Patrick Robinson – Book Series In Order

publication order of admiral arnold morgan’s books

mack bedford books publishing order

independent novel publication order

non-fiction publication order

about patrick robinson:

patrick robinson was born on january 21, 1940. since then, he has become a renowned british novelist and columnist. His best-known works are those of Admiral Arnold Morgan, whom he first introduced to readers in Nimitz Class, published in 1997.

has had many hits on the new york times bestseller list, both fiction and non-fiction. as interception and lone survivor, respectively. Patrick Robinson spends most of his time living in Ireland, but he likes to spend his summers in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

You are reading: Patrick robinson books in order

patrick robinson spent most of his early years as a journalist, writing daily for his newspaper column, which ran for many years. then he finally decided to give that up and become a full-time novelist, which led to worldwide fame. Patrick Robinson also enjoys co-authoring books with other writers, such as The Lone Survivor mentioned above, which he co-authored with Marcus Luttrell.

through his works, one can easily assume that he has a fascination with the navy. Most of Patrick Robinson’s works revolve around a naval officer. in fact, all of his fictional books revolve around a naval officer. His first book series follows the aforementioned Admiral Arnold Morgan and his second book series follows Navy Seal Lt. commander mack bedford.

at least half of his non-fiction also revolves around the navy. although patrick robinson branches out a bit and tackles topics like the financial crisis of 2007-2010. but he has a fascination and love for military history, which can surely be seen through his works.

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Whether you read Patrick Robinson fiction or nonfiction, he is an author who will always make you think, especially with his nonfiction. he’ll get his point of view and facts from him that he and his co-authors sometimes use to back them up. he has even been touted as tom clancy’s rival with the naval fiction of him.

patrick robinson – a sea of ​​novels

patrick robinson currently has more than thirty published works, most of which he authored, but some, mainly his non-fiction, have been co-authored with other authors.

A colossal failure of common sense is Patrick Robinson’s nonfictional foray into the events surrounding the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy, which he and co-author Lawrence G. macdonald puts the financial crisis of 2007-2010 in context. Throughout the book, Patrick Robinson shares his belief that the United States government should have saved Lehman Brothers. he also states that he believes it was a preventable disaster and that it was caused by a failure of leadership. an intriguing book that, at the very least, whether you agree or disagree, will leave you thinking long afterward.

nimitz class was patrick robinson’s first fiction book published in 1997. the hero of the book was admiral arnold morgan. The Nimitz class is a lot like the late Tom Clancy’s Quest for Red October. the plot revolves around a nuclear torpedo attack on an invented aircraft carrier. from there, it’s very much a game of cat and mouse and follows two separate stories to the end. one is about how the bad guy planned the attack and the other is about tracking the submarine. It’s a nice thriller seat bonus from him, which most Patrick Robinson fans have given rave reviews.

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One Hundred Days, another nonfiction book co-authored by Patrick Robinson, rose to the top of the New York Times bestseller list. He and fellow co-author Sandy Woodward gave readers a fascinating look at the naval side of operations in the 1982 Falklands campaign. Woodward, having been there, brought insight to the book that no one else could, and with the additional input and the writing skills of patrick robinson. , it’s a compelling read like no other.

In patrick robinson’s new fictional series, first diamond head, readers follow navy seal lt. Major Mack Bedford. His fellow officers are killed by Iraqi insurgents using a new type of missile. mack bedford shoots down the attackers when they are unarmed and is taken down. but he knows there’s stuff going on with these missiles, so when he gets the chance to kill the man behind the missiles, he jumps at the chance. A clever mix of survival and doing what’s considered right or wrong makes Diamondback another compelling Patrick Robinson read.

Whether you’re looking for books to enlighten you on past military history or some other story, like the financial crisis, you’ll find it in Patrick Robinson’s non-fiction books. And if you’re just looking for a fun time with creative and compelling characters, you’ll find them with his fiction books. You can’t go wrong adding anything from Patrick Robinson’s catalog of novels to your shelf.

patrick robinson – from sea to sea

patrick robinson has sold millions of books worldwide, has his books published in more than 20 different languages, but he has yet to catch the attention of hollywood or any other film or television studios around the world. It really is a shame since his books read like a good blockbuster movie and since jag is no longer on tv any of the leads in his books could be a standout series.

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although when his first book, nimitz class, was published, patrick robinson came very close to making a movie out of it. John McTiernan, director of such hits as Die Hard and Die Hard with a Vengeance, opted for the rights to Universal Studios after hearing rave reviews of the book. Unfortunately, the project died when Mctiernan went through a complicated divorce and his wife obtained the rights, refusing to do anything with them.

but, as in everything related to hollywood, things happen at a very slow pace, especially if it is not a remake or sequel to some big blockbuster. But perhaps someday Patrick Robinson stories will grace screens from sea to sea.

patrick robinson – always in action

From fiction to nonfiction, readers will find something to delight in any of Patrick Robinson’s works. he captures the imagination of his readers and continues to excel in writing his naval adventures. Patrick Robinson is also not afraid to give the facts in his nonfiction work, always keeping the reader in mind with his pitches.

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