The 10 Best Norse Mythology Books – Norse Mythology for Smart People

Odin riding Sleipnir (detail from the Tjängvide Runestone)

Odin riding Sleipnir (detail from the Tjängvide Runestone)

There are so many books on Norse mythology out there, especially at the beginner level, that if you were to make a pile with one copy of each it would probably reach all the way up to Asgard itself. Trying to decide where to start – or where to go next from your current position, wherever that is – can be daunting. In hopes of helping people to navigate this field and get to the good stuff, here’s a list of 10 of the best books on Norse mythology (last updated April 2019).

This list is written primarily with the beginning or intermediate student of Norse mythology in mind, although some of the more specialized books on this list will be of great use to those who are already familiar with the basics of mythology and religion. ancient. of the Norse and other Germanic peoples and want to go further.

You are reading: Best norse mythology books

The order of the books in this list is from most suitable for beginners to most advanced. lower numbered books are not necessarily better than higher numbered ones, but lower numbered ones are more affordable.

If you find this list helpful enough to decide to purchase one or more of the books listed here, the best way to say “thank you” is to purchase whatever you decide to purchase through the Amazon links provided at the bottom of the page. description of each book. When you do, I automatically earn a small commission on your purchase at no additional cost or hassle to you.

1. the viking spirit : an introduction to norse mythology and religion by daniel mccoy

The Viking Spirit Daniel McCoy

As you probably already know, this is my own book. my intention in writing it was to create the ideal introduction to Norse mythology and religion, and in my own (obviously biased) estimation, it achieves that goal. check it out for yourself and see if you agree.

The Viking Spirit is an introduction to Norse mythology like no other. As you would expect from the creator of this popular website, it is written to academic standards, but in a simple, clear, and entertaining style that is easy to understand and enjoyable to read.

includes gripping accounts of no fewer than 34 epic Norse myths, more than any other book in the field, while also providing an equally comprehensive overview of the fascinating Viking religion of which Norse mythology was a part. you will learn about the gods and goddesses of the Vikings, their concept of destiny, their views on the afterlife, their moral code, how they thought the universe was structured, how they practiced their religion, the role magic played in their lives , and much more. the book gives equal weight to nonfiction, historical material, and stories.

Including the latest groundbreaking research in the field, The Viking Spirit is the definitive introduction to the timeless splendor of Norse mythology and religion for the 21st century.

click here to view or purchase viking spirit on amazon.

2. Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman

In Norse mythology, acclaimed fiction writer Neil Gaiman sets out to retell a selection of Norse myths that have served as a substantial source of inspiration for many of his earlier works, perhaps most notably the hugely popular novel american gods.


Although Gaiman retells only a few of the dozens of surviving Viking myths, his choices include nearly all of the major ones, like the creation of the universe and its cataclysmic fall, as well as some that are particularly weird and funny. and by limiting himself to a particular portion of the myths, he is able to develop those myths into a grand novelistic form, which is perhaps the book’s greatest strength. he turns some of the best stories in world literature into a great modern novel in its own right.

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The only drawback for some potential readers will be that Norse mythology doesn’t have much to do with the Norse religion from which the myths arose. but if you’re only interested in the stories, it’s hard to top this book, and if you want more than just the stories, you can always complete the picture by also reading another of the books on this list that includes more of a non-fiction historical discussion of the religion. I have heard from many people that Norse mythology and the Viking spirit complement each other very well.

click here to view or buy norse mythology on amazon.

3. the book of norse myths d’aulaires by ingri and edgar parin d’aulaire

DAulaires Book of Norse Myths

If you are a parent looking for a Norse Mythology book for your child, D’Aulaires Norse Mythology Book is easily the best Norse Mythology book for children. there’s not even a close second. D’Aulaires’ Book of Norse Myths is written specifically for ages 5 to 9, or kindergarten through fourth grade.

These retellings of Norse tales and descriptions of the gods and their world, lovingly and evocatively written and very easy to understand, are sure to spark your child’s imagination and get them interested in Norse mythology. Numerous color images are interspersed throughout the text. it’s also completely “family-friendly”: the d’aulaires exclude the lurid elements of Norse mythology that some parents may find objectionable in their children’s reading material.

click here to view or buy d’aulaires book of norse myths on amazon.

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4. gods and myths of northern europe by h.r. ellis davidson

Gods and Myths of Northern Europe

hilda roderick ellis davidson was one of the leading scholars of Norse mythology in the 20th century; however, most of her works were written for a general audience and not just for her specialist academic colleagues. Northern European Gods and Myths is her most accessible work and is ideal for beginners who want an academic view of Norse religion.

His book describes the pre-Christian religion of the Norse and other Germanic peoples in a way that focuses less on the retelling of the tales than on the historical religion of which the tales were only a part. the reader gets a picture of pre-Christian Germanic religion that is more complete and nuanced than almost any other popular one-volume introduction on this or similar subjects. For decades, Gods and Myths of Northern Europe has rightfully been one of the most widely read books on the Viking Age.

click here to view or buy northern european gods and myths on amazon.

5. Northern Myth and Religion: The Religion of Ancient Scandinavia by E.O.G. turville-petre

Myth and Religion of the North Turville Petre

as well as the gods and myths of northern europe by ellis davidson (#4 above), the legendary oxford professor of old norse e.o.g. Turville-Petre’s Northern Myth and Religion provides a comprehensive overview of the pre-Christian religion of Scandinavia. However, while somewhat more academic than Ellis Davidson’s book (which is why I put Northern European Gods and Myths at #4 and Northern Myths and Religions at #5), Turville-Petre it more than makes up for in its sheer comprehensiveness. and sharpness of intuition. where ellis davidson is highly admirable, turville-petre is downright amazing.

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Today, at numerous universities around the world, Northern Myth and Religion is treated as the go-to reference book for all things Norse mythology, and rightfully so. reading this book is something like an intellectual initiation. Bottom line: Until you’ve read this absolutely essential book, you’re just a fan of Norse mythology.

Click here to view or purchase Northern Myth and Religion: The Religion of Ancient Scandinavia on Amazon.

6. the poetic edda translated by jackson crawford

Now we come to the primary sources (in English translation, of course).

The Poetic Edda is a work of such vision and overwhelming beauty that it has few rivals in all of world literature. It is a collection of Old Norse mythical and heroic poems, composed by anonymous poets in Iceland or Scandinavia during and shortly after the Viking Age. Taken together, these poems constitute our most important source of information about Norse mythology and religion.

To be totally frank, no English translation that has been published so far comes close to conveying all the grandeur and nuance (both aesthetic and philosophical) of the Old Norse texts. To a large extent, this is unavoidable; As Robert Frost once said, “I could define poetry this way: It is what is lost in both prose and verse in translation.” However, Jackson Crawford’s translation accomplishes what no other translation has to date: the style is clear and easily understood while retaining much of the beauty of the original. (other translations tend to do one or the other, but not both). that’s quite a feat.

click here to view or purchase the poetic edda on amazon.

7. The Prose Edda of Snorri Sturluson, translated by Jesse L. byock

The Prose Edda

The Prose Edda was written in the 13th century by the Icelandic scholar Snorri Sturluson and is often considered the second most important source of information on Norse mythology (after the Poetic Edda, no. 6 above). ). it was originally written as a treatise on the mythology behind numerous conventional images in Old Norse poetry, to be used by poets and those who wanted to better understand the works of the Old poets. snorri provides something like a systematic summary of the narratives, deities, and cosmology of Norse mythology.

Scholars fiercely debate the accuracy of the information in this book, and there is a general consensus that, at the very least, snorri cannot be taken at face value. however, one way or another, his prose edda is a treasure trove of facts that would otherwise have been entirely lost, regardless of the difficulty of separating the facts from snorri’s own embellishments or misunderstandings.

click here to view or purchase the prose edition on amazon.

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8. the saga of the volsungs translated by jackson crawford

The saga of the volsungs is probably the most popular and influential of the Icelandic sagas, which, together with the eddas, are the most important literary sources for our current knowledge of the mythology and religion of the pre-Christian Germanic peoples. The Saga of the Volsungs is a truly epic story if there ever was one, chronicling the larger than life deeds of the Volsung clan, the gods who had a hand in their fortunes, and especially the hero Sigurd. dragons are slain, treasures are lost and recovered, humans become animals and animals become people, and all the while the reader gains authentic insight into the ancient gods, myths and values ​​of Northern Europe.

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The stories on which this saga is based date back to the early centuries AD and were common throughout the Germanic world. elements of them also survive in some of the Poetic Edda poems (#6 above) and the medieval German das nibelungenlied. the Germanic peoples evidently viewed these stories as one of the most important. The Saga of the Volsungs in particular was also the basis for Richard Wagner’s Ring Operas and a major inspiration for J.R.R. tolkien is the lord of the rings.

this particular edition of the saga also includes the saga of ragnar lothbrok.

click here to view or buy the volsungs saga on amazon.

9. the sagas of the icelanders

The medieval Icelandic sagas are wonderful works of literature, written in a stark, practical style that is brimming with unspoken implications. and, once again, they are also some of our most important literary sources of information on the pre-Christian mythology, religion, and culture of the Norse and other Germanic peoples. this 740-page tome contains no fewer than ten of these sagas, as well as a variety of numerous shorter tales.

The centerpiece of the sagas of the icelanders is the saga of egil, which recounts the exploits of the nearly invincible poet-warrior and devotee of odin egil skallagrimsson. it is among the best of the sagas, both for its literary quality and for what the attentive reader can learn from it.

all translations are carefully selected and top notch. This is the best introduction to Icelandic sagas as a genre out there, and for less than $20, it’s quite a bargain.

click here to view or buy the sagas of the icelanders on amazon.

10. Norse Mythology: A Guide to Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs by John Lindow

Norse Mythology

Professor Lindow’s Norse Mythology consists primarily of an alphabetical encyclopedia of some of the most important characters, cosmological locations, and other such “key terms” in Norse mythology. it’s certainly not a stand-alone introduction to Norse mythology (see #1-5 on this list for such books). rather, it is a very useful reference book that you can use when reading other books on Norse mythology, much like the glossaries that sometimes accompany Tolkien’s works, which similarly feature a potentially confusing profusion of proper names. /p>

lindow’s book is the perfect companion to any and all other books in the field.

Click here to view or purchase Norse Mythology: A Guide to Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs on Amazon.

once you’ve read a few of the books on this list, you’ll be ready to move on to the top 10 advanced norse mythology books.

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