10 Best Books to Help Your Toddler With Speech Delay [2022]

by lori ennis, m.s. edit

If your toddler has a speech delay, chances are you’ve found yourself googling the best books to help with speech delay in toddlers, hoping to help your child develop your speech. we know that reading makes a difference in the acquisition of language and vocabulary for all children.

You are reading: Books to help toddler talk

In fact, a recent study found that reading to our children every day exposes them to nearly 1.4 million more words by the time they enter kindergarten compared to their peers who are not read to constantly. Other studies have found that reading to your children provides better rates of reading success. In researching him, Dr. Dominic Massaro found that while talking to his children definitely gives them a better vocabulary, reading to them is even more effective.

It is especially important to find books that help young children with speech delays because reading them to them can go a long way in developing word mastery. dr Massaro studies language acquisition and literacy and found that when it comes to looking for books to help young children with speech delays, picture books are two to three times more likely to expose your child to new words and pronunciations. .

what to look for in books to help young children with speech delays

When it comes to finding the best books to help with speech delay in young children, you’ll want to pay attention to several things. Young children love details and will look to picture books for things they recognize, don’t know, and are interested in. the best books to help young children with speech delays will have clear, colorful illustrations and/or drawings. Young children also love photographic images and love to find similarities to their own lives in them. however, it is important that the illustrations are not too busy and distracting because sometimes they will focus more on what they see than on what you are saying. point to words to describe the images for a better connection.

delicate books

Also, when looking for the best books to help young children with speech delays, remember that young children love the neat little facets of books that hold their interest. They love to touch and feel, so books that open or have flaps to lift or things they can rub for sensory input are great for keeping them interested and listening.

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When it comes to book content, remember that when choosing books to help young children with speech delays, you’re not necessarily looking for big concepts or to teach them something new. there are lots of great books that they would love and you can read to them that will do just that, but when you’re looking for books for young children to help them with their speech delay, you’ll want to find books that pay special attention to everyday life. vocabulary.

Young children love to make connections, so books about animals and environments they are familiar with are always winners. as are books about family and friends, food, and toys. when you are reading, make connections with them; “Yes, you have a raincoat like the one she wears!” those connections help solidify basic vocabulary concepts as you read.

And while you can find many books with tactile opportunities for young children, you may want books that engage and hold their attention. those books tend to be the ones with rhyming patterns, lots of opportunities for inflection and intonation. Books with alliteration and onomatopoeia are always a hit, especially when caregivers are having fun reading, so don’t be scared by the sound effects!

the best books to help with speech delay in young children (our favorites!)

There are so many authors and books we love to help develop your toddler’s speech, so this is not an exhaustive list. We also know that there are tons of books to read to your child, but also some that you might want to read on your own and we’ll include those as well.

1. my child speaks: strategies and activities to promote your child’s language development by kimberly scanlon.

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This is a great resource for parents and caregivers who believe their young children may have a speech delay. Scanlon is also the author of Learning to Read Is a Ball, and he knows the connection between language development and reading skills in later school. She provides parents and caregivers with practical and fun ways to help facilitate language development and tips parents can use so they don’t frustrate themselves and their children. The book also offers several play routines (because children learn best through connected play) that will help develop speech and language skills, and step-by-step instructions for caregivers and parents working with children for the first time. children who have speech delays.

2.the speech teacher’s manual: a parent’s guide to speech and language by molly dresner.

dresser is a speech and language therapist and feeding therapist who believes that helping your child develop speech and language skills should be fun, whether you have a young child with a speech delay or No. she incorporates fun and functional tips and activities that she can use with her child to boost her language development, and she does so with her child’s daily routines in mind. She offers information on milestones and fun activities to help your child meet them, and is another great reference for parents working with young children who have speech delays.

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3. counting kisses by karen katz.

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Author and illustrator Karen Katz uses this charming book with colorful pictures to engage young children as their parents, grandparents, and caregivers read to them. she uses everyday functional words, but also adds vivid adjectives to give your child exposure. provides repetition by counting kisses as well as simple sentences that you and your toddler can say together and repeat to each other.

4. the dove has feelings too! by Mo Willems.

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Iconic children’s author Mo Willems gives young children small doses of his famous dove in this book that exposes them to words with feelings, as well as the opportunity to listen and learn proper inflection and pragmatic reflection. His books are very popular with children of all ages, but with their very basic wording and engaging images, young children with speech delays will feel comfortable listening to and repeating the strong feelings and emotions of the pigeons.

5. if you give a cookie to a mouse by Laura numeroff.

We love all of Numeroff’s circle stories, but we have a special place in our hearts for the one where we first met Mouse. Young children love the antics of the mouse and the repeated characters with minimal text on the pages make it perfect for letting your toddler absorb the scenes and words. there are plenty of opportunities to chat. “Is the mouse stupid? yes, the mouse is dumb!” and this collection not only has if you give a mouse a cookie, but if you take a mouse to school in board book form, perfect for little kids.

6. that’s not my fiona watt pup.

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Any of the books in Usborne’s “That’s Not My…” series are perfect books for young children with speech delays because they offer so many tactile opportunities. The repeated text is perfect for young children to giggle with anticipation and imitate in their own daily routines with practice words. they introduce the basic vocabulary with some rich adjectives but with few phrases, so that young children are not overwhelmed by feeling the different characteristics of the puppy. you can’t get enough of these books!

7. roger priddy’s first 100 words board book box set.


This is a must-have board book set (it also makes a great baby shower gift!) for any parent of a young child, but definitely for parents of young children with speech delays. his colorful pictures with literally nothing but the object word allow young children to hear him say the word and understand what they’ve heard (with the help of the picture). this is critical to language acquisition, as young children with speech delays will learn best by hearing the word and having a connected understanding of the word as a reference. we love that they are real images, as young children will be able to make connections with the real world.

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8. hickory dickory dock and other favorite nursery rhymes illustrated by sanja rescek.


Books based on classic nursery rhymes with a sound beat are perfect for young children, especially if they show an interest in music anyway. the repeated text is a great listening and learning tool for young children and the eternal words can be set to music. sometimes young children with speech delays will be able to ‘sing’ or ‘hum’ when they can’t otherwise ‘speak’, so giving them a repertoire of picture rhymes to make a connection is a great way to build vocabulary .

9. barnyard dance by sandra boynton.

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Sandra Boynton’s books are great resources for young children with speech delays because they have lots of repeated text, colorful pictures, and fun pranks that keep kids interested and engaged in the story. Young children love to dance and stomp with the animals in the barn, and that extra sensory input as they listen and process what they hear helps them convey the words in a more concrete way. We love the verbs it gives young children with the activities for each animal and there is minimal text on the pages to get them more interested in the illustrations as they listen.

10. audrey and don wood’s nap house.


Another toddler favorite, it’s especially good for young children with speech delays because it uses repeated speech for a connected story from plot to resolution. It has been enhanced with beautiful visuals and attention to detail that young children will happily enjoy. There are plenty of opportunities for authentic conversation with your toddler, “what’s going on here? where is the dog doing where did it come from? and it’s a story they’ll want to hear over and over again. And that’s exactly what you’re looking for! that happened!

These are just ten of our picks for the best books to help with speech delays in young children. Any book with colorful pictures, minimal and/or repeated text, and opportunity for authentic conversation can make a difference and be the best book for young children, but the most important thing is vocal exposition.

Happy reading!

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