The Best Book Club Questions For Every Kind of Discussion

So, you’ve started your book club, bought enough wine to satisfy even your thirstiest friends, plus plenty of cheese sandwiches. Now comes the hard part: turning her friendly small talk into a lofty, incisive conversation about the book they all agreed to read. that can be a challenge. That’s why we’ve provided you with this list of the top book club questions that will spark a general discussion, whether you’re focusing on nonfiction, a self-help book, a juicy historical romance novel, or one by Reese, Jenna Bush Hager or Oprah’s favourites, of course.

In addition to the following questions about the book club, remember that the easiest way to participate in the book club is to be an active reader. If you don’t mind writing in the margins, try taking notes and underlining passages as you go. For those of you with a library book, author Elise Williams Rikard shared a tip with “I put sticky notes on the pages that really move or make me think so we can revisit and discuss them during book club,” Rickard says.

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ideally, everyone would come to the book club full of feelings, impressions and ideas that the book had awakened. samantha cerff, editor of fandango latinoamérica and member of the sinopsis reading club in lima, peru, recommends organizing all these reflections before the meeting. “Always prepare your questions ahead of time and keep in mind a few quotes you’d like to discuss,” Ella Cerff tells

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So all it takes is one or two prompts to get everyone to share their thoughts. Fortunately, there’s no shortage of thought-provoking book club questions. bring them to your next gathering and you’ll be hailed as a book club hero.

general book club questions

  1. what was your favorite part of the book?
  2. what was your least favorite?
  3. did you run to the end or was it slower?
  4. Which scene has stuck with you the most?
  5. What did you think of the writing? Is there a highlighted sentence?
  6. did you read any passages again? If so, which ones?
  7. Would you like to read another book by this author?
  8. Did reading the book affect your mood? if yes, how is that?
  9. What surprised you the most about the book?
  10. How did your opinion of the book change as you read it?
  11. If you could ask the author anything, what would it be?
  12. How does the title of the book work in relation to the content of the book? If you could give a new title to the book, what would it be?
  13. Is this book overrated or underrated?
  14. did this book remind you of other books?
  15. how did it impact you? do you think you’ll remember it in a few months or years?
  16. would you ever consider reading it again? why or why not?
  17. Who would you most like to read this book?
  18. Are there any lingering questions from the book that you’re still thinking about?
  19. Did you find the book original?

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non-fiction questions

  1. did this book make you want to explore the subject further?
  2. what were your impressions of the author’s style? Did you find the book easy to read or hard work?
  3. Of all the information presented in the book, what held you back the most?
  4. what did you google while you read the book? book?
  5. Did you agree with the author’s conclusions? where did you stray?
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fiction questions

  1. Which characters did you like the most? which one did you like less?
  2. Which character did you relate to or empathize with the most?
  3. If you had to switch places with a character, who would it be?
  4. Guess the zodiac signs of the characters.
  5. What do you think happens to the characters after the official end of the book?
  6. what are your thoughts on the structure of the book? Did it serve the story well?
  7. How did the setting impact the story? Would you like to read more books set in that world?
  8. Did the book seem real to you?
  9. did the plot unfold in a way that felt natural? Or did you feel manipulated by history?
  10. Is there a character you’d like to give a lecture to? if so, who? what would you say?

self-help questions

  1. Has this book affected the way you live your life? If so, how?
  2. Agree with the author’s advice?
  3. Do you doubt the author’s advice on any points? how is that?
  4. what are some passages that you underlined or that particularly affected you?
  5. Do you think the author was successful in what he set out to do?
  6. what is the most important point the author makes in this book?

mystery and suspense questions

  1. Which twist surprised you the most?
  2. Was the narrator’s voice convincing?
  3. did you guess the ending? if so, at what time?
  4. Are there plot points the book didn’t address?
  5. Did you agree with the characters’ decisions?
  6. did the book scare or upset you in any way?
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romantic questions

  1. did you like the level of “heat” in the book?
  2. Was the couple’s connection believable? if so, at what point did they click for you?
  3. what do you think happens to the main characters after the ending?
  4. what did you think of the rhythm of the romance?
  5. Would you fall in love with any of the protagonists?
  6. did this book melt your heart? Does it make you believe in love again?
  7. If it’s part of a series, did this book force you to read the next one?

memory questions

  1. Did you find the author’s story compelling?
  2. What do you think motivated the author to share their story?
  3. what did you think of the author’s voice and style? Did the quality of the writing match the story?
  4. How does the book compare to other memoirs you have read?
  5. How did the memory make you reflect on your own life?
  6. What did you learn from listening to this person’s story?
  7. Is there an area you wish the author had elaborated on more?
  8. Is there a person in the book whose perspective you would like?
  9. do you think the author was honest?

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