10 Inspirational Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read More Than Once

I’m pretty obsessed with reading. I read everything I can get my hands on. It’s a habit I developed early on. I used to write a book a day, but have since cut it down to just two or three a week. As a prolific reader, I find a lot of inspiring books that I would classify as great.

However, as an entrepreneur, I’ve been very interested in the journey of other people who have achieved fame in their own right and who have documented those journeys. I’m talking about the big ones here. people like og mandino, james altucher or kamal ravikant, whose work i’ve fallen a bit in love with.

You are reading: Inspirational books for entrepreneurs

When I think of the best inspirational books written for entrepreneurs, I think of people like this. there’s a raw sense of honesty there. of transparency is the personification of pain and remorse. it is the documentation of the journey of a life that was not all sunshine and rainbows. encompasses lessons learned. increase. honesty and understanding. the epitome of all things good and wholesome, noble and just.

Although we all pick up books and read them, especially inspirational short stories, we don’t always connect with those books on a deeper level. but, my fascination here has been not only with books about business, but books about the so-called inner game. they are the fundamentals of having an astute mind, developing character, and understanding how to create real value in the world.

albert einstein once said that one should strive not to be successful, but to be worthwhile. that is the central concept that he will find at the heart of most of these inspiring books. each of them strives to offer value by sharing deep insights about life and business, helping to open doors and close the gap between our dreams and our reality. they cover the big picture rather than the smaller parts. For example, authors on this list like Robert Cialdini don’t teach you how to build a company, but they will teach you the precursors to signing partnerships and landing contracts and closing sales by understanding the psychology and underlying power of persuasion. og mandino will not show you how to incorporate his business, but he will teach you the fundamental principles that are crucial for the entrepreneur to achieve success at the highest level.

the word “best” can be neglected. it is often subjective. but there are metrics that help us measure results. Things like the number and authenticity of reviews, number of copies sold, awards won, and a book’s overall impact can certainly help us gauge which ones would be the most inspiring to read.

However, as subjective as it may seem to refer to the best inspirational books, the truth is that many are looking for that proverbial light bulb to go on in their heads. too often we are hit by emotions such as fear, anxiety and stress, that we find it difficult to stay focused. we drift and go off on tangents and are plagued with numerous fears. I selected these books because they come from the heart and apply full circle to the underlying concept of success, no matter what field you’re in. read them. studying them learns from them and absorbs their knowledge.

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1. love yourself like your life depended on it by kamal ravikant

Although at first it is an unassuming book, especially for entrepreneurs, love yourself as if your life depended on it, it is possibly one of the most important books you could read. written by kamal ravikant, the message of this short book is simple yet incredibly inspiring. when applied, it can literally transform your life.

Coming from a place of truth, raw emotion and beautifully written prose pour brilliance through every syllable and word that emerges from the pages of this book. brevity does not supplant the power of the message. the book can not only change your life, it can also change your business. ravikant, who also recently wrote another beautiful and inspiring book titled rebirth, created self-love as if your life depended on it during a time of great pain. With a failing business and a crumbling relationship, he turned to the one thing he thought he could do to change everything: truly and completely love himself for who he was. an uninhibited departure from his past. and it worked.

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2. The Greatest Salesman In The World by Og Mandino

one of the greatest writers that ever lived was og mandino. I’ve had a slight obsession with his work for some time. and I’ve probably read each of his books multiple times. Like ravikant, og mandino has a way with words, crafting them with deeply integrated subtle messages in a way that generates maximum impact.

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however, of all the great and truly inspiring books written by og mandino, such as the world’s greatest miracle and the choice, the best seller in the world was the most iconic of all. At the heart of the book is an inspiring story about the importance of persistence and having true faith in oneself. Mandino cleverly crafted the story as a fable, using a metaphorical approach to convey 10 golden rules about success and sales. he draws attention to the importance of having good habits, having love in your heart, and having complete and utter gratitude for the things you have instead of longing for the things you don’t have.

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Lioncrest Publishing

3. Choose Yourself by James Altucher

james altucher is a gifted writer and a brilliant philosopher; he can easily compact big real-world problems into deep concepts and principles. Choose Yourself is a must-have for anyone embarking on the entrepreneurial journey because it literally forces you to look inside the state and quality of your life, and then choose yourself. /p>

Altucher, who has also written many other books, including Reinvent Yourself, tackles topics such as fear of rejection, failure, and gratitude. these are recurring themes that help harmonize the overall picture that is intended to draw attention to the need to overcome our shortcomings and doubts to help us reach the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.

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4. The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

the new thought movement spawned another classic by david j. schwartz titled, The Magic of Thinking Big, which argued that the one salient issue that separates us from those who succeed at the highest level is this ability to truly think big. he argues that the state and quality of our lives are a direct result of the state and quality of our thoughts. think, and you will become.

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The book relies heavily on the fact that success or failure is not based on our personal circumstances. instead, success is largely a choice. If you choose to be successful and are able to cultivate the right thoughts by thinking on a grandiose level, you can slowly but surely attract those things into your life. The importance of these teachings are crucial for any entrepreneur at any stage of the game.


5. The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

Norman Vincent Peale was one of the most celebrated motivational speakers of the 20th century. his deep-seated understanding of the power of the mind is openly expressed in this book. Peale firmly believed that with the right self-confidence and the ability to maintain a positive mindset, any level of success could be achieved.

peale, author of numerous books, remains associated, to this day, in our memory with this iconic classic. is one of the most inspiring books of all time, teaching you the fervent power of visualizing your goals, the importance of a good attitude, and the sheer abundance that can only be unlocked with the power of a positive mindset.

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New World Library

6. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

As entrepreneurs, it’s easy to get lost in the fray. it’s easy to allow circumstances and situations to get the best of us. We spend more time worrying about the future than living in the present. when that happens, we fail to realize our dreams because we don’t take action. That’s why Tolle’s book is a must-read and so inspiring.

the power of now is a tribute to living in the moment. it is an ode to freeing yourself from judgment by constantly being an observer of your thoughts. any entrepreneur can benefit from this information. it has the power to not only transform his business, but literally transform his entire life.

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Atria Books

7. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

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we are all connected. on a quantum level, everything is entangled. everything is connected. Just because we can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not real. At the most basic level, we are just energy. matter is held together by different energy forces. in turn, our thoughts are also energy. thoughts can move through the air and the media of other living organisms just as we move through space in our cars, trains, or airplanes.

Byrne’s understanding of these concepts and principles was aptly conveyed in his worldwide bestseller, The Secret. is a book that promotes the law of attraction: our ability to attract people, situations and circumstances into our lives based on the vibrational frequency of our thoughts. Jack Canfield explains it like this. “The law of attraction states that whatever you focus on, think about, read and talk about intensely, you will attract more into your life.”

Any entrepreneur would benefit from this hugely inspiring book to help you align the right thoughts to attract the right things into your life.

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8. As a Man Thinketh by James Allen

No list of the best inspirational books for entrepreneurs would be complete without James Allen’s iconic As a Man Thinks. Allen was a British pioneer in the burgeoning field of self-development. The book, which spans 22 pages, is likely based on Proverbs 23:7, which states that “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

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However, there is real power in the brevity of the words that appear on each page. Allen could have easily expanded this book to cover hundreds of pages. but, instead of waxing superfluous, he chose to boil it down to the single, prevailing concepts of truth that he aptly conveys in every word and sentence of this truly inspiring piece. Allen covers concepts primarily about how his thoughts affect his circumstances, his health, his character, his purpose in life, his achievements and goals, and even his overall happiness. this is definitely a must read for any entrepreneur. in fact, read it several times.

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Ballantine Publishing Group

9. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Based on 500 interviews with some of the most influential names of the 20th century, Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich was commissioned by none other than Andrew Carnegie. hill set out to interview and learn from the most successful people in history at the time, and discover what particular elements or strategies allowed them to succeed at such a high level.

Although dated, the information is still highly relevant and applies to any business trip. Hill’s discoveries focus largely on the area of ​​thoughts. Like some of the other inspirational books on this list, Hill was the type that if you think about it, you can bring it into your life, that thoughts can transmute into actual reality with enough focus.

hill covered a variety of topics. from the underlying desires of a human being, to faith, belief, and visualization, to a deep dive into the subconscious mind, skill sets, creating an action plan, and of course, the art of persistence.

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Harper Business

10. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini

This book is a must-read for entrepreneurs because it covers the psychological facets of getting prospects to say yes to anything you offer. As an online marketer, I am obsessed with things like sales funnels, webinars, and email marketing. the beauty of this book is that the techniques and strategies taught by cialdini, who is a master of persuasion, as well as icons like frank kern, kevin harrington and zig ziglar, this information can literally propel your sales into the stratosphere. cialdini covers a variety of rules in this truly inspiring book. he talks about things like reciprocity and how people will do anything to avoid looking like they don’t reciprocate, and how you can capitalize on that fact. it covers commitment and consistency, conveys the importance of having social proof, the underlying concepts of authority and liking along with how the principle of scarcity can be harnessed. The truth is that most people are more motivated by the idea of ​​losing something than by gaining something of equal value. You’ll do more to stop someone from stealing $25,000 from you than to win it. knowing how to take advantage of a principle like this is what cialdini excels at and expertly teaches in this book. read it once. twice. and three times if necessary. each time, you will discover another hidden gem in those words.

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