When is the Best Time to Read? – The Productive Engineer

we are all busy. It is a fact of life in this day in age. juggling school, work, family, and friends can be a struggle. So when are you supposed to fit leisure activities like reading into that hectic schedule? reading is essential. it expands our imagination, helps us learn, can bring joy to our hearts, and helps improve our memory.

so, when is the best time to read? the answer is often unique to each individual, but some common rules of thumb are as follows:

You are reading: Best time to read books

best time of day to read

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why it is better to read non-fiction books in the morning.

Researchers say the reason adults should read nonfiction in the morning is that their body wants and needs to wake up and be stimulated.

According to experts, reading in the morning has many benefits such as:

  • stress reduction
  • increased creativity
  • improved communication skills
  • disease prevention
  • better concentration and memory</li
  • improved intelligence.

The reason it’s best to read nonfiction in the morning is that your brain is normally most alert in the morning (although your mileage may vary if you’re a night owl).

According to a recent study, six minutes of sustained reading each day can reduce a person’s stress level by 68 percent (Source)! Only six minutes! Imagine how much less stressed you would be if you start your day with just six minutes of reading.

Reading can prevent disease by letting people know how to avoid it before you get it and, if you do get it, how to manage it. If you suffer from anxiety, you can easily read up on ways to help ease that burden. reading is also excellent for exercising the mind and keeping the brain in tip-top shape.

Reading can also help improve your communication skills. Doing this in the morning allows you to prepare for whatever communication you’ll be involved in that day, whether it’s at work, school, or just hanging out. family and friends.

Woman reading Photo by Roman Carey

Reading boosts intelligence. We all learned this in school. Books contain new knowledge and words that teach us something new every time we read them. The more you read, the more knowledge you will have, and therefore the more intelligent you will be. Opening a world of new understanding for yourself is so beneficial.

Concentration and memory are essential parts of everyday life. reading improves the connectivity of your brain and creates new memories. if you want to absorb and understand what you are reading, you need to concentrate. being completely immersed in a book will give you better concentration skills and more memories. consistent reading habits will improve your attention span. these good habits will carry over to other aspects of your life as well, making it incredibly beneficial.

why it is better to read fiction at night

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For some people, reading before bed helps them fall asleep. if you want to read to help you fall asleep, then this is a great tactic.

reading a book is better than looking at your phone and catching up on your twitter account. bright lights from a phone will keep you awake and distract your brain from it, so reading an old book is a better option, especially if you have insomnia.

Using your phone before going to bed keeps your brain psychologically engaged, delays REM sleep, and the blue light from the screen suppresses melatonin, which helps you sleep. So, trade in that blue light for a book light instead.

reading at night can also help you read more books because we tend to have more time at night. instead of spending time on your phone, spend it reading mystery or romance on paper or kindle.

In general, if you’re having trouble falling asleep at night or finding a nighttime routine that works for you, try reading a book. Reading fiction at night can help you escape everyday life and relax your mind as you prepare for sleep. Plus, it’s better than staring at your iPhone screen until 3am. m.

the studies may not match the way you work

Now remember, just because a study says something is true doesn’t mean it applies to you. I read better in the morning. if I read at night, I’m sure I’ll fall asleep and not retain anything I just read, but it helps me fall asleep. although you may be the opposite. it can also depend on your personality. maybe you’re a night owl who works better at night. we all have different schedules which can vary our best time to read personally. In the end, it’s all about trying reading at different times and seeing what works best for you. perhaps your best time to read is on the bus on the way to work or on your lunch break between classes.

Sure, we’d all love to wake up at 8 a.m. refreshed with a cup of coffee and the whole morning to read, but that’s not plausible for most of us. Reading at night is better than not reading at all. Again, even just six minutes of reading can make a huge difference for you and your brain.

How do I make time to read when I’m busy?

Knowing when to read is only part of the puzzle. finding the time to read in our busy schedules is another.

One way to do this is to find a variety of books you want to read. I have a stack of sports books written by athletes or books on athletes, teams, and sports history. having books on topics you want to read will encourage you to find the time. For me, if I had a stack of romance novels on my nightstand, they would be collecting a lot of dust. Just because everyone else is reading “girl wash your face” doesn’t mean you have to too. Just because a book is a New York Times bestseller doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy it. Read what interests you and only you!

You can also try reading more than one book at a time. this technique will keep you interested and give you some variety. Although I don’t like to do this, many others do.

Set a goal for yourself. I love doing this. Tell yourself, “In this reading session, I am going to stop when I get to Chapter 25.” This goal will help you to feel accomplished, plus you will know exactly how many pages you have left to read until you have finished the chapter. Add a few more pages or another chapter each reading session, so you can slowly but surely finish more books than you did before.

Join others who are reading the same books as you. discussing the content and engaging in your material with others can help you learn even more from the book. Find an online book group or friends and family to discuss it. Book clubs still exist for a reason!

use goodreads or make a list on your phone of all the books you’ve read so far this year. this list will help you keep an overview of the books you are currently reading and your progress on them. It will also help you concentrate on reading. You can also keep track of books you’d like to read later and add reviews of books you’ve read (source). Many of these websites also make recommendations based on the books you have read and liked. you should always know which book you’re going to read next. this will help encourage you to finish the one you’re currently reading so you can start the next intriguing book on your to-read list.

Stop doing mindless, pointless activities like reading clickbait. We all have a poison that eats up our time on our phone. I know mine is scrolling Twitter. Once you take that mindless activity out of your time, you will be able to read more. It’s time much better spent, trust me.

If you’re so busy you never have time to read a book, try an audiobook. you can listen to audiobooks in the car, while exercising, at the office, while cleaning the house, while making dinner, literally anywhere, anytime. listening to audiobooks lets you “read” while multitasking so you can keep learning the content of the books you want to read.

See Also: 1000 Black Girl Books Resource Guide – GrassROOTS Community Foundation

make sure you always carry a book with you wherever you go. While you’re waiting at the doctor’s office, you may be tempted to pull out your smartphone and check Instagram, but this is the best time for free reading! you never know when you’ll have time to read a chapter… those chipotle lunch lines can get pretty long, you know?

why is it important to read?

You may be thinking, “Do you know how I can avoid all this? By not reading at all.” this idea is a valid point but super detrimental to your health and intelligence.

woman reading Photo by Min An

Being able to read competently is a core skill you must have. You can’t even take medicine or drive without knowing how to read. These day-to-day activities are keys to life, which means reading is key. Practicing reading every day will help expand your knowledge and help you learn more as you go.

reading develops the mind. your mind is a muscle, and you need to exercise it every day to keep it strong (source). this is why older people love crossword puzzles and word searches, and you should too. Reading helps us discover new things about other people, places, and practices. there is so much information out there for us to learn, and reading gives us the advantage of being able to learn a lot from it.

As I mentioned before, reading is simply essential. you are reading this right now. Literacy helps you live an easier and more informed life. everything we do is based on words. speaking and reading are very important in all areas of life.

in conclusion

many experts say that reading in the morning is the best time to read. we are the most alert and concentrated in the morning, which helps us better retain new information.

If you do have trouble falling asleep at night, reading could be of help to you. Make sure if you do so, it is a physical paper book or Kindle, not an iPad or mobile phone. These pieces of tech could keep you up too late and leave you less energized in the morning. If you are on your smartphone most of the night looking on social media, try out a good book instead. It’s better for your mind and melatonin.

Experts can provide their study results all they want, but what works best for you is what works best for you. You don’t have to be like everyone else. I read best in the morning, but I may read best in the evening after lunch or just before bed. you should try all the different tenses and methods to find your perfect reading routine.

You don’t need to follow the crowd. For example, I have never read a Harry Potter book in my life (nor have I seen any of the movies). I get teased for it every time I say that, which is valid I guess. but, it’s not my cup of tea, I prefer to read suspenseful books. what I’m trying to say here is read what interests you, not others. this will keep you more engaged and on track to finish the book you’re reading. if you are interested in harry potter, read all the books for the seventh time, go ahead!

man reading Photo by Zun Zun

At the end of the day, the best time to read is whenever works best for you. Experts say that is in the morning when you wake up unless you need help falling asleep. Make sure to read for at least six minutes a day, considering it can expand your mind and reduce stress by up to 68%. There is a reason that we are taught to read from such a young age. We need it to function and learn in today’s world. The more reading you do, the more knowledge you will have, and the more prepared for the world you will be. Reading can improve so many parts of your life, so next time you are scrolling Twitter learning about Starbucks’ new Irish Cream Cold Brew (which is delicious by the way), put down the phone and pick up a good book. You never know what you will learn from the next book you read.

“A book is a gift that you can open over and over again.” —keillor of the garrison

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