Abbi Waxman – Book Series In Order

independent novel publication order

Abbi Waxman is an English author best known for writing contemporary romance novels with a humorous twist. she was born to two copywriters and her father ran away from home after telling her mother that she was going out to buy cigarettes. her mother would go on to make a highly successful career as a fiction writer despite being left alone to care for the children. she encouraged her children emily and abbi to read everything they had in the home library and brought them more from the city library. Abbi, who never liked dressing up and considered herself too lazy, ventured into advertising where she was a copywriter and creative director at some of the top agencies in New York and London. Some of her clients were the traditional and large corporations such as Mercedes Benz, Unilever, American Express, IBM, Chase Manhattan Bank, AT & T, even the morally corrupt ones such as Enron and R.J. Reynolds would later ghostwrite for Nicole Ritchie before leaving advertising to venture into writing fiction, screenplays, and television shows. Her first novel was the critically acclaimed “The Garden of Small Beginnings” which was first published in 2017. She lives with her husband in Los Angeles with three children, six chickens, two mice, a gecko, three cats and three dogs.

abbi waxman’s novels are contemporary novels full of humor and relatable characters. however, even with their sarcastic, witty, and humorous comments, the novels are full of heart as they tell the struggling stories of the main characters who have to deal with life’s toughest challenges. however, although they have a serious and sad tone in places, the narrations are about the character’s journey towards growth. they’re not your typical contemporary romance with the usual panty-dropping affairs, but rather stories of subtle, patient, and gentle romance that springs from the opportunities that present themselves. funny, eccentric, and quirky characters as they are, they are an amazing bunch that will make the reader want to spend time with them. Lilian from “The Garden of Small Beginnings” is an exhausted mother full of courage and heart who is determined to never give up no matter the circumstances. the more you get to know the characters, the more lovable and relatable they become, even if some of the characters have narcissistic temperaments and dark pasts. In general, the novels are about overcoming grief and dealing with life’s obstacles told in a fun and humorous way. for characters it’s about moving forward, taking chances, and never letting life’s challenges stop you from being what you can be.

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You are reading: Abbi waxman books in order

The waxman novels explore various themes including unexpected experiences, first impressions, relationships between family members, and even mundane things like hobbies that can result in experiences that are fun and therapeutic. they are fascinating dances between neighbors, sisters, husbands and wives and children who face the challenge of trying to find flavor in life, which can sometimes have terrible consequences. she talks about the repercussions of poor decisions that people in a neighborhood can get sucked into without even meaning to. people may find themselves questioning their relationships, overthinking, and doing some soul searching when they learn about what goes on behind the closed doors of the seemingly happy and perfect family. Abbi is an expert at taking a simple premise and turning it into a rewarding and funny story with often crude and unexpected humor and bits of mundane life thrown in for good measure. she tells of everyday couples who talk about their days late into the night as they pet their dogs, pass gas, and search for lost nail clippers. they’re sizzling stories that blaze from start to finish as the characters undergo personal development that sets the tone for how they react to family and personal challenges in life.

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“The Garden of Small Beginnings” is a believable, original, funny, and moving novel about grief and loss. The protagonist of the novel is Lilian Girvan, a single mother who lost her husband in a car accident and left her as a single mother. It has been a difficult time for the young mother as she has dealt with suicidal thoughts and several mental breakdowns. she but she is finally learning to be a widow, as she now watches television, she shows up for work regularly and takes her two children to school. the only problem is that after having lived a life full of intensity, she finds herself so bored with the daily monotony. she finds some excitement in her work, as she may be asked to illustrate the strangest things, such as the genitalia of whales. Her boss has also signed her up for a horticulture class, as she needs her to learn about the boutique vegetable guides she will be illustrating. but she finds digging in compost far preferable to wallowing in self-pity and pajamas on a Saturday morning. Ella arranges for her sister and her two little girls to join her and shows up at the Los Angeles Botanical Gardens to begin the task. Thrown into a group of quirky gardeners and a patient instructor, she soon learns that every life deserves a little sunshine to grow, even if she doesn’t want it.

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“Other People’s Houses” is a poignant and hilarious second novel by Abbi Waxman. is a novel about a neighborhood rideshare, four families, and an affair that threatens to tear the community apart. Frances Bloom is a carpooling mom who often finds herself an unwitting witness to her neighbor’s deepest secrets. She knows that Mrs. Horton has disappeared and that her cousin wants a new child, but she still hasn’t worked up the courage to tell her husband. after the shock of seeing anne porter making love to a man who was definitely not mr. porter, frances decides to stay in her lane. but that’s easier said than done, particularly when mr. Porter kicks his wife out just a week later. The repercussions of the extramarital affair could have consequences for all the families in the neighborhood and Frances needs to navigate a moral minefield that puts a lot of pressure on her marriage. is a heartfelt narrative about the mystery, insecurities and doubts of raising children, life and love and everything in between.

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