Habit Books: The 21 Best Books on Building Better Habits

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habits. such a simple but powerful word. it contains all the behaviors we perform without thinking too much about them. our actions and decisions, all mixed in a specific ritual.

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The most interesting part about habits is how different they are for each of us. habits can refer to anything; from looking for your toothpaste and toothbrush each morning to what you eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Forming a specific habit means associating one specific thing or action with another. making the right associations can drastically improve your life from all perspectives: work, psychology, health, and even money.

here in four minute books, we have summarized over 1000 books. it’s a good number, and it’s given us a bit of insight into habits. we’ve uncovered the best books on how to create better habits, break bad ones, and even use the concept of habits itself to your advantage. if you manage them well, your habits will guide you to success and happiness, seemingly on autopilot!

If you want to dive into the world of habits, regardless of field, consider the following 21 books. We have sorted them into several categories. Each section includes our favorite quote, a one-sentence summary of the book, and three key takeaways. As a bonus, you can also find some reasons why you might want to read the book. the clickable table of contents below will allow you to jump to any of the books or categories.

Without further ado, let’s move on to the 21 best habit books of all time!

best books on habits in general

1. atomic habits by james clear

Best Habit Books 1

favorite quote

“habits are the compound interest of self-improvement”. — clear james

the book in a sentence

Atomic Habits is the ultimate four-step guide to ending bad behaviors and adopting good ones, showing you how small, incremental daily routines turn into massive, positive changes over time.

why should you read it?

You want to be better, but you don’t know where to start. Can you think of any good habits you want to form and any bad habits you want to get rid of? If the answer is yes, then this book is the one for you as it contains an impressive number of examples and steps you can take when it comes to building habits. Giving even that 1% each day is important, or at least that’s what James tells us. And it doesn’t matter if we are talking about reducing stress, losing weight or winning a championship: atomichabits is the solution that will answer all your questions.

key takeaways

    1. every time we perform a habit, we execute a four-step pattern: cue, desire, response, reward.
    2. if we want to form new habits, we must make them obvious , engaging, easy, and satisfying.
    3. You can use a habit tracker as a fun way to measure your progress and make sure you don’t get discouraged.

    See Also: Liane Moriarty – Book Series In Order

    If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

    See Also: Aimee Thurlo – Book Series In Order

    2. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. flock

    Best Habit Books 2

    favorite quote

    “the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing”. — Stephen R. flock

    the book in a sentence

    The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People teaches you personal and professional effectiveness by changing your view of how the world works and giving you 7 habits that, if adopted well, will lead to immense success.

    why should you read it?

    Life can be a roller coaster at times and the simplest things tend to get overlooked. things seem complicated when in fact they are not. And that’s exactly what Stephen is telling us: the basics can be our key to success. Just to get you hooked on the book, I’ll give you a spoiler: prioritization is crucial. sounds complicated, right? you might want to read the book to see how easy it really is!

    key takeaways

    1. take the funeral test.
    2. learn to say no.
    3. practice active listening.

    See Also: Liane Moriarty – Book Series In Order

    If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

    See Also: Aimee Thurlo – Book Series In Order

    3. the habit model by patrik edblad

    Best Books on Habits 3

    favorite quote

    “Because you are the world’s foremost expert on your behavior, I encourage you to assume the roles of scientist and subject from now on. let life become your experiment and the world your laboratory.” — patrick edblad

    the book in a sentence

    The Habit Plan boils down behavior change to its core, giving you the ultimate research-backed recipe for cultivating the habits you want, with plenty of supporting steps you can take to maximize your chances of success.

    why should you read it?

    If you consider yourself the type of person who really needs a “how to” strategy, then this is the book for you. Times change and so do people, but for things to run smoothly, people need to decide they want to change and start doing it. which can become overwhelming at times. Written by a certified mental coach, this book is a quick and easy read that will determine you to move from thought to action.

    key takeaways

    1. Get a head start on your habit changes by choosing a key habit first.
    2. Avoid fluctuating willpower by starting ridiculously small.
    3. Use the sunk cost fallacy to your advantage by building a chain of records.

    See Also: Liane Moriarty – Book Series In Order

    If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

    See Also: Aimee Thurlo – Book Series In Order

    4. better than before by gretchen rubin

    Best Books About Habits 4

    favorite quote

    “what you do every day is more important than what you do from time to time”. —gretchen rubin

    the book in a sentence

    Better Than Before breaks down the latest research on how to break bad habits and build good ones, to help you find your habit tendency and give you some simple tools to start improving your own habits.

    why should you read it?

    Today, one of the most frequently asked questions is related to change. And this New York Times bestseller is trying to answer that exact question with a very simple answer. how we spend our time basically dictates how our lives flow. And maybe even those daily habits you don’t necessarily take into account have a bigger impact than you think. If you need actionable approaches or concepts that can take you a long way, this book can help you get there.

    key takeaways

    1. there are 4 different habit trends: defender, questioner, compelled and rebel.
    2. track and plan your habits with two simple tools to make sure you stick to them: a calendar and a habit tracker .
    3. make good habits easy to adopt and bad habits unattractive.

    See Also: Liane Moriarty – Book Series In Order

    If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

    See Also: Aimee Thurlo – Book Series In Order

    best habit books for beginners

    5. the power of habit by charles duhigg

    Best Habit Books 5

    favorite quote

    “the difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do”. — charles duhigg

    the book in a sentence

    The power of habits helps you understand why habits are at the heart of everything you do, how you can change them, and what impact they will have on your life, your business, and society.

    why should you read it?

    Human nature can be difficult to understand at times and scientific discoveries in this regard never cease to amaze us. If you’re looking for a nice book that gives you an insight into exactly how habits work and how they can be changed, then this book could be your winner. Habits rule our life, be they good or bad. Starting or breaking a habit can be difficult, but knowing exactly how and why it forms can save us a lot of time and give us a lot of control.

    key takeaways

    1. Habits work in 3-step loops: cue, routine, reward.
    2. You can change your habits by replacing only part of the loop, the routine.
    3. the willpower is the most important habit and you can strengthen it over time with 3 things.

    See Also: Liane Moriarty – Book Series In Order

    If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

    See Also: Aimee Thurlo – Book Series In Order

    6. little habits by b.j. fog

    Best Habit Books 6

    favorite quote

    “after you hit the ground running in the morning, immediately say this phrase, ‘it’s going to be a great day.’ As you say these seven words, try to feel upbeat and positive.” ― misty bj

    the book in a sentence

    small habits show you the power of applying small changes to your routine to unleash the full power of habits to improve your life.

    why should you read it?

    The times sometimes get really chaotic and have a greater effect on us than imagined. and at one point, we can all agree that change is not the easiest process there is, as it has many elements that go into it. the world’s leading expert b.j. Fogg agrees with this idea, so the main focus is to break a “habit” into a set of “little habits,” which can allow you to make small but safe changes. if taking things one step at a time is your way to go, then this book should be all yours.

    key takeaways

    1. starting embarrassingly small is the secret to pushing through the dull days and beyond to finally reach your goals.
    2. motivation doesn’t work for long-term growth, you need to leverage into the potential of behavior.
    3. To unlock the power of action, connect your habits with prompts already in your daily routine.

    See Also: Liane Moriarty – Book Series In Order

    If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

    See Also: Aimee Thurlo – Book Series In Order

    7. mini habits of stephen guise

    Best Books on Habits 7

    favorite quote

    “be the person with embarrassing goals and awesome results instead of one of the many people with awesome goals and embarrassing results.” ― stephen guise

    the book in a sentence

    mini habits explains how you can make the most of the fact that 45% of your behavior happens on autopilot by setting ridiculously small goals, relying on willpower instead of motivation, and tracking your progress to live a fulfilling life. of good mini habits. habits.

    why should you read it?

    This book dives into the idea that you can change and make these changes last. Do you want a motivating reading, but rather fast? hop on, but don’t go too fast. keeping a considerably lower profile and going slower could be the key elements to success. Plus, if you want a bit of the author’s personal touch, a book that makes you think, “That makes perfect sense and that’s exactly what I was thinking!”, then you may have made a major discovery with this title.

    key takeaways

    1. Set a super easy goal to start with, because chances are you’ll keep doing it once you’re done.
    2. Use some sort of system to track your habits and progress.
    3. when you exceed your target, don’t raise the standard, or you’ll fall off the bandwagon.

    See Also: Liane Moriarty – Book Series In Order

    If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

    See Also: Aimee Thurlo – Book Series In Order

    best books on work habits

    8. the habit of achievement by bernard roth

    Best Habit Books 8

    favorite quote

    “we don’t realize how many of our fixed views of the world are based on limited samples of reality.” — bernard roth

    the book in a sentence

    The Habit of Achievement shows you that you can learn to be an achiever, using the principles of design thinking to guide you through various stories and exercises, which will help you stop wishing and start doing.


    why should you read it?

    written by the academic director of the d. school, this book dives into the powerful methods of design thinking. Do you often find yourself stuck in situations or moments when you shouldn’t be? this book offers enough tips to help you get out of that situation by reshaping the way you think about a problem. and the best part of this book? you can find quite a few strategies that are not only creative but will also help you when you feel like you’re stuck.

    key takeaways

    1. stop giving reasons, they are just another form of excuses.
    2. change “but” to “and” in everything you say.
    3. don’t interact, better make real friends.

    See Also: Liane Moriarty – Book Series In Order

    If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

    See Also: Aimee Thurlo – Book Series In Order

    9. the creative habit by twyla tharp

    Best Books on Habits 9

    favorite quote

    “I read to grow, firmly believing that who you are today and what you will be in five years depends on two things: the people you meet and the books you read”. —twyla tharp

    the book in a sentence

    the creative habit is a dancer’s model for turning creativity into a habit, which she has successfully done for over 50 years in the entertainment industry.

    why should you read it?

    Creativity is often seen as a gift, as something magical, a spark that some people are born with, while others are not. but what if it’s all about effort and construction? this book is not the usual practical or “handbook” kind of book; it’s more of an insight into how twyla tharp stays on top of her game. If he’s looking for strategies that could be considered high-level and could help him be the most creative person there is, this would be a great place to start.

    key takeaways

    1. design a kick-off ritual for your creative process.
    2. use a project chart to lay out your work and ground yourself.
    3. always finish right in the middle from work for easy entry the next day.

    See Also: Liane Moriarty – Book Series In Order

    If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

    See Also: Aimee Thurlo – Book Series In Order

    10. the eighth habit of stephen r. flock

    Best Habit Books 10

    favorite quote

    “people just feel better about themselves when they are good at something”. — Stephen R. flock

    the book in a sentence

    The eighth habit is about finding your voice and helping others discover theirs, to thrive at work in the information age, where interdependence is more important than independence.

    why should you read it?

    A follow-up to his previous book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, this one challenges readers to put everything they’ve learned so far into proper perspective and flourish from there. If you’re looking for simple yet useful ideas to help you be more effective, Stephen has them for you. And one of the best parts is that these principles can be integrated into any part of your life, whether in private or public, all to make a difference.

    key takeaways

    1. Your freedom to choose is the greatest gift you were born with.
    2. Build trust by being kind, knowing when to apologize, and keeping your promises.
    3. empower others by relinquishing control and handing over responsibility to them.

    See Also: Liane Moriarty – Book Series In Order

    If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

    See Also: Aimee Thurlo – Book Series In Order

    11. the now habit by neil fiore

    Best Habit Books 11

    favorite quote

    “the choice is not to work or not to work, but what kind of work; even feeling guilty about procrastinating takes some effort.” — neil fiore

    the book in a sentence

    The Now Habit is a strategic program to help you eliminate procrastination from your life, bring fun and motivation back to your work, and enjoy your well-earned free time guilt-free.

    why should you read it?

    Having sold over 100,000 copies, this book tackles the idea of ​​overcoming procrastination through a comprehensive plan. there are quite a few books on the market that usually tell you that procrastination can be overcome if you make a list or just… start working. but this book doesn’t give you those reasons over and over again. It starts by explaining why people procrastinate, and as you might have guessed, it’s not because they’re lazy. but not to give spoilers, information is key in this book and opens the lock on all your time barriers.

    key takeaways

    1. procrastination is trained in us.
    2. try to deprogram your life.
    3. register your distractions to block them out.

    See Also: Liane Moriarty – Book Series In Order

    If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

    See Also: Aimee Thurlo – Book Series In Order

    12. swap for chip & dan heath

    Best Books About Habits 12

    favorite quote

    “Knowledge does not change behavior. We’ve all come across crazy psychiatrists, obese doctors, and divorced marriage counselors.” – chip and amplifier; dan heath

    the book in a sentence

    switch is about how you can lead and encourage changes in human behavior, both in yourself and in your organization, by focusing on the three forces that influence you: the rider, the elephant, and the road.

    why should you read it?

    Best-selling authors of Made to Stick, Chip and Dan Heath are back with a touchy subject: how do you change when it’s not that easy to do? Are you also looking for complex topics explained in a simple way? this book comprises a metaphorical sense that helps with all the concepts that are presented. changing is no easy task, but knowing exactly how to drive the mechanics behind the change can help you accomplish a lot. and it may never be the easy way out, but it will definitely be the best way out.

    key takeaways

    1. focus on a specific and critical aspect of the change, so the rider doesn’t have to decide.
    2. make the elephant move with powerful emotion.
    3. make the path of change easy to follow, because human behavior is highly situational.

    See Also: Liane Moriarty – Book Series In Order

    If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

    See Also: Aimee Thurlo – Book Series In Order

    best habits books about money

    13. millionaire success habits by dean graziosi

    Best Habit Books 13

    favorite quote

    “it doesn’t matter where you come from. it only matters where you are and where you want to go.” — thank you dean

    the book in a sentence

    millionaire success habits will teach you the habits you need to be financially successful and make a big difference in the world along the way.

    why should you read it?

    Where could you be in life as we speak and where do you want to end up? this book might have the answer you’re looking for. informative and impressive – these are probably the best words to describe this book. and sometimes the smallest changes can produce the biggest effects. and that, regardless of the circumstances in which you find yourself. it just takes a little courage to apply the wisdom shared in this book.

    key takeaways

    1. Find your reason by doing the profound seven-level exercise and your motivation and energy will skyrocket.
    2. Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses, if you want to be happier and more productive. ”
    3. wake up your inner hero and let him take charge of your life.

    See Also: Liane Moriarty – Book Series In Order

    If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

    See Also: Aimee Thurlo – Book Series In Order

    14. dollars and sense by dan ariely & jeff kreisler

    Best Books About Habits 14

    favorite quote

    “Thinking a lot about money would be fine if by thinking more about it we could make better decisions”. — Dan Ariely & jeff kreisler

    the book in a sentence

    dollars and sense explains why money management is so difficult and teaches you how to combat false signals and natural desires so you can better manage your money.

    why should you read it?

    money is just a collection of numbers, or so we think, but sometimes we judge these numbers with our hearts and not our heads. how would you describe your relationship with money and how would you describe your spending habits? Behavioral economist Dan Ariely has teamed up with writer Jeff Kreisler to explain how instincts work in our relationship with money. knowing exactly how and when certain behaviors are instilled can help us reconsider our daily financial decisions. you may be surprised to discover that many of our money-related decisions are actually just bias.

    key takeaways

    1. Fundamental human characteristics make it difficult to manage our money.
    2. Use emotional connections and “Ulysses contracts” to increase your self-control.
    3. Get rid of your budget complex and make a simple one.

    See Also: Liane Moriarty – Book Series In Order

    If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

    See Also: Aimee Thurlo – Book Series In Order

    books of better habits for health

    15. rewired by richard o’connor

    Best Habit Books 15

    favorite quote

    “You know very well what the right choice is, but you keep making the wrong one.” — richard o’connor

    the book in a sentence

    rewire explains why we continue to engage in addictive and self-destructive behavior, how our brains justify it, and where you can start breaking your bad habits by being more mindful and disciplined.

    why should you read it?

    Written by a psychotherapist, this book provides you with a series of tools that will help you not only understand the bad behaviors you may have, but also change them. people have a tendency to “repeat mistakes”, which can be bad habits that are slow to die. this book will also delve into the roots of a certain problem, to put things in some perspective and help you overcome any destructive behavior with the help of exercise. a short book, but packed with a lot of valuable information!

    key takeaways

    1. you have two selves that influence your actions: one conscious and one automatic.
    2. suppressing your emotions can cause you to become self-destructive.
    3. you can start to break their bad habits by faking and training mindfulness.

    See Also: Liane Moriarty – Book Series In Order

    If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

    See Also: Aimee Thurlo – Book Series In Order

    16. you are not your brain by jeffrey m. schwartz

    Best Habit Books 16

    favorite quote

    “your mind is your greatest ally” — jeffrey m. schwartz

    the book in a sentence

    You’re Not Your Brain tells you the science behind bad habits and how to break them, giving you a practical 4-step framework you can use to stop listening to your brain’s misleading messages.

    why should you read it?

    This 4-step method book, written by two neuroscience experts, can help you change those bad habits once and for all. more and more people seem to be immersed in an unhealthy way of thinking, which affects them from every point of view. but this can be overcome, as explained in this book. your brain can push you to think a certain way, but your mind can become your greatest ally against destructive thoughts or actions.

    key takeaways

    1. self-directed neuroplasticity is your favorite weapon to change your habits.
    2. hebb’s law and the quantum zeno effect.
    3. there are 4 steps you can take to break a bad habit.

    See Also: Liane Moriarty – Book Series In Order

    If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

    See Also: Aimee Thurlo – Book Series In Order

    17. the joy of movement by kelly mcgonigal

    Best Habit Books 17

    favorite quote

    “The right playlist can transform your exercise experience.” — by kelly mcgonigal

    the book in a sentence

    The joy of movement is just what you need to finally find the motivation to get out and exercise more often by teaching you the scientific reasons why it’s good for you and why your body is designed to enjoy it.

    why should you read it?

    many books will tell you why you should get up and start moving around your house. dance, sing, jump, do what your body tells you. Now, do you feel all pumped up? because this book will also keep you all excited and show you how to start enjoying moving! If you want to have a better understanding of the science behind movement and how it makes us feel better, you can run to the nearest store and find this book.

    key takeaways

    1. The “runner’s high” comes with any kind of physical exertion, it’s a ward against anxiety and depression, and it can even make you more sociable.
    2. exercise can kick your ass like drugs you would, but with a lot of positive side effects instead of the negative ones that come from substance abuse.
    3. if you don’t like the idea of ​​steroids but want to improve your performance, use music to peak while you exercise.

    See Also: Liane Moriarty – Book Series In Order

    If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

    See Also: Aimee Thurlo – Book Series In Order

    best habits books on psychology

    18. willpower by roy baumeister

    Best Habit Books 18

    favorite quote

    “for most of us, the problem is not too few goals, but too many” — roy baumeister

    the book in a sentence

    willpower is a combination of practical advice and the latest scientific research on self-control, explaining how willpower works, what you can do to improve it, how to optimize it, and what steps to take when it fails.


    why should you read it?

    roy f. Baumeister, an influential psychologist, teamed up with a science writer, John Tierney, to write this book. and what did they discover? that self-control can be a well-kept secret to a better and successful life and that this secret can be easily mastered. this book is full of tips and different techniques that can help you build a better life, without using too much magic.

    key takeaways

    1. Your willpower works like a muscle: if you exercise it too much, it wears out.
    2. Willpower begets willpower, so you can train it by using it.
    3. set compatible and clear goals, but leave room for your willpower.

    See Also: Liane Moriarty – Book Series In Order

    If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

    See Also: Aimee Thurlo – Book Series In Order

    19. driving by daniel rosa

    Best Habit Books 19

    favorite quote

    “control leads to compliance; autonomy leads to commitment.” — daniel rose

    the book in a sentence

    drive explores what has motivated humans throughout history and explains how we went from mere survival to the carrot and stick approach still practiced today, and why it’s outdated.


    why should you read it?

    This new york times bestseller surprises readers with a fresh take on motivation. an easy read, that gets straight to the point and allows readers to aim not only at themselves but also at business improvement. times change and things evolve, and so do we, so how do we get to that point of true motivation? this unique book will provide you with ingenious and simple techniques that will take you far.

    key takeaways

    1. the carrot and stick approach is dead.
    2. extrinsic motivation destroys intrinsic motivation.
    3. strive for flow in everything you do.
    4. See Also: Liane Moriarty – Book Series In Order

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      See Also: Aimee Thurlo – Book Series In Order

      20. habits of a happy brain by loretta breuning

      Best Habit Books 20

      favorite quote

      “You can increase your pleasure if you are willing to do things that don’t feel good at first.” — loretta breuning

      the book in a sentence

      Habits of a Happy Brain explains the four neurotransmitters in your brain that create happiness, why you can’t be happy all the time, and how you can rewire your brain to take responsibility for your own hormones and therefore happiness .

      why should you read it?

      Is it revolutionary if I tell you that this book will help you increase your happiness in just… 45 days? Our brain uses four neurotransmitters to create happiness, and these happy chemicals can be released with just a few activities, which are featured in this book. This enjoyable read will help you retrain your brain to live a fuller life.

      key takeaways

      1. Unhappy chemists are just as important as happy ones.
      2. Nothing will make you happy forever.
      3. Living means constantly choosing, so it’s important that you do . .

      See Also: Liane Moriarty – Book Series In Order

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      See Also: Aimee Thurlo – Book Series In Order

      21. the willpower instinct by kelly mcgonigal

      Best Habit Books 21

      favorite quote

      “pursuing meaning is better for health than trying to avoid discomfort”. — kelly mcgonigal

      the book in a sentence

      willpower instinct breaks willpower down into 3 categories and gives you science-backed systems to improve your self-control, break bad habits, and choose long-term goals over instant gratification.

      why should you read it?

      Written by a health psychologist, this book focuses on self-control and how we can make the most of it to improve our lives. Based on recent research and drawing on valuable insights from psychology, neuroscience, and more, this book focuses on breaking willpower and answering all the questions that surround it: what, why, and how.

      key takeaways

      1. willpower comes in 3 different shapes and sizes.
      2. your willpower instinct can also be called the pause and plan response.
      3. no let good behavior be an excuse for current bad behavior.

      See Also: Liane Moriarty – Book Series In Order

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      See Also: Aimee Thurlo – Book Series In Order


      so far, we have summarized more than 1000 books. as shown above, quite a few are about habits and how they affect our lives. we think these are the best habit books to read this year.

      We all have this desire for a better life, but our busy schedules and the way we think can sometimes get in the way. learning self-control, understanding our spending habits, and starting with the simple things are just a few of the many tips these books have for us. discovering which ones work for you will definitely set you on the path to a better and more peaceful life.

      habits define us. but we can also define them. what is your habit… or book of choice today?

      other book lists

      Looking for more of the best books on various topics? here are all the book lists we’ve made for you so far:

      See Also: Barbara Nadel – Book Series In Order

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