50 Must-Read Psychology Books (Best Complete List)

reading is the ultimate trick. the average reader can comprehend a distilled vision that often took years to piece together in just a few hours. books are nothing short of magic.

And the more you know about social psychology and human behavior, the better. Reading good psychology books allows you to further your education by absorbing what researchers, teachers, and authors have spent years collecting. I can’t think of a better way to empower you than that.

You are reading: Books to learn psychology

what you read when you don’t have to determines what you’ll be when you can’t help it. —oscar wilde.

note: while all of the books below will deal with the human mind, not all of them are purely scientific. some books are about persuasion, productivity, or creative work. With that caveat, let’s get started.

1. the social animal

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2ca6upp

In my opinion, this is the best social psychology book ever written. this book seems to be in such high demand that the prices are often outrageous. However, the demand is justified: few books will give you as insightful, engaging, and generally well-written an overview of social psychology as Elliot Aronson’s classic. a must read if you can get it; I consider it to be the best Social Psychology 101 presentation ever written.

2. influence: science and practice

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2bqeh5x

This is considered the gospel of the psychology of persuasion. Cialdini’s now infamous work deserves the amount of praise he receives. Not only is the book easy to follow with tons of great examples explained in layman’s terms, but cialdini also spends time explaining why these studies developed the way they did. Finally, he discusses how to defend yourself against persuasion techniques that seek to harm you rather than convince you ethically: con artists, people knowingly selling defective products, false attempts to persuade you, you get the picture. an oft-recommended book for a reason.

3. thinking, fast and slow

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2bphvdp

one of my favorite psychology books of all time. trying to go over what this book goes into in depth would take me an entire post in and of itself. For behavioral research, few books reach the scope and breadth that Dan Kahneman plunges into with this masterpiece. Mr. Kahneman also has a Nobel Prize in economics, and this aspect is highlighted in the many examples in the book.

4. the happiness hypothesis

buy the book: https://amzn.to/3gc8xjw

the author recently published a belter in the atlantic, one in which he takes a very pessimistic tone. One wonders what has changed since the publication of this book, which explores how long-standing maxims, aphorisms, and philosophical wisdom can enrich his viewpoint and even build resilience. I greatly prefer the way this book blends history and present-day parallels compared to similar books with a stoic bias.

5. Descartes’ error: emotion, reason and the human brain

buy the book: https://amzn.to/3weftym

“I think, therefore I am”. But where is the feeling? The authors of this book challenge Descartes’ oft-quoted quote and use research to show that emotions are not superfluous or limiting, but rather that emotions are fundamental to rational thought. It’s an interesting and well-argued premise, and it’s good to see the relationship between logic and emotion revisited and challenged.

6. words can change your brain

buy the book: https://amzn.to/3nxfv4w

The authors use research to capture a concept they call compassionate communication, which is described as a process of bonding with the person with whom we communicate through authenticity and trust. the book is much more practical than it may seem at first glance. my main complaint is the length: it’s too long and suffers from business book syndrome, where the material could have happily lived as a lengthy article instead of the book. good perspective, but try a summary or skip a few pages.

7. transcend: the new science of self-realization

buy the book: https://amzn.to/3yzwvqp

transcend starts with an interesting premise: what if maslow’s hierarchy isn’t finished? Author Scott Barry Kaufman found that this may be the case when reviewing unpublished journals written by Maslow. That message became this book: a research-based exploration of self-actualization that picks up where Maslow left off. Kaufman does a great job of not only “finishing” Maslow’s work, but also adding new colors and insights to the quest for self-actualization.

8. Yes! 50 scientifically proven ways to be persuasive

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2c0boit

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed this book, but be warned that it should be used as a companion to the other more comprehensive entries on this list. while the book is informative, the studies are reviewed fairly quickly and no individual study is given much depth. It’s a great “rabbit hole” read. this is where you learn about a study, search for more about it, find more related studies, and “go down the rabbit hole” for new material. a great starting point to get your feet wet in a variety of studies related to persuasion.

9. switch: how to change things when change is difficult

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2bxsfjy

the heath brothers publish some of my favorite material on persuasion. his book change aims to answer the question: “why is it so difficult to make lasting changes in our companies, in our communities, and in our own lives?” specifically, why is it so hard to change things that have become commonplace? its arguments are well structured, just like its other entry on this list, and incredibly readable; You can tell that a lot of effort was put into dividing the book into appropriate sections and making it easy for anyone to read.

10. the art of choosing

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2cqqkdc

This is the quintessential read on how humans make decisions and what outside influences affect those choices. I first came across Sheena Iyengar’s work upon learning of her infamous “jam study” through an online post. Needless to say, I was fascinated by the idea that the choice can really be overwhelming, causing people to delay choosing rather than benefit from the extra options on offer. It is a fantastic read and very enjoyable throughout. As it happens, I consider Sheena to be a great writer as well as a great researcher.

11. priceless: the myth of fair value

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2ca7d01

Human beings have zero understanding of intrinsic value. we are heavily influenced by contextual clues when we examine things like “price” and “cost.” this has been proven through a number of studies, and this book provides an excellent review of the literature. You’ll be very surprised at how easily marketing departments can influence our perception of things with subtle pricing adjustments, making this an important read for all consumers, which is all of us.

12. stumbling on happiness

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2bpitpu

Despite the title of this book, this is not a self-help book by any means. he is more concerned with the mechanics of the mind than with the application of those ideas. one reviewer noted a quote that fits the book well: “The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool.” is an apt quote because the entire book reveals how your brain is essentially programmed to do the exact opposite. Fortunately, the incorporation of Gilbert’s research and insightful anecdotes make this one of the most enjoyable positive psychology books out there.

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13. drive: the surprising truth about what motivates us

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2cqs8dt

another book that may seem self-help but really isn’t. drive spends most of its time focusing on what motivates us in the workplace. examines the intrinsic and extrinsic motivators that allow us to keep pushing and questions which methods of using both (intrinsics being far more important) are the most effective for both employees and employers. The book is a really important read, and I love how Pink approaches the subject, but I couldn’t help but agree with the highest critical review: The book has some padding. however, if you don’t mind some sections going on a bit longer than they should, this book is a must read.

14. predictably irrational

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2bmmbub

Few books will make you question your own decisions like this one; clearly shows how seemingly mundane or meaningless changes can have a huge impact on our behavior when we are unaware of what is going on, which seems to be most of the time. As an example, check out his famous study of prices in the Economist, and you’ll see how small changes can really mess with our perception of things. I’d put this book squarely in the understanding your brain category on this list, but this book also has some fantastic ideas to persuade others if you look closely at the examples given.

15. fascinate: your 7 triggers for persuasion and charm

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2bwiryk

i have two main comments about sally’s writing: the first is a bit of criticism, as the book often tries to take more established ideas and make them sound entirely new. the second is full of praise: it’s hard to title a book with the word “fascinate” if it’s not a book that will turn the page, and sally’s writing will definitely keep you hooked until the end. it also leaves readers with a real game plan and candid examples when ideas come up, which I loved. i enjoyed sally’s speech and picked up this book when someone recommended it to me, and now recommend it to you because it’s an insightful look at persuasion.

16. made to stay: why some ideas survive and others die

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2c4nvgx

Definitely one of my favorite marketing books ever written, but it’s not something only marketers can enjoy. This Mark Twain quote is included in the book’s description: “A lie can go around the world before the truth can even put on its boots.” the authors offer an explanation for why these ideas may stick with us for so long. I feel like we all find ourselves asking a similar question at times: how did something catch on so quickly while a superior alternative faded away? Digging deeper, this book aims to address the 6 ways certain ideas just stick with us while others slip away.

17. numbers rule your world: the hidden influence of probabilities and statistics in everything you do

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buy the book: http://amzn.to/2c4njql

This book is probably the most unique of all the books on this list. I wouldn’t call it a book about persuading others, but it tackled what could have been an incredibly boring subject for some readers, the application of statistics and how they affect you, and made it a really easy read. I approached this book expecting to go slowly, but there are plenty of good examples, and fung does a fantastic job of using stories to get its points across. Whether you love numbers or simply want to take a look at statistics and your involvement in the current affairs of the world around you, you will thoroughly enjoy this book.

18. the plain truth about dishonesty: how we lie to everyone (especially ourselves)

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2bmmmpz

in case it hasn’t become apparent by now, i’m a huge fan of dan ariely’s work. there are some bold claims in this book: that perhaps honesty is nothing more than a choice between the benefit of cheating and our psychological motivation. Fortunately, Ariely presents some compelling arguments to support each point made. As with the predictably irrational, you’ll come away with a lot of questions, but in a good way: you’ll start to rethink things that were previously “obvious” in the context of what you just learned from Ariely. a lot of people have commented on how powerful the last two chapters in particular are: is there ever a context where cheating becomes socially acceptable? ariely forces you to ask these and other meaningful questions, and the result is a powerful message with a lot of research and experience. examples to analyze.

19. the power of habit (why we do what we do)

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2bxvfpv

This book was highly recommended to me and I enjoyed it, but I have a few ideas. While the author does a great job of breaking habits down into appropriate subgroups and showing how habits actually work in the brain, there is one shortcoming: the book doesn’t specifically show how to change any habits. perhaps my expectations were set for a different type of book, but I found the lack of this aspect to be addressed a bit unsatisfying. All that said, the book is still a very easy read and a great look at how habits manifest in the brain.

20. brainfluence: 100 ways to persuade and convince

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2cqsfw0

This is another book that focuses more on offering a brief review of multiple studies rather than diving deep into a few. as such it serves as a fantastic starting point and one of those rabbit hole books I mentioned earlier – you’ll find yourself following multiple experiments to learn more. one fantastic thing roger dooley has done is divide these studies into separate categories, something that failed in the yes! top book. With sections like brainfluence writing and brainfluence branding, you can know what kind of studies you are about to enter. in some cases, I found that some sources were missing: links to other books instead of the actual studies, for example. but don’t let that stop you from choosing what would otherwise be a great read.

21. neuromarketing: understanding the purchase buttons in your customer’s brain

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2cquced

This is one of the best beginner books for those interested in neuromarketing, or “intelligent marketing” as it’s often called. This means that the book is a very easy read: the studies are not cited in depth and the content is easily consumed, and if you are not new to this space, this book may seem a bit simplistic. For example, you can read my post on viral content and cover an entire section of this book on arousing buyer emotions in a single blog post. but if you’ve never encountered this material before, this book, along with the influence, are a must for beginners. those who have already read some of these books can probably pass it.

22. the branded mind

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2cqu5js

This book is not easy to read. That said, it’s a rewarding read if you can do it. du plessis argues that emotions are not in conflict with rational behavior and that they can, in fact, cause rational behavior. however, as mentioned, this book requires some patience – if you only enjoy folk psychology, be prepared for a challenge – this book reads more like a college textbook. If you’re willing to put in the effort, you’ll get a lot out of this book, as it’s one of the most compelling books on the list.

23. the paradox of choice: why more is less

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2cquglv

I really enjoyed this book; it makes you think hard about whether having a ton of options at your disposal is good for your well-being. Schwartz argues that decision-making was much simpler years ago, and while most of the book focuses on a “buy angle,” the lessons here can be carried over to many aspects of life. a large number of options tends to trick our brains into thinking that many options are good when that is not necessarily the case. While Schwartz is very much an academic, the book reads fairly smoothly and won’t trip you up over a plethora of scientific terms, though each point is fairly eloquently supported.

24. brandwashed: tricks companies use to manipulate our minds

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2bwkzqj

This is one of those amazing crossovers between understanding marketing to use in your business endeavors or simply understanding how brands are trying to persuade you. some of the examples aren’t that amazing, like grocery stores using boxes to make fruit look “farm fresh,” but others are really interesting. I wish Lindstrom had done a little more analysis on each study, as he seems to take each one at face value. That said, the studies cited are really interesting and very revealing of how easy it is for marketers to fool us.

25. the compass of pleasure

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2cr2pqb

If you’ve ever wanted to know why cigarettes are one of the most addictive substances of all time or how dopamine can turn your brain into a pleasure junkie, this is the book for you. I warn you that this is not really a book to help addiction, but to understand the nature of addiction and the processes in the brain.

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26. the buying brain

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2cr46gj

there is another book by lindstrom called buyology which is usually highly recommended when talking about books of this type. but i would say you should skip that book and get this one instead. pradeep creates a great overview of the emerging neuromarketing space and does so with many good concrete examples. I enjoyed it specifically because so many books have the problem of simply citing the research in question: as a guy who regularly reads research papers, I appreciate the exposure to new research, but I could have read it myself. this book avoids this problem by giving practical steps for implementation.

27. the secret life of pronouns: what our words say about us

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2bxg6qt

You all know that I am very interested in the psychology of language and, in particular, how psychology plays a role in storytelling. This book delves into how language can reveal a lot about a person. Some archetypes they focus on include gender, wealth, liars, sadness, introverts vs. extroverts, and a variety of others. while the research in this book was excellent (and often collaborative), I wanted more. I felt more particular examples could have been used, but as far as what there is, it’s great.

28. mistakes were made (but not by me)

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2bpszqx

If you go back to #1 on this list, you’ll see I’m an elliot aronson fan. however, if I could define this book in one word, it would be terrifying. Even more than Ariely’s contributions, this book exposes how everyone is at risk of refusing to admit their mistakes, even when the evidence is conclusive. the research is accurate and appropriately cited, the book remains an easy and enjoyable read, and it’s the kind that wrote my favorite social psychology book of all time, with a talented co-author. what is not to love.

29. social engineering: the art of human hacking

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2bxfxn2

While this book specifically addresses social engineering, there are many psychological aspects that make it a very intriguing read on influence. the book definitely has an antagonistic tone, but that’s because of the theme: people are called “victims,” ​​and activities are defined as “exploits” and “attacks” because that’s what they are. it’s like watching those shows where a former thief shows the homeowners how easy it was to break into his house. except with this book, manipulation is the issue at hand.

30. the lucifer effect: understanding how good people turn bad

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2bqq79o

This book focuses on the findings of the legendary Stanford Prison Experiment. If that research has fascinated you in any way, you should check out this book; it essentially offers an “inside look” at much of the study’s data, including things like transcripts. it’s a compelling look at how even “normal” people take on the roles of situations that many of us in the first world can barely imagine happening or would like to deny. the last chapter is also quite intriguing for those familiar with the experiment: the author describes a program intended to generate resistance to mind control strategies. Scary stuff, but a necessary read.

31. obedience to authority

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2cafnpg

Another revealing book about a fascinating, provocative, and even frightening psychology study known as the Milgram Experiment, named after the lead researcher. if he’s not familiar with the study, he was meant to test whether or not people obeyed authority, even when asked to do something they knew was wrong. details many accounts of participants showing signs of severe distress, but continuing to have the electric shocks applied while actors in another room, pretending to be other subjects, scream cries of pain. this book is necessary reading to understand the construction and inherent dangers of authority.

32. the optimism bias

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2caggre

tali sharot’s in-depth look is one of the best efforts to analyze current research, along with sharot’s own research, on optimism, memory, and their connections to our emotions and actions. my only complaint with the book is that it is too long. I wouldn’t normally make a statement like this, but what I mean is that certain parts of the book feel a bit wordy, though given the subject matter and the tendency to separate certain aspects of the investigation, that’s understandable. I still feel like the content could have been more concise, but as for what there is, it’s great. This is not a pop psychology book – check out some in-depth research from a leading expert. definitely worth choosing if he is interested in neuroscience and memory studies.

33. mindfulness

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2bmupvq

author and professor ellen langer would posit that mindless or robotic behavior can cause a lot of pain in life. I agree, and the fact that so many other books on this list show how susceptible we are to that kind of behavior, I’d say it’s a problem worth worrying about. The purpose of this book is to encourage the reader to become more aware of their actions and to notice when automatic behavior begins to take over. as some disappointed reviewers have pointed out, the focus is on the process of creating more mindfulness in your life rather than the benefits of change.

34. influence: the irresistible pull of irrational behavior

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2bmt8fa

Although I really enjoyed this book, there is certainly some merit to the top critical review on amazon: “this book is a repeat of other, better books.” that’s not to say that swinging isn’t an enjoyable read. rather, the book’s predecessors delve into the same concepts. one of them is influence, so at least the book is in good company in terms of the things it talks about; he just did it much later and from a bite-size perspective. however, again, this book can serve as a fantastic starter read that helps you find many other great studies to refer to. the content is also quality and will be new to you if you’re not an avid reader of psychology books, so don’t be afraid to give this one a try.

35. redirect

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buy the book: http://amzn.to/2cr4ngb

Wilson’s approach in this book can be summed up in two broad general points: (1) using the “story editing” process to change our perception, and (2) that what is true of the culture is also true of the culture. it is for individuals. . This book seeks to understand and transmit knowledge, not to help you change your life. This book, which is all about niceties and subtle changes, does a good job of giving relevant examples that make the somewhat opaque descriptions much easier to relate to. this is an interesting book and one of the few that strays into positive psychology territory, definitely worth a read.

36. Brain Rules: 12 Principles to Survive and Thrive

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2bwrut2

Another reviewer’s summary of this book described it as “mythbusters for the brain,” an apt description. Misconceptions like “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” are put to the test, and Medina does a great job of finding relevant research to put claims like that to bed. Interestingly, this book often appears on leadership lists, despite not being a leadership or management book. he’d say his two main topics seem to hinge on productivity and relationship management, so it’s easy to see why a business and leadership-oriented crowd would enjoy this book. for everyone else, it’s a very easy read and worth checking out.

37. you’re not that smart

but the book: http://amzn.to/2cg1938

mcraney deals heavily with the fallacies in our minds that make us look very stupid when they are in action, takes topics that are widely known to those with an interest in the field, such as the dunning-kruger effect, and creates a entertaining read on well covered studies. The thing is, the presentation makes this book worthwhile even if you’ve already heard of some of them, and McRaney is a great writer; his blog made it to my list of successful blogs that are awesome and not about marketing. If he’s interested in how his brain is sabotaging him and finding out more about the delusions we all have, this book is the perfect place to start.

38. what makes your brain happy (and why you should do the opposite)

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2c4qss6

take this as a more serious version of the previous book. Largely concerned with cognition and cognitive biases specifically, David Disalvo makes this book stand out in a number of ways. research is not repeated like many books he will find in this space. Not only that, there are tactics and resource materials included in the book. my only problem with these is that they’re clustered near the end instead of being scattered over the many great examples. an exciting book overall with a lot to offer. I read it very recently and I’m glad I did.

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39. incognito: the secret lives of the brain

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2bqsk5j

This book is about levels of consciousness in the brain. As we have seen, your brain is not just what you think you control. while the examples in this book are quite interesting, considering it’s a “real” neuroscience book, I was expecting a little more from the research. however, the writing is captivating; At the very least, you’ll learn how to write attention-grabbing headlines as Eagleman sends you page after page of very interesting findings about our unconscious.

40. originals: how nonconformists move the world

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2crax1d

anything you do will be considered original or cliché compared to what currently exists; creation can be lonely hours, but a final product is never judged in isolation. In other words, creative work lives in a dynamic and constantly changing ecosystem. getting ahead of the curve, or doing the unexpected, means avoiding what everyone currently expects, which requires knowing what everyone expects. knowing the metagame, or comparing your work to what exists today, is helpful in spotting opportunities for differentiation. originals will help you spot opportunities to stand out and delve into the research on how creative thinking works and what you can do to foster those lightbulb moments.

41. out of place

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2bqspw6

What exactly happens when someone breaks character? Is the character even concrete, or is it more like a shade of gray? I found this book truly fascinating in its unique focus on character and the psychology of how external events affect it. living a monotonous life often makes it difficult to understand these peculiar acts, and this book takes a look at many examples that show us that if we were in similar circumstances, we would very likely act in similar ways. excellent examples, excellent research, and great focus make this book a must read.

42. flicker

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2bqsujo

what’s nice about this book is that the studies presented are interesting and gladwell does an excellent job of showing how people can develop a sense of things; it becomes one of the most interesting books on the unconscious because of this. however, the problem with the book is obvious: many others have pointed it out. this book seems like a collection of stories and not a unified idea. other than that, the different sections are too interesting to pass up because of this general lack of unity.

43. the person and the situation

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2crb2ba

This book is about situational influence and its effects on our decision-making process. the authors do a great job of demonstrating the many types of faulty logic we are prone to in a variety of settings. this book almost reads like one of those big textbooks you had in college: the ones you really enjoyed, even though they were supposed to be academic. however, I would classify it as an introductory book, so keep that in mind if you are very familiar with the field.

44. the psychology of attitude change and social influence

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2c4st76

If I could sum this book up in one sentence, I would call it a more academic influence. What I mean is that the book takes a very scholarly approach to the psychology of influence, but it is perhaps a little less practical than Cialdini’s work. however, for a true academic understanding of persuasion, this book is fantastic. It was highly recommended to me by a former teacher of mine, and I’m glad I chose it. If you liked the previous recommendation, the one covering Zimbardo’s prison experiment, you should consider this book as well.

45. situations matter

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2cr82xu

I really enjoyed the writing style of this book. My goal with this blog has always been to take interesting psychology and neuroscience research and turn it into actionable and digestible posts for readers. I can appreciate when an author has a fun writing style to keep things interesting. That said, it’s not for everyone. the research, however, is enjoyable for both academic and lay readers. I would summarize that the topic is about the psychology of “context”, and the implications are quite powerful. for example, “who we love is explained more by geography, familiarity, and state of mind than we realize.” one of those books that invites you to ask intriguing questions.

46. the willpower instinct: how self-control works

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2bxk8zq

This is a book that goes deep into positive psychology, but it is, without exception, one of the best out there. In my opinion, self-control and work ethic go hand in hand: Many people want to work hard, but it is a lack of self-control that prevents them from doing so. And let’s be frank here, everyone suffers from a lack of self-control from time to time. If you are interested in applying psychology to improve yourself and your mind, this is the book for you. if not, you’ll still walk away with a great understanding of how self-control works in our minds. This book is practical, the science is sound, and the author, Kelly McGonigal, is highly regarded – I have no hesitation in recommending this one.

47. the turning point

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2bquisc

As with much of Gladwell’s work, I found this really interesting, but perhaps a little short of the hype that surrounds it (and there was a lot of hype, so it’s hard to tackle this book ahead of time). neutral). Gladwell would surmise that there are 3 types of gifted people who are essential to “sticky” ideas: Connectors, Mavens, and Salespeople. while all the information is great for explaining that there are critical aspects of things becoming “epidemics” or “going viral”, it doesn’t really explain how that happens, just that it happens. Now, it’s not like I’m looking for “how to create a viral campaign” from this book, but examples in that area are lacking. still, it’s a very important book and it references the realm of monkeys, so he needed to include it.

48. how to win friends and influence people

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2bqtsmv

With the reach this book has had over its long life, it’s unlikely you’ve never seen it before. To mix things up a bit, since this book is so well known, I thought I’d offer some great insights from one of my all-time favorite book reviews:

The advice is largely sensible, but I think the reader needs to keep in mind the context in which this book was written…[it was] primarily intended as a companion book to Dale Carnegie’s lectures on how to be a good salesperson… these techniques work very well in the context of sales and public relations, that is, in relationships that are not expected to be deep and/or long-lasting.

What I found most interesting was that the last chapter…was to describe those individuals with whom none of the Dale Carnegie techniques work. In this unpublished chapter, Carnegie wrote that there were some people who were impossible to get along with. or you needed to divorce those people, “tear them down” or sue them in court.

why is that chapter missing from this book? well, dale carnegie was writing this chapter when he was offered a trip to europe, and instead of completing this last chapter, he decided to take the trip. the incomplete book was sent to publishers and carnegie was sent to europe.

creating something often reveals the intentions of the creator, and this is one of those facts that adds a lot of color and context to this book, and should help you see advice in the right light.

49. strangers to ourselves

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2c4u1am

Your conscious mind isn’t always in control, a common theme in the psychology books on this list. this book is one of the biggest shakeups in this category of understanding that concept; it’s definitely a psychology book, but the questions it raises almost make it sound like the book was written for philosophy majors. While it’s an easy read, it’s certainly a brain teaser. I didn’t find the research as compelling as other similar books, but the questions posed by Wilson are by far some of my favorites.

50. the invisible gorilla (how our intuitions deceive us)

buy the book: http://amzn.to/2bwslcz

Before reading this book, watch this video and count how many times the players in the white jerseys pass the basketball. Go ahead, I’ll wait. how many did you count that’s the study the book takes its name from, and it looks at how we often have huge illusions about our attention. Even if the study didn’t fool you, you’ll probably enjoy the book. if the studio got you hooked, you’ll love it even more.

books are a unique portable magic

that’s a quote from stephen king that perfectly captures the joy of reading and learning. One last note: This list was compiled based on a broad scope—social psychology, persuasion, understanding the mind—and was also not limited to strictly scientific books so that it could be enjoyed by a wide variety of people. some pop psychology is obviously going to make the list. Thanks for reading and please share this article if you liked it.

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