Anthony Ryan – Book Series In Order

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Anthony Ryan is a famous author from the UK who likes to write novels based on the genres of history, science fiction and fantasy along with graphic novels. He was born in 1970 in Scotland and has spent most of his growing up days in London. he has lived and worked in london all his life. Anthony used to work for the British Civil Service, a job that has given him a long career, as well as being an author. Anthony Ryan is particularly known for his Shadow of the Raven series, which consists of three very interesting novels. after the success of his first novel in the series, he took up writing as a full-time career. Starting today, Anthony spends most of his time writing different categories of novels throughout the day.

anthony has a degree in history. Furthermore, she has a particular interest in the arts and sciences. he is also very fond of beer and very often has the endless search for a perfect pint of real beer. Ryan’s fantasy novels are basically based on the life of the main character Vaelin Al Sorna. During the early days of his writing career, Ryan had to self-publish his books because he was not a well-known personality. however, with the success of his first book, ‘Blood Song’, he was frequently approached by various publishers to publish his future books. He landed a big deal with Penguin Books who offered him a 3-book deal in 2012. Even today, Ryan continues to self-publish a separate series of novels. After publishing three highly successful novels under the Shadow of the Raven series, Ryan is about to release his fourth shortly. In addition to the Shadow of the Raven series, he has also published another series of novels known as ‘Slab City Blues’. this series consists of a total of four different novels. Ryan describes himself as belonging to the category of hybrid writers. his career as a British civil servant lasted twenty years.

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You are reading: Anthony ryan books in order

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the first book written by anthony ryan under the shadow of the raven series was titled ‘song of blood’, which was published by anthony ryan in the year 2012. the novel describes an epic saga of blood, destiny and honor. The plot of the novel takes place in a fictional world where the Sixth Order holds the sword of justice and keeps enemies of the kingdom and faith away. The novel begins with the introduction of the main character Vaelin Al Sorna, who was left by his father at the Iron Gate of the Sixth Order Kingdom when he was only 10 years old, to join the Kingdom’s army in fighting evils. the citizens of the sixth order are known as brothers who are dedicated to joining the battle and fighting enemies. therefore, vaelin is also trained extremely hard to lead a celibate and austere life as a warrior of the faith, which is considered dangerous work.

As his father had left him to join the battle, he is left with no family and his only goal is to serve the faith and save the sixth order. his father served king janus as the battle lord. king janus was the ruler of the kingdom, which remained unified in his rule. Being thrown into the gate of the sixth order at a very young age and deprived of his birthright to have a father to care for him angered and angered him to no end. Vaelin often tries to recall his mother’s memories of him. he was going to be confused to learn of his mother’s existence in the order. his father hopes that he understands the reason for leaving him for battle. the fact that vaelin al sorna was destined for a glorious future trumps all other truths of his life. he has yet to understand his destined future, which will change the kingdom and the world.

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The next book written by anthony ryan under the shadow of the crow series was titled ‘the lord of the tower’, which was published in 2014 by the hardcover publisher ace. The plot of the novel continues from the first novel with the description of the life of the main character, Vaelin Al Sorna. Vaelin got the feeling that the stinging recognition in the first novel, having an impression of security, was about to welcome him home. he introduces himself to her as the greatest warrior of the sixth order, known as the darkblade. He has also witnessed the nation’s greatest defeat of all time when King Janus was defeated while trying to fulfill his vision of a more unified kingdom.

King Janus’s army drowned in the blood of his warriors, who fought for a cause unaware that the idea of ​​a unified kingdom was based on a lie. Vaelin realized the lie and was very depressed from the defeat. he returns to his house determined not to kill anymore. He was appointed as the Tower Lord of the Northern Reaches by King Janus’s grateful heir. however, he thinks of spending his life in a colder and more peaceful land away from the violent realm. but, being a warrior of the realm, he is not destined to lead a quiet and peaceful life. enemies knew that the vaelin was destined with special powers and therefore he was constantly on target for him because they knew he could destroy them.

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faith gets a new king, who was considered weak by the subjects. he had a sister who was strong and determined to lead from the front. the song of blood had a powerful and guiding meaning in times of anguish. however, he had only a fraction of the power available to those who understand the mysteries of him. Vaelin is on the lookout to command powerful forces that move within the kingdom and pose a great threat to it. Despite the fact that he does not want to take up the sword again, Vaelin has no choice but to do so, even if he later regrets it. it is common practice in the realm that when the danger of annihilation poses a threat, even the most reluctant have to draw their swords eventually to safeguard the realm.

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