Swami Vivekananda Books – Top 10 Books You Must Read

swami vivekananda books

swami vivekananda, the holy and divine spirit needs no introduction. the global village knows him as a Hindu saint, a yoga guru, a philosopher, a teacher, a writer and a speaker extraordinaire. Below is the list of books written by Swami Vivekananda –

  1. jnana yoga: the yoga of knowledge ( get this book )
  2. karma yoga: the yoga of action ( get this book )
  3. raja yoga: conquering the inner nature ( get this book )
  4. my teacher ( get this book )
  5. swami vivekananda on himself
  6. swami vivekananda teachings ( get this book )
  7. meditations and their methods ( get this book )
  8. the master as I saw him: the life of swami vivekananda ( get this book )
  9. vivekananda ( get this book )

Let’s discuss each of Swami Vivekananda’s books in detail along with their key points and reviews.

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Books By Swami Vivekananda

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#1 – jnana yoga: the yoga of knowledge

book review:

The book is a collection of lectures by Swami Vivekananda. jnana is a Sanskrit word that means knowledge. jnana yoga shows the way to wisdom and describes the philosophy of Hinduism and Vedanta, the knowledge of Vedas and Upanishads.

key points

  • The book describes the bhagwat gita in a modern scientific way.
  • Knowledge is the ultimate goal.
  • Freedom is the object of jnana yoga.

#2 – bhakti yoga: the yoga of love and devotion

book review:

the book brings you the spiritual bond with god. bhakti means devotion. Swamiji says that the most direct, short and easy way to experience the divine is through bhakti yoga.

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key points

  • nothing else is attractive; nothing else attracts attention, except the beloved god; everything else is meaningless.
  • surrender to god through worship, rituals and prayers.
  • channel your emotions into unconditional love and devotion.

#3 – karma yoga: the yoga of action

swami vivekananda book review:

The book is based on various Karma Yoga concepts described in the sacred Bhagwat Gita. In the practice of Vedanta, it is said that we have a duty to work and our right to work as hard as we can, but we have no right to the results of our actions.

key points

  • shows the right way to perform karma (the right actions).
  • one’s karma influences their future.
  • offers the results of your actions to god; it will purify your soul.

#4 – raja yoga: conquering the inner nature

swami vivekananda book review:

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the book is a broad spectrum subjective content in which swamiji interprets the yoga sutras of patanjali. the book is basically designed for the western audience. Swamiji and his teachings greatly influenced Western people’s understanding of yoga.

key points

  • shows the path of meditation and mind control techniques.
  • describes the philosophies of raja yoga in a scientific way.
  • methods for better concentration, development body and liberation of the soul from the bondage of the body.

#5 – my master

book review:

the book is a reflection of two swamiji lectures delivered in england and new york in tribute to his holy teacher shri ramakrishna paramhansa. Swamiji says, “If there was a single word of truth, a single word of spirituality in his lectures, he owed it to his Ramakrishna-teacher, and only the mistakes were his own.”

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key points

  • explores swamiji’s experiences with his guru ramakrishna.
  • the book reveals the glorious lineage of acharyas in bharat.
  • swamiji presents the spiritual superiority of hinduism over west .

#6 – swami vivekananda on himself

book review:

The book can be considered as an autobiography of Swami Vivekananda. however, it is not written in autobiography format, but is a compilation of various lectures given by swamiji during his world tour and numerous letters that he wrote.

key points

  • get a glimpse of the divine personality, swami vivekananda.
  • a chronologically arranged documentation of selected notes and lectures by swamiji.
  • swamiji says “he whose joy is only in himself, whose desires are only in himself, has learned his lessons.”

#7 – teachings of swami vivekananda

swami vivekananda book review:

a comprehensive collection of swamiji’s lectures and sayings in the genre of philosophy, religion and spirituality. Swamiji emphasized the different forms of religion and their importance and impact on education, character building and global social issues.

key points

  • in a conflict between heart and brain, follow your heart.
  • the perfectly selfless person is the most successful
  • the greatest religion is to be true to yourself same nature. have faith in yourself.

#8 – meditations and their methods

book review:

The book brings together the complete works of Swamiji and his thoughts on meditation and its methods. has two sections that discuss different methods of vis meditation. 1.) meditation according to yoga and 2.) mediation, according to Vedanta.

key points

  • The book is addressed to seekers of ‘truth’ and practitioners of meditation.
  • Reach your insights through meditation.
  • swamiji through this book teaches meditation and its methods. with authority.

#9 – the master as I saw it

the life of swami vivekananda

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author: nivedita sister

book review:

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the classic text is written by the nivedita sister about swami vivekananda himself and his experiences with swamiji. The book is basically a biography of Swami Vivekananda in the words of his close disciple.

key points

  • great and humble description of the life of swamiji.
  • the book brings Indian spirituality to the west.
  • an intelligent summary of the teachings of swami vivekananda.

#10 – vivekananda

a biography

author: swami nikhilananda

book review:

a wonderful and comprehensive biography of swami vivekananda written by swami nikhilananda covering his important teachings and containing his rare photographs.

key points

  • The author describes Swamiji as the first spiritual and cultural ambassador of Hinduism in the West.
  • Swamiji spread the message of the unity of humanity and the harmony of religions.
  • swamiji brings the ancient spirituality of india to the west and brings the scientific and industrial outlook back to the nation.

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