Best HSPT Prep Books

The High School Placement Test (HSPT) is a standardized test for high school students that is required by both private and Catholic high schools in the United States. if you are preparing for the hspt, there are many books that will help you study. In this guide, you will find a list of the best hspt preparation books that will help you improve your skills, achieve an excellent score and get into the high school of your dreams.

Keep reading for everything you need to know to prepare for the hspt, including some of the best free hspt books and other study materials like applications and practice tests, as well as a comprehensive guide to the five preparation sections for the hspt.

You are reading: Best hspt prep books

should i take the hspt?

You must take the hspt test if you are an 8th grade student wishing to attend a private or catholic high school. the hspt is a standardized test that assesses both basic and advanced knowledge of middle school students in five core areas, and is also used to place the curriculum. most private and catholic schools require students to take the hspt to be accepted.

If you are determined to go to a private or Catholic school, you must prepare well to be accepted. The average hspt score for students is 500, so you should aim for a score of 500 or higher. the higher your scores, the better your chances of admission to the school. In addition to acceptance, you may be eligible for scholarships to help pay for tuition.

common hspt sections to prepare for

  • verbal section. the first section of the exam will include multiple choice questions on analogies, word classification, synonyms and antonyms. the test will test your ability to use vocabulary and basic logic related to verbal skills.
  • quantitative section. the second part of the test tests students’ quantitative and reasoning skills For students, such as problem solving, these questions contain word problems, geometric comparison, and sequencing questions. be sure to practice your technical precision problem solving skills to prepare for this section.
  • reading section. the third section includes reading comprehension questions and vocabulary questions. this part tests many different reading skills, so be sure to practice reading in an organized way in your preparation strategy.
  • mathematics section. the fourth section tests reading skills students’ mathematical reasoning and arithmetic skills. includes questions on basic math operations, such as addition, algebra, measurement, and geometry. you can’t use a calculator to find the correct answers for the test, just erase sheets of paper or the test booklet.
  • language section. the final section tests language skills of each student. the questions in this section are about grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
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top 10 hspt preparation books to help you prepare

1. hspt secrets study guide by mometrix test prep

  • Ideal for: full explanations, practice questions, step-by-step video tutorials

mometrix test prep has designed the hspt secrets study guide to give test takers a detailed review of essential language skills, verbal skills, math, quantitative skills, and reading comprehension. If you don’t perform well on tests, these study materials present test-taking strategies and performance tactics to help you stay calm on test day.

mometrix study guide tool provides practice test questions for all sections and detailed answer explanations. It also contains excellent step-by-step review videos with explanations of complex concepts. You can purchase this hspt prep product on the official mometrix test prep website as well as amazon.

2. trivium test prep hspt prep book

  • ideal for: reviewing essential concepts, practicing exam questions

This trivium test prep hspt prep product offers preparation materials with a content review of mathematical, verbal, and written concepts. The prep strategy includes practice questions to get you familiar with hspt questions and a full practice test to ensure an excellent score. You can buy this study prep book for the regular price of $14 on the official trivium test prep page or on amazon.

3. barron’s strategies and practices for hspt

  • ideal for: study strategies, practice activities with answers

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Baron’s hspt preparation book is a comprehensive review of essential topics and study strategies and helps students improve their skills that will be assessed by the exam. this ideal prep solution contains over 100 practice questions of all formats.

Vocabulary sections help students improve their speaking and reading skills. The two comprehensive practice tests contain the most up-to-date information to ensure confidence and future success on test day. You can purchase this comprehensive study guide on Amazon through Barron’s official website for the regular price of around $16.

4. hspt study book for exam preparation books

  • Ideal for: in-depth review, detailed answer explanations, test-taking strategies
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This exam preparation book preparation book covers all the main topics in the hspt to improve students’ mathematical, reading, quantitative and other comprehension skills. The test-taking strategies in this book help students use their time efficiently and avoid small mistakes to ensure a great score on test day.

Prep course content includes choice study questions and detailed answer explanations that will help you achieve an excellent composite score on the exam. You can buy this practice resource book for $13 on the official website of test preparation books.

5. hspt practice questions by mometrix test prep

  • Ideal for: practicing questions, reinforcing strengths, improving weaknesses

This complete practice test from mometrix is ​​a great preparation strategy that provides students with practice test questions of all difficulty levels and detailed answer explanations. mometrix exam prep practice test questions will help students determine strengths and weaknesses and in turn help them decide which sections of the exam to focus on. This hspt prep book is available for purchase on amazon for a regular price of $20-$40.

6. kaplan test preparation catholic high school entrance exams

  • Ideal for: essential practice questions, in-depth review

Kaplan Test Prep Catholic High School Entrance Examination Study Guide Tool contains a comprehensive overview of key concepts and six comprehensive practice tests. The experts at Kaplan Test Prep designed the practice questions and concept review to be as similar as possible to the actual exam.

students will have access to hspt practice tests and a diagnostic quiz, as well as an individualized performance summary to help them create the perfect study plan. This fail-safe study guide includes all types of questions on the HSPT to help you prepare for success on test day. you can buy the kaplan test prep guide on amazon for $19.

7. hspt prep book for catholic high school entrance exams 2nd edition apex test prep

  • Ideal for: exam tips, detailed review, practice exam questions, answer explanations

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apex test prep catholic high school entrance exams hspt prep book provides valuable test-taking strategies to help 8th graders simplify their learning process and better prepare for the exam . This hspt study guide includes a detailed overview of the essential topics that will be on the placement exam.

The study questions in this guide are realistic, with the goal of building your confidence on test day and earning you an excellent grade. there is a detailed explanation of the answers to help students correct wrong answers and learn from common mistakes. This study guide tool can be purchased for $13 on amazon.

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8. apex test prep hspt tutor

  • Ideal for: full material, practice questions, detailed answer explanations

apex test prep hspt tutor prep book is a prep book that includes a great prep strategy and helpful information about the test itself to ensure students are ready for test day. students can practice with real test questions that come with detailed answer explanations.

These comprehensive practice questions will help monitor student progress and determine areas for improvement. In no time, the study materials will help you achieve an excellent grade and the school placement of your choice. You can purchase this guide through the Apex Test Prep page on Amazon for $12.

9. breaking coop / tachometers & hspt princeton review 2nd edition

  • Ideal for: study skills, comprehensive practice tests, comprehensive revision

the princeton review cracking the coop/tachs & hspt is a comprehensive preparation book that provides students with a detailed review of exam content, with the goal of improving students’ quantitative and comprehension skills. Two online practice tests contain current hspt content and are sure to give you peace of mind on test day.

this princeton review preparation strategy includes practice exercises at the end of each chapter to review concepts, and all practice questions have detailed step-by-step guides on how to answer them correctly. This prep book can be purchased from the official princeton review page on amazon.

10. elevate prep’s hspt: 2500+ practice questions

  • ideal for: full list of free online video resources, full practice tests

The Elevate Prep HSPT Prep Guide: 2500+ Practice Questions doesn’t offer a review of concepts, but is packed with great practice questions for all sections of the Elevate Prep. This prep strategy option includes over 200 pages of detailed answer explanations to help you learn from common mistakes. Students will have access to three full practice tests and a list of online review videos. is available for purchase on the official elevate prep page on amazon.

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free hspt books and resources to help you prepare

  • free hspt practice test online by study time tutoring
  • hspt study guide & mometrix practice test test prep
  • free mometrix hspt practice test
  • varsity tutors llc free hspt prep app
  • free practice tests from hspt 2022 from

frequently asked questions about the best hspt preparation books

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