18 Best Books on Finding Your Passion and Purpose in Life

are you there yet? Do you know what your purpose in life is? Have you discovered what you like to do and what your passions are?

Purpose and passion are the two words that most define and influence the course of your life. passion excites you to be alive. purpose shows you the way forward; it makes you fearless and sure of yourself.

You are reading: Books on finding purpose

Unfortunately, many of us are endlessly searching for our purpose and passion in life because they are not easily revealed to you. more than that, sometimes they are right in front of your eyes, but you don’t see them.

discover in this article, 18 of the best books on how to find your passion and purpose in life. Read one or more of these books so you can find (quickly and easily) your passion and purpose.

This is one of those few books that anyone should read… at least once in their life. read this book when you feel lost; read this book when you feel stuck; read this book when you feel pain.

human beings are pleasure-seeking creatures, but you will never find your passion and purpose by allowing pleasure to determine the course of your life.

“the search for the meaning of man” is not only a book on how to find the purpose of your life, but also a book on how to overcome adversity, difficulties and feel free regardless of the circumstances of your life.

do you have the feeling that you never fit in where you are? if that happens to you, you might want to change your mind. think different; discover your passion and purpose by reading this book, and find the place that fits you.

trying to fit in can kill your zest for life; never finding the environment where their talents and abilities are appreciated and welcomed. besides, life seems like an endless struggle to satisfy others.

Sir Ken Robinson shows you how in this book:

  • overcome some of your fears,
  • improve your mental toughness,
  • find your passion and purpose,
  • feel better about yourself,
  • redefine what you want from life.

“what you are doing now, or what you have done in the past, does not have to determine what you can do next and in the future”. -ken robinson

what would you do with your life if you knew when the end would be? Would you change your life for the better? Would you begin to live and take advantage of every moment?

Trivial things surround us; And sometimes we waste precious time on those things without realizing that life, no matter how long, always feels too short.

make your life count. find your passion and purpose by reading this book and make your life extraordinary; if for no other reason, just because you can.

jordan peterson is a fantastic storyteller and for that reason this book can delight you in more ways than one.

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12 Rules for Life covers a wide range of topics, including psychology, philosophy, and in a way, it’s also a self-help book for finding purpose and passion in life.

listen, this book may challenge your beliefs and desires in a somewhat uncomfortable way. read this book if you are willing to change your mind and discover a new path for your life. (one that will make you feel accomplished and concerned about your choice).

Are your fears, anxieties and pain keeping you from living a full life and achieving your big dreams?

When Things Fall Apart is a classic bestseller that explores personal development and personal growth.

discover in this book how you can use fear as an incentive to push yourself, find your purpose, become the best of yourself and appreciate every moment of your life.

did you notice how the grass (almost always) feels greener on the other side?

I used the word “feels” on purpose. no matter what you see others have, it matters how that makes you feel.

If you’re wondering why it seems so hard to find your passion and purpose, the following might be the answer for you.

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You look at other people’s lives from the outside and you think they are better than you, they know better what they want, they are more motivated, trained and motivated.

looking from the outside, most things look more beautiful than they really are.

Does your passion and purpose seem too small for you? without importance? somehow irrelevant? That is not true. those around you, looking towards your garden, feel that your lawn is greener…

michael singer, spiritual teacher, and bestselling author shows you how to live in the present moment and let go of painful thoughts that keep you from achieving happiness and a meaningful life.

The path to finding your passion and purpose must begin with knowing yourself better. recognize and appreciate who you are: first, it makes you feel that you are enough, and second, it allows you to take advantage of who you are.

“what a waste of life!” we say when we see someone talented and skilled but too afraid to show the world who they are.

read this book and learn to love and accept yourself as you are so that you can build the future of your dreams.

read this book and end your struggle to find your passion in life.

Asking questions is one of the most natural ways to discover what is the best option for you moving forward.

do you see? a question reveals much more information than an answer. isn’t it?

perhaps, you already know your purpose in life, but something prevents you from going towards it. Perhaps, you are passionate and enthusiastic, but something is stopping you from pursuing your passion. maybe you’re driven and driven, but something stubbornly holds you back.

Do you resist embracing the good things in your life? You are not alone. we often (unknowingly) hypnotize ourselves into believing that we can’t, that we don’t deserve, that we’re not good enough.

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read this book and find out how to make a clear distinction between productive and destructive resistance.

The opposite of calm is not always anger. sometimes you feel helpless and hopeless, other times you feel surrounded by chaos that you cannot control or organize.

Positive thinking and simple living can alleviate some of the difficulties you encounter in life. but is that enough? sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t.

When it’s not, this book can give you the tools you need to improve your mood, and feel more relaxed so you can, with a clear mind, make the best option for you. your own life.

If you’ve found your purpose and passion, but aren’t moving in that direction, you may be stuck, suspended in midair by what you think is your social obligation and family pressure.

Should you or should you be the artist of your life? To get to the destination you want, paint your way.

if you ask people “what would you like to do more of?” most people say: “I would like to travel more”.

When I was a kid, I saw a grainy black and white image of a volcanic lake and visiting it became one of my dreams. a decade later, together with some friends, we started an adventure on the lake.

From the base of the mountain, we had to walk about five hours to get there. we were all excited and imagined how splendid the lake must be. but when we arrive…pure disappointment…it looks like a small pond.

we sat on the grass, looking at each other, and one of us said: “six fools have come to see a pond; I’m tired; what a waste of time! let’s go back.”

We stayed there, on the grass, for a few more minutes, and then we began our journey back. our walk back took us eight hours; nobody said anything, we just walked.

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I remember that day, not because I was disappointed, but because the drive back was one of the most enjoyable “events” of my life. I did not expect anything, but I have discovered the wonders of a beautiful forest. furthermore, it was remarkable that six teenagers in their late teens can walk for eight hours without saying a word…

You don’t always get to the destination you expect. however, there is always something surprising and enjoyable about your journey to get there (or from there).

Can we say that passion is a gift? yes, it is a gift that you are giving to yourself.

read this book and discover how you can, step by step, find your passion and own it.

learn to live your life with passion, love your life and it will love you.

is not a conventional book on how to find your passion in life. based on the wisdom of numerology, it helps you find your purpose by discovering many critical points in your personality.

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if you have a target, your target has more than one version. this book can shed light on the best version of your destiny based on your:

  • creativity
  • self-acceptance
  • self-discipline
  • integrity
  • influence

“if you can dream it, you can achieve it”. that’s a saying you often hear. however, what if you don’t “dream” it?

Your path to success begins with a dream, a desire, a desire.

Read this book and discover how to create your dream because once you have it, you know what to do with it.

Statistics say that most people don’t enjoy what they do, their work.

Most of us believe we are above average. and if you really think about it, it’s silly. we can’t all be above average, most of us are average. Okay! I’m a normal person and I love being in this club. where are you? do you like where you are?

No matter what job I’ve had so far, even if I didn’t like it very much, I found ways to make it enjoyable.

My dream job would be building houses. I’m passionate about it, but I’m not very good at it. I have the talent to fix everything in my house, but that doesn’t make me a skilled builder. could I become one? probably yes. should I become a builder? probably not.

do you see? Your potential and abilities are not in one field. Your potential is like a tree with many branches, some big, some small, and some tiny.

read this book and discover how to make the most of the most significant branches of your potential and enjoy what you do.

the day you were born, a dream was born with you. but not your dream; it was your parents’ dream: what will you become, how smart will you be, what talents will you have.

For the first few years of your life, you didn’t have much to say about it. later in life, she discovered that she has the dream of her own. sometimes your dreams are not the same as your parents’.

did you study your land and build your own road? Or, did you give up and live his dream instead of yours?

Most parents have the best intentions. however, they also have a hard time accepting their children’s choices.

discover in this book how to be mentally strong and accept who you are with grace and love.

This masterpiece is unlike any other self-help book. is one of the greatest books ever written about self-discovery, listening to your heart, and following your dreams. even some famous and successful people recommend reading the alchemist.

Immerse yourself in the magical story of an Andalusian shepherd that begins as a journey to find an earthly treasure, which then turns into the discovery of something even more significant.

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