer and how he makes a living as a writer. Above all, I wanted to keep reading. that is the key definition and the best example of good writing: it keeps the reader interested.

2. good writing shares personal experiences that are real, but not too heavy

“The cocaine was strictly for parties, to improve my tae bo training, to motivate me to clean my apartment, and occasionally to snort a stripper’s butt during a threesome; whatever, it was the 90s,” writes marta ravin in the “baby powder” essay. “Anyway, after I got married, I pretty much cut down on my drug use, except for the weird yom kippur binge.”

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why is this an example of good writing? because it reveals the writer’s struggle with addiction without readers wanting to cry or call the police. his writing clarifies a very heavy topic without making fun of it and makes us love her.

3. good writing doesn’t tell you what to think or feel

cindy chupack essay “we’re having a maybe!” is a great example of how to write with your own voice and style. it’s like she’s sitting at the dinner table, telling us about her experience on safari in Africa. she was in her bungalow. “Then I heard this thump thump thump thump thump, and I knew something wasn’t right, so I got up and looked out into the living room, and there were seven monkeys throwing food, and they froze like I just walked into a teenage party . one was at a table next to a big bowl of fruit, just staring at me, holding an apple, half bitten.”

what makes this an example of good writing? its long sentences mimic the breathless style of someone telling the story in person. this writer describes what she saw and heard without embellishment with unnecessary detail.

4. good writing shares the writer’s insight, change, or accomplishment

The best and most interesting stories, articles, books or even blog posts reveal a change in the writer. a writer’s revelation doesn’t have to span pages or chapters. a sentence will suffice; a phrase that reveals change and self-knowledge. For example, in “What Grownups Do,” Brett Paesel describes how her son was being bullied at school and how she stood up to the bully:

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“I know what you did,” I say, holding up my hand and pointing two fingers in his direction like a haunting sigh as I warn him ominously, “I’m watching you.”

what makes this an example of good writing is its ending: “of course, the boy i was protecting today wasn’t spencer, who could have handled it all by himself. the boy i was protecting it was me.”

find a passage of good writing, with lots of examples of good writing that surprise you, and copy it down. pay attention to the rhythm and flow of writing. What words catch your attention? emotions? sensory experiences? writer’s personality traits? whatever resonates with you is what makes that paragraph an example of good writing.

By copying that writer’s words, you’ll begin to internalize their style. you won’t become a carbon copy of it, but you will learn more about how good writing works.

above all, good writing tells a story

“Whether you know it or not, your desire to write stems from a need not only to be “creative”, it is a need (that all human beings have) to help others,” Shawn Coyne writes in the history. grida: what good editors know. “A well-told story is a gift for the reader/listener/spectator because it teaches them to face their own discomforts.”

Do you think there is a common denominator that unites these examples of good writing? Is there something that all professional writers do to improve their writing? Your comments are welcome below.

For more examples of good writing, read 4 Examples of Sensory Details to Liven Up Your Writing.


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