21 Books for the Beginning of the School Year

Books for the Beginning of the School Year

Finding the right read alouds at the beginning of the school year can help ease student anxiety. for lower primary grades this is particularly important. fill your read-aloud basket with some of the great titles below to get you started.

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21 children’s books for the beginning of the school year

1. a place called kindergarten by jessica harper

Perfect for kindergarteners, A Place Called Kindergarten chronicles the reactions of the animals left on the farm as Tommy heads off to school. grades: ps-k

2. a teaspoon of courage for kids by bradley trevor greive

Encouragement and inspiration abound in this book designed to convey a positive message to young learners. grades: 4-8

3. chicka chicka boom boom by bill martin jr., john archambault and lois ehlert

Learning the alphabet has never been so fun as in chicka chicka boom boom. a great introduction to Finnish children’s literature. grades: ps-k

4. chrysanthemum by kevin henkes

Accepting your identity is important, and chrysanthemum faces challenges in school because of her name. a soft story about individuality and bullying. ratings: ps-1

5. david goes to school by david shannon

what is david going to get into next? This charming school tale is sure to ease the anxiety of even the youngest readers. grades: k-1

6. first day jitters by julie danneberg

A reassuring story about a girl who has the same anxiety as her students on the first day of school. grades: k-3

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7. the giggle treatment by roddy doyle

Your students will laugh at the crazy antics of the “gigglers” who babysit. a smile and a laugh like the ones this book will bring are two of the surest ways to ease anxiety and help students relax. grades: 3-6

8. did you fill a bucket today? by carol mccloud

Teaching that the kindness you give comes back to you is one of the most important lessons kids need to hear at the beginning of the year. This book sets the tone for random acts of kindness and gratitude, two things that will make for an amazing school year. ratings: ps-4

9. jessica by kevin henkes

wherever ruthie goes, jessica goes, including going to school for the first time. grades: ps-k

10. the kissing hand by audrey penn

chester doesn’t want to go to school, but after his mom tells him a family secret, his anxiety subsides. a gentle and comforting story for children who are nervous about being away from home. ratings: ps-1

11. miss bindergarten gets ready for kindergarten by joseph slate

What is everyone doing to get ready for the first day of school? Find out in this adorable story from Joseph Slate. grades: ps-k

12. official buckle and glory by peggy rathmann

what a couple of officers, buckle and glory, do as they entertain students during safety briefings. the story will not only make students smile, it emphasizes how important teamwork is to success. ratings: ps-3

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13. pete the cat: rocking in my school shoes by james dean

“everything is fine” according to pete the cat and that includes his new adventure at school. ratings: ps-2

14. recess queen by alexis o’neill and laura huliska-beith

Nip bullying in the bud with the story of bad jean who loves to boss others around. grades: k-3

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15. ruby the imitator of margaret rathmann

whatever angela does, ruby ​​does too. students get a sense of how being yourself is the best way to make friends. grades: k-2

16. scared squirrel by melanie watt

what’s out there in the great unknown? Scary Squirrel doesn’t want to know, but she comes face to face with her biggest fear: the unknown. kids will relate to the anxiety of it as well as the uplifting result. ratings: ps-2

17. swimmer by leo leoni

Teamwork and ingenuity know no bounds as Swimmer helps his friends overcome their fear of danger. a great story to help build community in the classroom. ratings: ps-2

18. Thank my Lord. falker by patricia polacco

a story that emphasizes the importance of a teacher who cares and makes a difference. a great transition to talk about teachers’ expectations and commitment to helping each student reach their potential. grades: k-3

19. there’s a boy in the girls’ bathroom by louis sachar

A friendless, bullying, insecure fifth grader as the lead? In this book, the unlikely main character learns to love himself and begins to open up to those around him. a great reminder that there is something good in everyone. grades: 4-7

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20. there was an old lady who swallowed some books by lucille colandro

Forget the flies, this old lady is ready to go back to school and swallowing the things she needs to take with her. a fun, rhyming introduction to a humorous approach to school. grades: ps-k

21. ask for r.j. palace

How can you go unnoticed when you were created to stand out? August Pullman’s facial deformity and the reactions of those around him lend themselves to one of the most inspiring books on the courage to befriend others and the courage to be oneself. grades: 3-7

What are some of your favorite read alouds for the start of the school year? share with us below!

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