Great Books About Wall Street Scandals | Trader

wall street is notoriously corrupt. Entire libraries and bookstores could be filled with exposures and investigations into corruption on Wall Street and Washington, ranging from individual individuals stealing billions from their investors to the largest corporations running national or global scams. sometimes it’s a matter of chance, as seen in the great short, but other times it’s a matter of greed and willful long-term malice. To deepen your understanding of some of these shocking people and events, there are countless books on the Wall Street Scandals that offer new insights, in-depth research, and important discussions of the ways that some aspects of the economy work, and what’s more. Importantly, they don’t. doesn’t work.

Even if you know nothing about Wall Street or its history of scandals, you’ve probably heard the name Bernie Madoff. He was the man behind perhaps the biggest Ponzi scheme of all time, and one of the biggest Wall Street scandals ever uncovered. With this approach, target b. Henriques wrote one of the greatest books on Wall Street scandals of all time, covering the rise and fall of Bernie Madoff, his financial actions, and his life. this piece is rigorously researched and retells one of the most dramatic events to ever occur in the industry. The Wizard of Lies is the Bernie Madoff scandal explained, investigating the intricacies that enabled his schemes and the disastrous results that shattered lives across the country.

You are reading: Books about wall street corruption

wall street journal writer connie bruck offers a definitive account of the rise of junk bond traders. The Predators Ball takes a close look at another of the biggest investment scandals in history: the Drexel Burnham Lambert scandal that rocked Wall Street in 1990. This book focuses on the central figure in the scandal, who was subsequently He earned the name “billionaire junk bond king” for his role in Drexel Burnham Lambert in the 1980s, when the shares of Milken and several others in the company led to a huge leveraged buyout boom. This book discusses how Milken rose through the ranks of the company, the practices that enabled unethical actions, and has been updated to include information on Milken’s subsequent downfall and conviction.

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Not all wall street scandals involve individual criminals. The Money Scandal accounts for the ways in which Wall Street itself is scandalous, putting its own interests first at the expense of investors and citizens who are always the ones who suffer the most. Gilder investigates the deep-seated corruption that pervades Wall Street and Washington, and how that corruption is bypassed, and even encouraged, by various policies and practices that perpetuate the system and benefit the wealthy. By exposing the corruption of our highest economic institutions, Gilder exposes the ways in which our economy is broken, benefiting only the “one percent” at the expense of the country. now that’s a scandal.

Winston Overton’s Wall Street Scandals is one of the most comprehensive books on wall street scandals. offers a look at corruption, large and small, individual and corporate, that takes an in-depth look at the practices and questionable ethics of major banks, mega-corporations, and financial companies of all kinds that engage in a corrupt structure—from massive ponzi schemes to insider trading, hedge fund managers and investment bankers. It is a tale of greed and its shocking effects in the United States, as well as the ways in which American institutions, both implicitly and explicitly, support and allow these practices to further their own ends at the country’s expense.

In many books about the Wall Street scandals, the financial victims are used only as a point of sympathy and reference to emphasize the wrongdoing of the people at the center of the scandal. Ruthless, however, offers a unique account of these scandals that focuses on those victims and their role in taking down some of Wall Street’s biggest criminal tycoons. Though the damage done may be irreparable, this story offers a more hopeful look at ways victims of financial corruption can reclaim their power and work to rebuild their lives and the lives of others after financial ruin.

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Michael Lewis’ Liar’s Poker is one of the best-selling books on Wall Street scandals in recent history. Lewis proves to be a master writer, covering the facts about Wall Street corruption in a humorous and engaging voice. After working with traders at Salomon Brothers, Lewis offers insights into business scandals, large and small, and the ethics present within these massive financial companies that have led to economic crises, stock market crashes, and damage to our nation with little harm. in exchange for the men in power who allowed, supported and were involved in the wall street scandals.

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disconnected covers the shocking fall of worldcom in 2002, a financial disaster that rocked the world of economics as we know it. lynn jeter reported on worldcom for decades before the company’s great downfall, and thus found herself in a unique position to investigate and report on the complex actions and people that led to the disaster. she covers not only the unethical behaviors that came to light, but also the simple mistakes and missteps that can also lead to financial crises. This nuanced account is detailed and knowledgeable, offering an incredibly comprehensive look at the world of Wall Street and one of its most historic scandals.

Too Big to Fail by journalist and author Andrew Ross Sorkin is one of the most famous books about Wall Street scandals and has since become an HBO special. This book investigates the unethical actions of Wall Street and Washington that led to one of the worst stock market crashes in American history: the 2008 financial crisis. Sorkin provides a dramatic and detailed account of the people involved, demonstrating the ways in which that individual actions, companies and individuals can lead an entire country to economic ruin. With in-depth details, interviews, and access to the major players in the crisis, Sorkin creates a compelling and dramatic true story of the major financial players and the real power they wield.

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Truly understanding the Wall Street scandals also requires an understanding of the world of finance, in all its complexity, and an awareness of the ways in which the system can be influenced and used to disastrous effect. The Fix investigates some of those complexities, looking at the ways in which some of the world’s greatest financial minds collaborated and colluded to fix the system, protecting themselves and profiting from one of the world’s most shocking economic scandals. Written after years of research and hundreds of interviews, this book offers one of the most insightful accounts of the inner workings of Wall Street and all of its dark past and potential.

Not all the great books on wall street scandals have happened recently. Financial corruption has been around long before there was Wall Street, and many of the same unethical tactics and practices have persisted for more than a century. The King of Parties looks at one of the first individuals to build a financial empire in America based on the same ponzi-scheme tactics adopted by Bernie Madoff and others today. In the 1920s, Ivar Kreuger became one of the richest men in the world by lying, cheating, and swindling in one of the first recorded Wall Street scandals.

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