30 Best Zen Books Of All Time To Find Your Inner Peace 2022

Are you looking for the best Zen books to read? so this article is for you!

what is zen? it is both something in which we are our authentic character expressing ourselves moment by moment and something in which we engage in disciplined practice through which we can realize the delight of being. it is not a belief system that you convert to. there is no zen philosophy or dogma.

You are reading: Best books on zen buddhism

Zen is your direct experience of what we may call the ultimate or complete fact, but it is no different from the normal, the comparative. this direct experience is our birthright. the practice of zazen meditation is a means of realizing the non-dualistic, living, living, interconnected nature of life.

Top Rated Best Zen Books To Read

top rated zen books everyone should read

here is a list of the best books on zen buddhism that penn book recommended to you:

best books for zen beginners: shunryu suzuki beginner zen mind

“emotionally we have many problems, but these problems are not real problems; they are something created; they are problems signaled by our selfish ideas or viewpoints.” — shunryu suzuki

In the years since its first book, Zen Mind for Beginners has become one of the excellent contemporary Zen classics, much appreciated, widely reread, and highly recommended as the first book on Zen read.

shunryu suzuki’s book is practical and realistic. shunryu suzuki introduces the fundamentals of the details of breath and posture in zazen into the understanding of non-duality in a way that is not only remarkably evident but also resonates with all the joy of insight from the opening page to the next. .

a student from america rewrote the transcripts, in the same way that the suzuki talks were rewritten for the mind of a zen-minded beginner.

an introduction to zen buddhism by d.t. suzuki

among the world’s top cops on Zen Buddhism, d. t. Suzuki authored over a hundred features on the subject in both English and Western languages ​​and has been instrumental in bringing the teachings of Zen Buddhism to the attention of the Western world. Vividly written, accessible and simple, this Zen book is popular with serious students and laymen alike.

suzuki offers the complete vision of zen, emphasizing self-understanding and enlightenment through many systems of psychology, philosophy and integrity. with a foreword by the famous psychiatrist dr. carl jung, this quantity was widely recognized as a timeless introduction to the subject for several decades.

provides, combined with the suzuki essays and also the zen manual, a framework for living a balanced and full presence through zen.

Take a look at our Best Books on Buddhism of All Time, 2022 Revision, which practitioners and spiritual seekers alike can use to learn more about this historical heritage.

the three pillars of zen by philip kapleau

During explorations of the three pillars of Zen instruction, practice, and enlightenment, roshi philip kapleau presents an extensive overview of the discipline and history of Zen.

an acknowledged classic, this 35th anniversary edition features new illustrations and photos, plus a new afterword by sensei bodhin kjolhede, who has succeeded philip kapleau as spiritual director of the rochester zen center, among the first and strongest zen centers in america.

everyday zen by charlotte joko beck

charlotte joko beck is one of the best zen teachers now teaching in the west. This superbly written book is a Zen guide to the problems of everyday life, love, relationships, work, anxiety, and heartbreak. beck explains how to stay in the flow and live every moment to the fullest.

every moment is the universe by dainin katagiri roshi

It is simple to consider time as a commodity, we speak of ransom or payment. we often think of it as an enemy, even when we think it’s slipping away before we prepare for the moment to emerge.

The Zen view of time is radically different from this: time is not something different from our own life; instead, our lifestyle is periodic. know this, says dainin katagiri roshi. furthermore, you are able to live fully and openly right where you are in each moment.

zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance by robert m. pirsig

This lyrical, evocative and thought-provoking diary of one man’s search for truth and self has touched and changed an entire generation and is about to become a new one. At its core, this story is very simple: a man and his son take a motorcycle trip across America.

However, this is by no means a simple journey, for around every corner, through mountain and desert, wind and rain, searing heat and biting cold; their pilgrimage takes them to new perspectives of both self-discovery and renewal.

The art of motorcycle maintenance is an elementary job that helped shape and define the last 25 years of American civilization. this special audio edition presents this experience in a new and exciting way for the millions of people who have already made this journey and would like to travel these roads again.

for many people who will discover for the first time that the wonders and challenges of a narrative will change how they feel and think about their own lives. Unique in sound, this edition features a new introduction by the writer.

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zen in the art of archery by eugen herrigel, r. F. c. Hull, Daisetz T. suzuki

Professor Eugen Herrigel explains in detail the path to Zen (a balance between body and mind) in this classic story.

This book is the outgrowth of the writer’s six-year quest to learn archery from contemporary Japanese masters. it’s a fair account of one person’s journey to complete the devastation, as well as the very Western principle we use to settle down.

Professor Herrigel imparts understanding of his adventures and guides the reader through spiritual and physical lessons in a very clear and informative manner.

mastering archery is not the real key to achieving zen. furthermore, this is not a sensible guide to archery. it is more of a basic principles and study guide and ideal for professionals and non-professionals alike.

the magic of tidying up that changes lives by marie kondo

Despite constant attempts to decorate your home, do newspapers still pile up like snowdrifts and clothes pile up like a jumble of tangled noodles?

Japanese cleaning consultant marie kondo takes tidiness to a whole new level, promising that if you energize and organize your home properly afterwards, you’ll never have to do a thing.

Most approaches recommend a room-by-room or bit-by-bit approach, allowing one to collect mounds of stuff indefinitely. the konmari method, using its radical category-by-category system, produces lasting results. Actually, none of kondo’s clients have expired (and they have a three-month waiting list).

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With comprehensive tips for determining what things in your home bring pleasure (and what don’t), this global bestseller featuring Tokyo’s new lifestyle phenomenon can let you declutter and revel in the special magic of a Clean home. and also the calm and inspired mindset it could inspire.

the miracle of mindfulness by thich nhat hanh

Within this beautiful and lucid manual, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh presents gentle anecdotes and functional exercises as a way to study the skills of mindfulness to become alert and fully aware. From doing the dishes to answering the phone to peeling an orange, he also reminds us that every moment contains an opportunity to work toward greater self-understanding and peace.

wherever you go, there you are: mindfulness meditation in everyday life composed by jon kabat-zinn

Within this book, the author lays out a very simple path to cultivating mindfulness in your own life. he addresses first-time meditators and lifelong practitioners, anyone who cares intensely about getting the freshness back into their minutes.

siddhartha by hermann hesse

herman hesse’s classic book has excited, motivated, and influenced generations of readers, writers, and thinkers. in this account of a wealthy Indian Brahmin, who casts out a life of privilege to seek spiritual fulfillment.

hesse synthesizes disparate philosophies, Eastern religions, Jungian archetypes, and Western individualism into a single view of life expressed through one person’s search for true meaning.

zen meat, zen bones by paul reps

after zen meat, zen bones was printed in 1957; it became an immediate sensation with a whole generation of readers who began to experiment with Zen. over time it has propelled the leading teachers, students, and practitioners of American Zen. its prevalence is as great now as ever.

this is a book that offers a group of accessible main zen sources to ensure that readers can wrestle with the meaning of zen for themselves. comprises 101 Zen Stories, a collection of stories recounting the actual experiences of Chinese and Japanese Zen masters over five decades.

the door without a door, the famous selection of zen koans from the thirteenth century; six bulls, a twelfth-century commentary on the phases of consciousness is leading to enlightenment; and centered, a 4,000-year-old Indian instruction that some consider to be the origin of Zen.

what is zen? by alan watts

In his definitive introduction to Zen, Alan Watts describes the foundations and principles of the ancient faith for Japanese Zen readers.

With a rare blend of lace and lucidity, it delves into the roots and background of Zen to describe what it means for the planet now with incredible clarity. watts saw zen as one of the most precious gifts from asia in the world and following the zen method, he offers this gift to subscribers all over the world.

peace is every step: the path of mindfulness in everyday life by thich nhat hanh

From the hustle and bustle of modern life, we tend to lose touch with the serenity that is offered in every moment. World-renowned Zen master, spiritual leader, and author Thich Nhat Hanh shows us how to make positive use of those very situations that often pressure and antagonize us. for him, a ringing phone can be a signal to call us back to ourselves.

dirty dishes, red lights, and traffic jams are spiritual friends on the path to mindfulness, the process of keeping our awareness alive to our present experience and truth.

The deepest satisfactions, the deepest feelings of joy and fulfillment are as close at hand as our next conscious breath and the smile we can form in this moment.

Written lucidly and beautifully, Peace Is Every Step includes commentary and meditations, personal anecdotes, and stories from Nhat Hanh’s experiences as a peace activist, educator, and community leader.

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starts where the reader is already in the kitchen, the office, driving a car, walking and shows how deep meditative presence is available today. nhat hanh provides exercises to increase our awareness of your body and mind through mindful breathing, bringing immediate joy and peace.

nhat hanh also shows how to know the relationships with other people and the world around us, its beauty and its pollution and injustices.

The deceptively simple practices of peace at each step encourage the reader to work for peace on earth because they continue to work to maintain inner peace by making the mindless conscious.

the compass of zen by seung sahn

The Zen Compass is a simple, comprehensive, and often humorous demonstration of the basics of Zen by a contemporary Zen master of considerable renown.

In his many years of teaching around the world, Korean-born Zen master Seung Sahn has become known for his ability to penetrate to the core of Buddhist teaching in a very clear way, yet free from academic and esoteric language.


Within this book, based primarily on his talks, he presents the basic teachings of Buddhism and Zen in a wonderfully accessible way for novices.

Although rich in stories, ideas, and personal experiences, long-time meditation students will find it a source of inspiration and a source of research.

taking the path of zen by robert aitken

Presenting complex ideas with insight and simplicity is an art, in a way that is both hands-on and inspiring. Taking the Path of Zen Robert Aitken presents the clinic, lifestyle, rationale, and ideology of Zen Buddhism with startling clarity.

the foundation of zen is the practice of zazen or mediation, and aitken roshi insists that it flows in the middle. he discusses proper breathing, posture, regular teacher-student connections, and koan study, as well as common problems and landmarks encountered in the process.

Throughout the book, the writer returns to zazen, offering additional information and much more innovative practices. The guidance extends to different religious attitudes and contains detailed discussions of the Three Treasures and Ten Precepts of Zen Buddhism.

This book will serve as a guide and manual for anyone drawn to the ways of Zen, from the simply curious to the serious Zen student.

you are here: discovering the magic of the present moment by thich nhat hanh

Within this book, thich nhat hanh, the famous Zen monk, writer, and meditation teacher, distills the foundation of Buddhist thought and practice, highlighting the energy of mindfulness to change our own lives.

mindfulness is not a evasion or an escape, he clarifies. this means being here, current and living fully. it is true freedom and without freedom there is no happiness.

Based on a retreat nhat has led for Westerners, this book offers a selection of simple and effective techniques for cultivating mindfulness, including breathing and walking, deep listening, and skillful speaking. You’re Here also offers advice on healing emotional pain and showing real compassion and love in our relationships with others.

easy, warm, direct and surprisingly powerful, this book reveals the core of the Buddhist path and helps us reconnect with all the joy and wonder of being alive, regardless of life’s changing conditions.

the way of zen by alan w. watts

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In his definitive introduction to Zen Buddhism, Alan Watts describes the foundations and principles of the ancient faith for Japanese readers.

With a rare blend of lace and lucidity, it delves into the roots and background of Zen to describe what it means for the planet now with incredible clarity. watts saw zen as one of the most precious gifts from asia in the world and following the zen method, he offers this gift to subscribers all over the world.

the alchemist by paulo coelho

Paulo Coelho’s charming book has inspired a devoted following around the world. Dazzling in its powerful simplicity and inspiring wisdom, this story is about an Andalusian shepherd named Santiago, who travels from his homeland of Spain to the Egyptian desert in search of treasure buried in the pyramids.

What begins as a journey to find worldly goods turns into a discovery of these treasures discovered within. exuberant, evocative, and deeply human, the story of santiago is a timeless testament to the transformative power of our dreams and the importance of listening to our hearts.

the eight gates of zen: a zen training program by john daido loori

This accessible introduction to the philosophy and practice of Zen Buddhism includes a syllabus that covers virtually every element of life.

american zen master john daido loori shows us that zen practice must include meditation, analysis of zen literature and liturgy, and ethical and moral actions, but it must also manifest itself in artistic, work, and regular activities. This is one of the best zen meditation books to read!

the essential teachings of zen master hakuin by norman waddell

Hakuin (1685-1768), a passionate and deeply energetic Zen teacher and interpreter, is credited with almost single-handedly revitalizing Japanese Zen after three hundred decades of decline. As a teacher, he focused especially on koan practice, inventing several new koans, including the famous What is the sound of one hand clapping?

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As an artist, Hakuin used calligraphy and painting to create visual dharma teachings that powerfully express the character of enlightenment.

The text translated here provides an excellent introduction to the work of the extraordinary master. Hakuin exposes his view of the practice and teaching of real Zen, condemning his contemporaries.

took responsibility for the decline of Zen and encouraged his students to dedicate themselves to breaking down the Zen barrier, including reproductions of several of Hakuin’s best calligraphies and paintings.

the essential dogen: writings of the great zen master by dōgen

eihei dogen (1200-1253), the soto school of zen buddhism, is one of the best spiritual, cultural and literary geniuses in all of japan. Zen students analyzed his writings for centuries, especially his masterpiece, shobo genzo or the treasure of the true eye of dharma.

This is the first book to provide the fantastic master’s incisive wisdom in short sections taken from the full range of his voluminous works. concise and powerful readings, organized by theme, provide an ideal introduction to the dogen and inspire religious training for people of all traditions.

the zen teaching of huang po by john blofeld and pei hsiu

This complete translation of this first selection of sermons, dialogues, and anecdotes by Huang Po, the illustrious Chinese teacher of the Tang dynasty, enables the Western reader to understand Zen from the very beginning of the critical functions of its teachings.

also provides insightful and often surprising insights into the many treasures of Eastern thought. Nowhere is the use of paradox in Zen better exemplified than in the instruction of Huang Po, who reveals how words cannot convey the experience of intuitive knowing that shows a man what he is.

With the support of these beautifully presented paradoxes within this group, Huang Po was able to set his disciples on the ideal path. In this way, the Zen master brings his listener back to reality, often through a phrase designed to ruin his special demon of ignorance.

when things fall apart by p. chodrón

There is a real opportunity for happiness right within our grasp, yet paradoxically, we often miss it while caught up in efforts to escape pain and heartache.

Drawn from traditional Buddhist wisdom, Pema Chödrön’s radical and compassionate advice on what to do if things fall apart in our lives goes against our everyday habits and expectations.

There is only one approach to enduring, which is of lasting benefit, Pema teaches, which involves moving toward debilitating scenarios with curiosity and friendliness, relaxing into the essential groundlessness of the circumstance. it is there, in the midst of chaos, we can detect the truth and love that are indestructible.

the art of happiness by dalai lama, howard c. cutler

Pretty much every time you see him, he laughs, or at least smiles. and makes everyone around him feel like smiling. He is the Dalai Lama, Tibet’s temporal and religious leader, Nobel Prize winner, and increasingly popular orator and statesman.

Furthermore, it will tell you that happiness is the goal of life and that the very movement of our life is towards happiness. how to get there has always been the question. has tried to answer it before, but has never had the support of a psychologist to convey the message in a context that we can easily understand.

Through conversations, stories and meditations, the Dalai Lama shows us how to overcome everyday stress, insecurity, anger and discouragement.

along with dr. cutler explores many facets of everyday life, including relationships, loss, and the pursuit of wealth, to illustrate how to overcome life’s obstacles into a deep and abiding source of inner peace.

An Open Heart: Practicing Compassion in Everyday Life is another best Zen book from the Dalai Lama.

Like a Dream, Like a Fantasy: The Zen Teachings and Translations of Nyogen Senzaki, Edited by Eido Shimano.

as d.t. like d.t. he introduced the west to zen philosophy to suzuki, nyogen senzaki helped introduce zen practice to the west. he was the first great Japanese meditation teacher who completely immersed himself in American life.

frequently asked questions about zen buddhism

Zen Buddhism

1. what is zen buddhism?

Zen Buddhism is a school of Mahayana Buddhism that emphasizes meditation and insight over intellectual study. is known for his unique approach to teaching, which often includes paradoxical statements or koans intended to challenge the student’s preconceptions.

2. where did zen buddhism originate?

Zen Buddhism originated in China during the Tang dynasty, although it did not gain widespread popularity until it was introduced to Japan in the 12th century.

3. Who were the most important figures in the development of Zen Buddhism?

The most important figures in the development of Zen Buddhism include Bodhidharma, the founder of the Zen school; hui-neng, the sixth patriarch of Zen; and dogen, the founder of the soto school of zen.

4. what are the key principles of zen buddhism?

Key tenets of Zen Buddhism include the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, and the Doctrine of Emptiness.

5. What are the main practices of Zen Buddhism?

The main practices of Zen Buddhism include meditation, mindfulness, and ethical living.

Happy reading with the best Zen Buddhism books!

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