11 Best Books On Quitting Sugar in 2022 (for Beginners!) – Knowledge Eager

Sugar has been linked to an increase in obesity around the world. It’s no wonder that the latest weight loss craze emphasizes reducing the sugar you consume on a daily basis.

The following top-rated books will help you reduce sugar in your diet and lose weight while eating sustainably and healthily.

You are reading: Best books on quitting sugar

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“I Quit Sugar: Your Complete 8-Week Detox Program & Cookbook” presents a step-by-step process for detoxifying sugar from your diet.

contains explanations on the science of sugar, detox tips, recipes, and weekly plans you can use on your trip.

wilson used her experience as a health coach to help you lead a healthy life.

According to their research, your sugar intake can fuel your mood swings and lead to sleep problems, not to mention conditions like diabetes and thyroid disease.

The book has over 108 sugar-free recipes, including complete detox meals, sweets and savory snacks.

Some of the ingredients listed require a search on your part, but are still available if you know where to look.

wilson’s 8-week plan is easy to follow and practical, guiding you on how to overcome your sugar cravings.

There are even easy suggestions that use natural alternatives to curb your craving for sweets.

With flexible recipes and a plan that’s easy to assimilate, “Going Sugar Free: Your Complete 8-Week Detox Program and Cookbook” is a definite must-have.

Written like a memoir, “Year Without Sugar” is Schaub’s account of how his entire family survived an entire year without sugar, why they did it, and how much they accomplished.

The book delves into the secret world of sugar, shedding light on how much fructose is in your diet, from the pasta sauce you love to the baby food you feed your kids.

after reading books on obesity from experts like dr. Robert Lustig, Schaub convinced her husband and her daughters to join her quest to give up sugar for a year.

spoke about the dangers of following an American diet high in sugar, including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Schaub’s stories include tips and recipes for healthy living. Along the way, she debunked some of the nutritional advice and health fads that many have been blindly following for years.

“Year Without Sugar” addresses the real-life events of going on a strict diet within a family, assimilating the discoveries and challenges.

a quick read, your learnings will stay with you for a long time.

advocates intermittent fasting as the answer to lasting weight loss, highlighting the reality of insulin resistance and shedding light on why a low-carb diet is appropriate.

You will understand the science behind your weight gain.

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The book shares five fundamental steps to control insulin through intermittent fasting.

By breaking the cycle of insulin resistance, you can reach your ideal weight that is healthy and will be forever.

a provocative book, “the diabetes code” explains why all those other fad diets will no longer be enough. even with exercise, lasting weight loss is not possible.

contains recipes that allow you to enjoy a delicious low-carb, high-fat diet.

fund explained the main causes of obesity in a simple and efficient way. their justifications are written in a way that anyone can understand.

This is an eye-opening book you need in your library.

In “Break Out of Sugar: Divorce Dieting, Lose Weight, and Live Your Best Life,” eating disorder therapist carmel shared her journey to breaking her sugar habits.

detailed her 20-year battle with eating disorders and discovered that the reason behind her struggle is sugar.

As a highly addictive substance, sugar creates a physical and neural change that makes restraint impossible.

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This is why it is bad for your health.

The book contains Carmel’s 66-Day Strategy Layout, complete with detailed meal plans to fuel your sugar break.

You’ll learn the seven crucial self-affirmation promises you can rely on to end your cycle with an unhealthy weight and diet.

“breaking sugar” is for anyone struggling with repetitive dieting, compulsive overeating, and sugar addiction.

empathic and honest, he promises to be your trusted guide to your new eating habits when times get tough.

If you’re fed up with fad diets and want a lasting change in your life, you should read this book.

“Sugar-Free Diet: The 14-Day Plan to Flatten Your Belly, Crush Cravings, and Help You Stay Slim for Life” includes techniques on how to eat a balanced diet with no added sugar.

Bestselling author and wellness coach Zinczenko shared his easy steps on how to eat your favorite food while ditching unnecessary sugar.

His groundbreaking research reveals how added sugars greatly contribute to your weight gain, prompting you to watch what you eat.

The book talks about all the sugar that food manufacturers can slip into things we eat, even what we call “healthy” foods.

You will learn to replace empty calories with essential ones to overcome your cravings.

There are delicious and easy recipes you can use, guaranteed to make you lose up to a pound a day.

“sugar free diet” contains everything you need, from a complete shopping list and ready meals to recipes for two weeks, from breakfast to dinner.

is an easy to use guide packed with useful information for your weight loss journey.

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“Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It” covers the science of the sugar-free diet and presents a comprehensive action plan on how to curb your unhealthy eating habits.

answers vital questions about why some people are fat and others thin, what foods to eat and what to avoid, whether genetics has anything to do with your weight, and whether exercise will make you bulk up.

taubes explained how your body processes sugars, carbohydrates, and fats, providing new evidence about how they affect your health.

researched the bad nutritional science of the last few years, explaining what was wrong and what needs to be done to change it.

You will find an easy-to-follow diet and instructions for regulating your sugar intake.

Based on common sense and rigorous research, “Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It” will change your perspective on diet and calories.

is an essential guide to nutrition and weight management.

explores how much unnecessary sugar you eat and why your body craves it.

You will learn how to identify the secret sugar traps in your food, reduce your sugar intake and lose weight.

prager and cassetty created a questionnaire on how to get your sugar score and a seven-day log, so you know where you start on your fructose intake.

There are also sugar-cutting strategies you can try. These include “50 Sugar Shades” and “Smart Sugar Swaps.”

“sugar shock” contains clear instructions on how to recognize over 50 types of hidden sugars in the foods you eat.

You’ll also get tips on swapping sugary foods for healthier options.

The book is packed with great photos and graphics that you can use as a guide to choosing the best breakfasts, snacks, drinks, and baked goods for you.

This is an enjoyable book full of helpful information on how to improve your overall health.

This is a cookbook with over 100 tasty, nutrient-dense recipes you’ll enjoy without feeling deprived.

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each recipe comes with great photos, beautifully presented and taken by the milk itself.

You’ll find whole-food suggestions for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. There are also dessert recipes.

include fan favorites and many new offerings.

Just like on her popular food blog, “pura ella,” she writes milk in an encouraging and optimistic tone.

His approach is very personal, citing his own battle with a rare disease.

milk chose to heal through diet, cutting sugar, dairy, and processed foods from her diet. she discovered that sugar was to blame for her frequent headaches and mood swings.

after eliminating added sugar and unhealthy food choices, he regained his health.

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“cut the sugar, you’re sweet enough: cookbook” will inspire you to eat healthier without giving up sugar altogether.

is a useful book to have in your library.

explores how sugar has created an obesity epidemic, documenting the science and politics that have led to the crisis.

lustig investigated incidents in the late 1970s when the food industry added more sugar to foods in response to the u.s. government campaign. uu. against the fat content in the diet.

According to him, the result is nothing short of disastrous, changing Americans’ biochemistry and driving eating habits out of control.

The book provides strategies to help reset your essential hormones to regulate your hunger.

By removing excess sugar from your diet, you can lose weight and regain your health.

Packed with scientific evidence on the toxic and addictive effect of sugar on the body, “fat chance” offers a concrete solution to a serious social problem.

It is a timely and essential book that needs to be read.

“Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Got Us Hooked” is a narrative that exposes the truth behind America’s rising rates of obesity.

pulitzer prize-winning investigative reporter michael moss will take you on an eye-opening journey, visiting the labs of some of the most popular and lucrative food companies of recent decades.

These include Coca-Cola, Coke, Nestle, Oreos, and many more.

The book reveals how large food manufacturers improve their beverages and foods by adjusting the sugar content and manipulating the chemical structure.

It also discloses the marketing techniques of these corporations to deflect concerns about health risks to their products.

moss interviewed executives who revealed that producing a genuinely healthy alternative product is impossible without sugar, salt and fat.

Deeply researched and explosively presented, “Salt Sugar Fat” is vital reading for any food consumer.

If you need a book to convince you to give up sugar, this is the one for you.

written by new york times bestselling author gretchen rubin, the book explains how your habits are the foundation of your daily life.

Although forming habits takes work, it’s hard to break them once they’re established. if they are bad habits, this is where things get problematic.

rubin presented a practical and robust framework for understanding your habits and changing them forever if necessary.

These include cutting out sugar, getting more sleep, and procrastinating less.

included real-life stories from those whose lives were transformed, including the experiences of their family and friends.

“Better Than Before” is a compelling read on habit formation and how it’s essential to leading a productive life.

compelling and insightful, this is a book that deserves your attention.

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