9 books for growth: Get out of your comfort zone with these great reads

Earlier this year, I decided to read one book per month for 2018. You know, the must-have series of New Year’s resolutions. I had a few books in mind, but I also polled my friends for recommendations and read blogs about “books that will change your life.” The result: I read about two books a month, and the books I recommend below are some of the best I’ve read this year. they range from business to financial advice, silky poetry and food revolution.

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

You are reading: Books on getting out of your comfort zone

-neale donald walsch

they all have one thing in common: they make you think outside the box and challenge you to live a different life. here we go:

    1. you’re rude by jen sincere. This book is so good in so many ways that I dreaded the ending. I even took it on my trip to prague and deliberately took longer to finish the last two chapters. it definitely made me laugh out loud on the plane and feel like a wonder woman. as i write this i am now reading his second book, you are a tough guy to make money.

    “If you want to live a life you’ve never lived, you have to do things you’ve never done.”

    -sincere jen

    2. shoe dog by phil knight, the creator of nike.

    Totally interesting: this book is so well written that it’s hard to put it down. also, an amazing story of perseverance and iron determination interwoven with the message that no matter how impossible success seems, there is always a way. and nike was born.

    “go ahead. don’t stop or even think about stopping until you get there, and don’t think too much about where “there” is. come what may, just don’t stop.”

    -phil gentleman,

    he was in his twenties when he had the idea to import sneakers from kobe, japan

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    3. the secrets of the millionaire mind of t. harvester.

    You will think differently about money after you finish this book. easy to read with a “key principle” after each chapter. Two of my favorite statements from the book are, “I am the root of my success” and

    “The only time you are really growing is when you feel uncomfortable.”

    -t. harvester

    4. The art of subletting that you don’t give a damn by mark manson.

    Hilarious, combative, and ultimately insightful, I almost didn’t finish this book, but I’m glad I did because the best part is last. just be prepared to read a lot of f*cks and eventually not give a fuck about the obvious profanity.

    Who you are is defined by what you are willing to fight for.

    -manson mark

    5. happiest of such a ben-shahar.

    The author, who teaches positive psychology at Harvard University, divides how we can be happier into three sections and encourages the reader to reflect on exercises that challenge the status quo of what we think happiness is. you will feel happier after reading this book!

    6. milk and honey from rupi kaur.

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    A global Toronto phenomenon, Rupi Kaur has made waves with her poetry and became an overnight success with her first book, Milk and Honey. This book is the perfect nightstand read primarily aimed at the female audience. just one page at a time, one poignant poem at a time. so beautifully written and so raw. truly a gem!

    7. presence: leading your boldest self to your greatest challenges by amy cuddy. all you have to do is watch her ted talk to want to read this book. While not a bestseller by any stretch of the imagination, this book has a lot of science behind its ted talk and why the way we think about ourselves influences everything we do. all. great read for business and career advancement.

    Presence is not about pretending to be competent; it’s about believing and revealing the abilities you really have. it’s about getting rid of anything that stops you from expressing who you really are. it’s about tricking yourself into accepting that you’re really capable.

    8. the upstarts: uber, airbnb and the battle for the new silicon valley.

    I confess that I had a hard time finishing this book because it dragged a bit towards the middle and the end. But the stories of hardship, political battles, and genius from the founders of Uber and Airbnb will teach any aspiring entrepreneur what it takes to get a mobile business off the ground.

    every great startup starts out as a side project that isn’t anyone’s top priority. air bed & breakfast was a way to pay the rent. it was a way to pay the rent and save time and help us come up with the great idea.

    -brian cheeky

    9. It starts with food: Discover it all30 and change your life in unexpected ways by melissa hartwig.

    This book changed my life. I went on to complete up to a full 30 and achieved my goal weight in the first 3 weeks of the first. amazing results! if you’re ready to give up your favorite foods for 30 days.

    your turn:

    If you were stranded on an island for a month and could only read one book, which one would you choose and why?

    Originally published on www.linkedin.com

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