9 Best Jiddu Krishnamurti Books: Self Realisation Books

Are you finding the best jiddu krishnamurti books? here I have given you the ascending order of the best books of jiddu krishnamurti.

jiddu krishnamurti was a writer, speaker and, what is more interesting, he is one of the best philosophers in the world.

You are reading: Best books of jiddu krishnamurti

In all of his books, you can find that anything you have a desire for spiritual awakening is just thought.

Why do you suffer in this world? because of your great ‘I’ within you? it is also a thought. everything is a thought.

You are only the observer of this world, nothing more. that is awareness. if you think you are a body, then you are wrong.

some people also referred to him as a modern buddha or krishna. because his philosophy is a modern version of the philosophy of these two leaders.

explains the nature of the mind, human relationships, meditation, inquiry and realization of a radical change in society.

krishnamurti said he had no allegiance to any caste, religion, position, nationality, or philosophy, and spent the rest of his life travelling the world.

one of the best spiritual leaders or philosophers, whatever you say to krishnamurti, no one is like him who explains to you about the true meaning of the spirituality .

jiddu krishnamurti’s best books

krishnamurti says that the observer is observed. If you don’t understand what I’m saying, follow the book I’ve recommended here.

freedom from the known: the best books of jiddu krishnamurti

what is the true meaning of spirituality? is it free from everything? yes, if you are free from everything then you are on the right direction of spirituality.

if you only meditate for 4 hours a day and try to experience something that comes as enlightenment, then you are wrong.

enlightenment is related to your understanding. enlightenment and understanding have no difference.

if you understand what thought is then you are enlightened about thought. understanding is the combination of two things, one is knowledge and the second is experience.

If you never experience something, how can you know? this is the philosophy of jiddu krishnamurti.

If you understand how the computer works, then you are the expert in controlling the computer.

so you have understood thought, what thought is. becausethought is the reason behind all your suffering.After that, you will understand how to see thought as it is.

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You are not the doer of anything that happens to you. you are just an observer who sees things as they are. that’s what you need to understand.

Youcannot meditate until your understanding is clear. first, understand yourself before you meditate, if you have done these things then you are always in meditation.

I think this is enough description of this book, I hope you like this book.

Think about these things: the best books of jiddu krishnamurti

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krishnamurti takes everyday concepts and explores their deep meaning to understand who you are and show us how superficial and programmed we think about things.

The book is about the search for truth and it cannot be understood by looking at others, it can be found within oneself.

You don’t follow other people’s truth because you have a different mindset. your understanding and theirs is different, your nature is different.

everyone must have the patience and courage to make this journey on their own, not follow the so-called gurus, where you follow their truth.

all people are already equipped for this journey which is about being, not becoming. you don’t have to be lit, you’re lit, you’re the one.

You have to see inside yourself and find out what is real instead of what society tells you.

The book will introduce you to the introspective reflection of yourself and your relationship with the world that is the mirror of what happens inside you.

no magical nonsense, just reality. I hope you like this jiddu krishnamurti best book.

the awakening of intelligence: the best books of jiddu krishnamurti

You don’t have to understand yourself from past knowledge, you can understand yourself right now.

There should be no authority of tradition, guru, god, past, etc. because you can not be a second hand, you are the only one. Believing in authority is the same as believing in the past.

There is no control over anything. one thought is controlling the other thoughts. the controller is controlled. consciousness is the same as the content of consciousness.

the presence of control is the continuation of the past. what you refer to as ‘I’ is one of the dangerous thoughts. if there were no thought, there would be no ‘me’.

In observing, there is no illusion of observer and controller because these are also thoughts. you just have to see things as they are.

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the book of life – krishnamurti on meditation

krishnamurti on meditation is a talk you’ve never heard of before. you heard christian meditation, hindu meditation, buddha meditation and blah blah blah.

but the jiddu krishnamurti meditation is about human meditation. you have not included any caste, religion in this.

if you want to know what is real meditation then follow jiddu krishnamurti meditation where you can always meditate living in the modern world.

at the feet of the master – best spiritual books

jiddu krishnamurti was only twelve years old when he first wrote this manual on how to obtain this knowledge.

The good thing about the truth is that it can be summarized in a few words, some say only one. and it can also be expanded to fit all the books the world can hold.

These books summarize how to live a life worth living because it means something important and helps to be happy in this world by examining yourself.

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krishnamurti is the main spiritual leader of the 21st century. he explains how we turn a simple situation into a complex situation.

In this book, he slashes symbols and false organizations in the search for absolute truth and perfect freedom.

discusses some of the issues by which humans survive in this world is suffering, fear, gossip, sex and other issues.

Most people work like a machine or a robot, no matter what you say, they spend 80% of their time unconsciously . this is the book for the journey of consciousness.

if you are a true lover of philosophy then this book will never let you down, even all the previous books will also not let you down because krishnamurti’s talks are very simple for understand.

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Don’t buy this book if you haven’t prepared yourself to do meaningful self-reflection and ask yourself the hardest questions.

He has a clear and fascinating mind that gives you a message that you will never find anywhere else.

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humans have no guru, you don’t have to follow anyone to walk this path. the moment you start following someone on this journey, you will lose.

don’t depend on jiddu krishnamurti to give you all the answers for your life. don’t count the steps as you see them in a theoretical book on how to be happy.

You truly find yourself by paying attention to this present moment, so pay attention to what you’re doing right now. be aware and practice it.

as one is: free the mind from all conditioning

the more you read krishnamurti’s books, you will see how simple his writings and teachings are.

how do you know we are one? your attention to everything will lead you to self-realization and you will free yourself from everything.

if you are confused by the supposed guru creating this confusion in you, then go to krishnamurti, he will simplify that and you will create your path on this trip.

on fear: the best books of jiddu krishnamurti

Are you a prisoner of your fears? Are you always afraid of doing things in life? Did you ever understand what fear is? how did you create it?

if you ever have to give a speech on the stage at your school, you’re afraid of what will happen when you speak badly and people laugh from my. or I don’t like blah blah blah.

Where do thoughts come from? Is it created by you or is it created by a third party? your. whatever is happening to you today is your fault.

So how can you overcome fear? becoming an expert in this field. How to be an expert in that field? by facing it and practicing it.

So, you have to face your fear in the present moment to realize that fear is nothing in front of you. it’s just a thought.

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if you want to find the truth of your life then you must follow jiddu krishnamurti where he explains what is thought, happy relationships, etc.

I hope you like these books. If you have any questions about the books, you can comment in the comments section.

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